


1 year, 10 months ago


Height 5'11"
Age 36
Gender trans man
Pronouns he/him
Sexuality bisexual

First impressions aren't everything, but the cold, indifferent, prone-to-violence front Cain puts up isn't very far from the truth. Difficult to manage and even worse to talk to, Cain's emotions seem to only ever range from boredom to annoyance, occasionally spiking up to an incandescent rage if pushed hard enough. Reckless and impulsive, Cain needs something to do to keep him busy practically always, but also hates being told what to do. He's very selfish and puts himself first in everything, barely sparing so much as a glance for anyone else.

Keeping anyone and everyone at arm's length, earning his trust is an agonizingly slow, if not impossible venture. Cain views practically every other person he meets as 'guilty until proven innocent' and always seems to almost be looking for an excuse to start a fight. When forced to socialize and play nice, he clams up, refusing to give anyone so much as the time of day--though maybe it's just a little bit that he doesn't know how to talk or what to say. It's difficult for him to feel comfortable staying in one place for long; he tends to feel frustrated and antsy, bordering on paranoid when unable to uproot and move somwhere else, putting him on even more of a hair trigger than usual.


Born to parents who wanted nothing but a perfect, polite, properly God-fearing little princess, it comes as little surprise the fact that Cain's life was a disaster even from the outset. The harder his parents tried to push him into their mold, the harder he rebelled. While his acting out was mostly harmless at first, it didn't take long for his belligerence to spill into violence--he frequently fought with other kids at school, refused to make friends and developed a penchant for destructive behavior, all while no forms of discipline seemed to work.

He was hardly 18 years old before tensions came to a head and he finally, abruptly left home. Angry and directionless, in the years following, he made his way by doing whatever odd jobs of dubious legality came his way--as someone who had no qualms with breaking bones and burning down buildings, he found there was almost always someone who wanted someone else scared or in pain, if not straight up dead. Cain continued like this for years, even falling in with some familiar circles while still never quite letting anyone super close.

It couldn't last forever, and eventually what stability he had found came crashing down--used as a scapegoat, he was betrayed and sold out to the police. While the charges piled on him in the moment were substantial, once it was found out who he was, and what he was still running from, it became that much more serious. Apprehended at age 28, Cain winds up spending the next 8 years behind bars, somehow growing even more angry, resentful and violent.

Once released, it would be proven that Cain learned absolutely nothing from any of this and continues being his same self with a new vindictive edge--he was deeply, sorely wronged and he's about to make it everyone else's problem until he finds whoever was responsible.


  • PLOT TWIST! Before he was born, Cain's parents were cursed by a demon they summoned; convinced that it was just a joke and that surely demons couldn't possibly be real, they and their friends were scared shitless and completely unprepared for this ritual they attempted to actually work. Immensely displeased at being summoned by bumbling morons with nothing to show for it, rather than just killing them, it cursed their bloodline in retaliation. Unbeknownst to them, Cain had already been concieved, so...oops! Their treatment of him as a child directly stems from them thinking if they repent and pray hard enough, the curse will go away, but uhh. Haha.
  • Due to the aforementioned curse, Cain is very much less human than he appears, though he didn't learn about the reality of his identity until recently. Naturally he thinks it's fucking awesome and is trying Very hard to learn to draw out and control this power and his 'true' form.
  • Before he started calling himself Cain, he went by Talon.
  • Cain has a......fascination with knives. Though he's pretty good with all sorts of weapons, knives are special and he's carrying a ridiculous amount on his person at all times--a fraction of his collection, surely.
  • Speaks with very little affect and doesn't seem to emote much at all save for potentially furrowing his brow just a little bit more.
  • Kind of ludicrous pain tolerance. It takes a lot to make him so much as flinch.