


1 year, 9 months ago
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• First Name: Merikh

• Last Name: (Unknown)

• Nickname: Riki

• Pronouns: She/Her

• Gender: Female

• Age: Physical age 18, Real age around 110?

• Species: Half Elf, Half Vampire

• Sexuality: Bisexual

• Birthday: August 23th

<~×About The Oc×~>

• Personality: She thinks extremely highly of herself, and considers all humans to be inferior. She supports the saying keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer. She can be extremely manipulative and calculating. She is open to trying new things, and has found a liking for human foods. She can be a bit of a bully sometimes and will appear could and distant to people who don't know her well.

• Good Habit(s): Determined, courageous, she never gives up in the middle of a task, she is extremely organized and has great time management.

• Bad habit(s): Has a short temper and is known to snap for the most ridiculous reasons. She can be a bit bratty sometimes. She doesn't have a filter, she says anything that comes to mind regardless of the possible consequences.

• Like(s): Human food, tomato juice, blades

• Dislike(s): Humans

• Hobbies: Reading about humans, researching humans, eating food, hanging out with friends

• Strength(s): Strong, has a good aim, great at reading people

• Weakness(es): She tends to underestimate her opponents.

• Special Powers/Abilities: She as enhanced physical strengths so she is more physically capable than most humans.

• Weapon(s): Throwing knives and daggers

<~×Family and Friends×~>

• Parent(s): Deceased

• Sibling(s): None

• Friend(s): (TBD)


• Merikh's father was a vampire and her mother, an elf. Her family was pretty well respected in society, as they were wealthy and had high social statuses within their species. Merikh grew up in a home where she was constantly being compared to other people and being verbally abused by her father. Long story short, she ended up staking her father in the heart in a moment of outrage and she cracked, the happiness and positivity drained out of her. But she had always thought that something was rather.. strange about her dad's behaviour. Her father never used to be like this, he used to be so kind and understanding, she didn't know what made him change. But... she had a suspicion. It was humans. Humans ruined her, they ruined her father, they ruined her family. That was the reason she hated them so. The trauma of killing her father still haunts her till this day, she would never forgive them, never forgive the humans who broke her. She promised herself that she would get revenge.. one day. But first... she had to blend in, observe them, to get to the end of all this.