Asriel Castiel



1 year, 9 months ago



Angelus De Ossibus

18/08 ; Poppy

I'm glad to hear that you're still hopeful, even after all you've lost. It can be hard to imagine a future without the memories that shaped you, but perhaps we can work together to create a new gallery that captures those memories in a way that feels as real as ever. No matter what happens, I promise to be there with you, to help you reclaim the pieces of your past and stitch them into a beautiful work of art that you can treasure for the rest of your life. Let's create that gallery together, and fill it with moments full of sweet memories that you can hold onto, no matter what may come.


Asriel tends to evaluate people critically, failing to forgive those who have wronged him or Monarch. However, Asriel's selfless and loyal nature makes him an endearing and compassionate person, as he works ceaselessly for the betterment of his beloved ones. During his early years, he faced humiliation and contempt due to his uncommon features, as he was constantly jeered and made a joke of by his companions. Much like his coworker; Cupido, he was initially employed as a mid rank memory collector until discovering his extreme “passion” in art he then began applying it too his work which astounded both him and his workmates.

What sparked his interest so suddenly? After working with Cupido for a while, he noticed his hidden distress when losing something dear to him, from small too completely irreplaceable. Since his coworker was not fond of idea of becoming nor having friends, Asriel began to look for solutions himself. He experimented with mutliple different schemes until one provided results close enough too his goal. Immediately, he found himself excitedly pitching it to his workmates: He proposed that he could learn to perhaps replace an “empty“ memory with an animation, an accurate recreation of what he felt was lost. Cupido was initially against it, becoming more upset that even thinking about the scheme would have required Asriel to intrude on his mindset. It deeply frightened him causing a small outrage from feeling of imterference. However, after Asriel's persistent nagging explaining and pleading , he was forced to at least try his ridiculous idea.

Free time

When at home, he would work a seperate passion project: locating missing animals of all extinct or critically ill species. He'd let them dance and play one last time even without muscle and sinew. Some before returning to a further shore would stay with him until they felt safe enpugh to be alone. He has found more than one pet this way, likely small and skeletal. Being quiet whilst alone himself he enjoyed having skeletal pets, for they had no vocal cords with which to bark, meow, screech. He’d paint the creatures he meets letting them rest in a gallery dedicated to those lost but he’d hate to of been forgotten


selfless, appreciative, open minded


fearful, forgetful for simplicity , biased

Main Personal Goal

To find a way help his lover cope with loss

Name Asriel Castiel
Age 18
Gender ???
Height 5'9
Birthsign leo
Place of Origin Agates Memoria
Enneatype 2W1


  • A hopeless romantic at heart, despite his stoic demeanor. He is a sucker for a good love story and secretly enjoys reading romantic novels in his free time.
  • Asriel has a soft spot for animals, particularly cats. He is often seen fussing over stray cats in the neighborhood and regularly volunteers at animal shelters in his free time.
  • Asriel's name means the "God of Protection" in Hebrew
  • Asriel is fluent in several languages, including Italian and French.
  • He has a slight nervous habit of tapping his fingers against his palm when he's thinking deeply.




Monarch soulmates

Asriel cherishes the deep connection he shares with Monarch, believing them to be soulmates. When he thinks of Monarch, he feels immense adoration and love that no other experience can compare to. He will never stop fighting for their relationship, and vows to always be there for Monarch, even in their darkest moments. He knows that Monarch is a crucial part of his life, and will do everything in his power to make them happy. Asriel is always ready to offer his words of kindness and affection to ease Monarch's worries and make them feel loved and supported. Despite their differences, Asriel believes that their shared bonds make them more alike than they realize, and he will never let Monarch go.


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Page last modified; 05 / 12 / 2023