


1 year, 9 months ago


Name: Seraphina
Nickname(s): Seraph, Gale
"Mortal" Name: Sabrina Gale Williams

A higher-ranking angel that went missing many years ago.
As her name implies, Seraphina was meant to be one of a kind from her kin until a freak accident happened in the Heavens.
This accident caused Seraphina to fall from the Heavens onto the mortal realm and, being young and very new to the world, was left to fend for herself until a polite religious family found her and took her in.
Seraph was considered a gift to her human parents and thus, was very dotted for being a heavenly being, fitting even. She learned that humans held them on a very high pedestal and pretending to follow that has given her in some sense, ridiculous amounts of restrictions.

She has her true angel form and honestly, she's scared her parents on occasions since they don't understand that part of her. Imagine how scary this is for Seraph too because she doesn't know why she changes into an entirely different thing every now and then.

Fun fact(s):
-"Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?" is quite literal with her.
-Aggressively buys antiques and vintage trinkets
-Due to her upbringing with her very religious family, they themselves can be seen doing some very non-religious stuff.
-Sometimes, in the back of her mind, she hears voices of someone calling out to them, begging them to come home.
-Seraph could technically be classified as a tainted angel because of the things she's done but being so far from the Heavens and with no exact purpose, she's exempted from this.