I want to change color. But it doesn't work! How can I change color?...I mean text-color

Heya! You should remove this part of the code
https://imgur.com/a/wp7MjuY (check this pic out to see where it is)

Once you've done that, add 'color:' after the style="..." and type whatever color you want after "color:" . I recommend using a HEX code ^^

How about the tittle's color?....I just confused to put them. Sorry I just confused to using new HTML new style. ^^'

I recommend checking out this thing: https://toyhou.se/18757952.html-snippet-shortcuts

I'm using the class 'text-primary' in the titles I'm pretty sure. If you remove that from the class, you can then add color like you've done before ^^

Now, it works! Thank you for helping me to situation ^^ <3

Sorry to bother you, but is there a way to make this code 3 columns instead of just 2?

Heya! That's totally fine, I quickly edited the code here: https://zerobin.net/?a209b61f3af1a705#wyMwKZcbg2KmbzmdpK6BkgwwkjaM05tj6gv5b7jjP6w=

This should normally work ^^

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I see what you mean, I'll make a tab for this code real quick

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