Masir al-Qamar (01 | ♡ Kaveh/Masir/Alhaitham)




Masir is closely connected with both Kaveh and Alhaitham for different reasons. With Kaveh, he was courted by the latter during their Akademiya years and married straight after graduation. With Alhaitham, well, needless to say they were actually very close friends for a while. Masir and Alhaitham worked on joint researches together due to needing Alhaitham's specialization in languages whereas Kaveh openly sought out Masir while he was taking an elective in Ksharehwar. While Kaveh was courting Masir, Alhaitham was there trying to reason with the latter to think his decisions through and marry him at a later date when they are both more secure in their lives rather than struggle to build a foundation together. Words fell on deaf ears as Masir and Kaveh had a rather poorly planned and chaotic wedding. However to them who were young and stupid, it was still a night to remember.

They were married for a few years fresh after graduation as Masir landed a prestigious job at the Xunhua Sorcery School in Liyue. however; due to the nuclear case of the Al'Qamar tragedy and the subsequent trauma of it all laid upon Masir, the latter divorced Kaveh in his grief. While Kaveh believes that there was something wrong with the relationship, Masir refused to tell him the truth that he didn't want to be a burden due to this traumatic experience. Alhaitham refused to allow Masir to self destruct, and confronted him about his grief and his feelings about his family situation. Masir didn't want to hear anything that Alhaitham had to say, but he needed to in order to recover. Alhaitham did not confront Kaveh about what Masir had to say, believing that it would be best that the two of them resolve it on their own because it was their marriage. That, and he had his own agenda.

Alhaitham never realized he had feelings for Masir until after the latter got married to Kaveh. During the ceremony, he was supportive, but as time went on and he realized his feelings for his best friend, he lamented that he didn't realize and act sooner. It was a personal belief that he was the better option, since he knew Masir in a way that Kaveh didn't due to their years of friendship as opposed to Kaveh's fewer years of courting. While Alhaitham did not go directly in for the kill with Masir in the wake of his divorce, he wanted to let him know that even if he still had feelings for Kaveh, there were still many different choices he could make now that Masir is no longer leaglly bound to him by marriage. This planted the seeds in Masir that maybe he should start getting a move on because it was him that initiated the divorce in the first place.

When Masir reached a wealthy celebrity status in Port Ormos a few years later, he still remains separated from Kaveh. However; upon hearing about Kaveh's debt, Masir reached out to him after years of silence to help him clear his name with Dori. Since then, there have been no discussions of rekindling their marriage due to Masir's emotional damages and Kaveh's debt. Although, the least Masir could do is let Kaveh bunk with him again. Then again, he's not ready to recommit. For unknown reasons aside from wanting to help Masir out, Alhaitham offered to have Kaveh stay with him in his house if Masir was uncomfortable with the notion. He respected Masir's space and did not force him to room with him instead especially after his numerous indirect confessions. Masir was unsure about the arrangement considering that their personalities would clash plenty of times, and he worried that it would be too much for the both of them since, he admits, he does care for the both of them. Alhaitham was willing to bite the bullet for Masir this time, and gave no issue.

It would be a while before Masir and Kaveh would rekindle their relationship; to the point that Masir would commission Kaveh to build him a new manor with enough funding. To Kaveh's sheer surprise and delight, Masir wanted him to build the dream house they have been planning since before they divorced. However, things had become complicated now that Alhaitham had made his feelings known to Masir, and even gave him a ring to give weight to his words. While this embittered Kaveh, he told Masir that he didn't want to scare him off again and was willing to do anything to his comfort, and accept whom he wanted to pursue. Masir, understanding the complication of the situation, nearly ran off again in his shame that he couldn't commit to just one person and had accepted Alhaitham's advances. However, Kaveh was a lot more willing to share than he had anticipated, especially if it meant his happiness.

Masir would sit with himself weighing his decisions. Now that his heart had been split into two, and considering that both were willing to be cordial in respect for his decisions, he decided to bite the bullet and consider having both. At once. It was out of his comfort zone, but Masir found himself so unwilling to compromise either of them. The news came as a major shock by all means, but Masir had made his decision. Plans for the dream house would eventually be changed ever so slightly to accomodate Alhaitham to Kaveh's dismay, but both had promised to remain cordial and civil for Masir's sake.