
Here's the boy, Tiberius the Minotaur. He was built for an all year round horror attraction for the lower level of the attraction. He stands at a wicked 6"11, and has the strength to crush an apple in his grip. He is there to bring horror and fear to anyone who enters his labyrinth.

Tiberius's main gimmick is the fact that his part of the attraction is an EXTREMELY dark labyrinth that he knows like the back of his hand. Another part of the gimmick is that there are speakers all around the labyrinth that gives the effect of his voice echoing all throughout the maze, instilling fear in those who dare enter his domain. But guests aren't left without ways to trick the minotaur if only for a little while. Hidden around the labyrinth are many different types of hiding spots, from the simple table to hide under to closets and cupboards. However, there is a hiding spot in the labyrinth that is too good to be a real hiding spot. A room that seems to only have one entrance, a lockable door. But this room is a ruse as when a guest enters it, Tiberius is immediately alerted to the fact that a guest is hiding in the room. The room also has a secret entrance for Tiberius, a rotating wall on a turntable so when a guest uses this hiding spot they'll soon be face to face with Tiberius, and he'll be enjoying chasing you around the room until you decide to open the door and run. Guests that come with friends can also use the good old strategy of sell out their friends to get Tiberius off their tail for a little bit. However this can backfire if Tiberius thinks the guest done something that he deems "too rude". things in this category include a guest shoving their friends either onto the floor or towards Tiberius to make Tiberius chase the friend. Any game of sell out your friends that Tiberius deems "too rude" will result in Tiberius chasing the guest who did the rude act and giving them a good fright. Tiberius really enjoys taunting the eventual victims of his loud roars and snarling.. He wields his trusty prop Warhammer to increase his horror factor. When not in use he rests in his room that was an unused medium sized storage room. 

Tiberius's personality can be described with one word, moron. He's a scary moron, but still a moron. Often making the stupidest jokes ever Tiberius will unleash a barrage of bad puns and jokes towards any unsuspecting Animatronic or staff member. He'll often make cow puns when not hunting guests and is generally a silly doofus. When performing however he becomes the main cause of soiled undergarments in the attraction, often running down guests with his Warhammer raised, causing guests to flee in terror. Tiberius can be quite a terrifying beast when the situation calls for it. This ability to frighten is amplified if the guest he's terrorizing is wearing a wristband. A wristband means that Tiberius is allowed to touch the guest. Often lightly grabbing and shoving them to Instil fear without harming the guest. Tiberius can also "pull" guests out of any of the Labyrinth's many hiding spots.

One of the hobbies Tiberius enjoys outside of work hours is music, mainly music from the 1970's and 80's, but if he likes the song, he will listen to it. His absolute favorite song is Don't Fall by The Chameleons. (The robots by Kraftwerk being a close second) Due to originally being a stage robot he's a pretty good singer and dancer, often not being shy to show off his moves to fellow bots and staff members. He also draws in his spare time.

Tiberius's internal mech is mainly made of heat treated steel for the main frame, any other metal parts are made of lightweight aluminum. Like Viper, he is built to be able to take a punch or a kick from any guest that does so out of fear. His eyes have two modes of vision, normal and night vision, allowing him to see in the labyrinth. To everyone else, all they will see clearly in the labyrinth is a set of glowing maroon eyes once they are found by the Minotaur. The A.I. that brings him to life has a few hard codded limits,  things like not being able to harm anything and having a language filter. Covering his mech is a strong fabric that feels like fluffy felt. He also has many small servos In his face to make facial expressions. Many of which he learned from watching the other animatronics and humans. His two favorite expressions to make are sticking his tongue out at people and wiggling his ears. The main way Tiberius charges is by sitting in a large specially made chair. How Tiberius keeps his CPU cooled is with an air cooling system in which air is inhaled through his nose, it's passed through a super chiller, and is circulated around his body. The air is then exhaled out of his nose for the cycle to continue. ( He often uses his cooling system to trick guests into thinking that there is a living, breathing Minotaur hunting them 

Another big feature about Tiberius is his learning A.I. This A.I. is meant to soak up anything new Tiberius experiences and uses it to learn from said experience. One of the main things Tiberius is improving are his scares and hunting tactics, always looking for ways to spice up his performances. The other main thing his A.I. is doing is improving his singing abilities. As Tiberius sings more his learning A.I. analyzes any mistakes and attempts to fix them. This often has mixed results. Sometimes there is improvement and other times it's a disaster. 

Tiberius's sense of humor often bleeds into his scares, often making puns and generally striking a balance between being absolutely terrifying and being a goofy doofus.

The many things that Tiberius has said:

"Ah, you've arrived just in time for dinner. And YOU'RE the main course!"

"Would you like for me to start with a quick bite to the skull or should I take my time?"

"Man, I'm about to eat good tonight!"

"Yes, you should be running scared right now! But don't, because it's really dark down here and I don't want you to trip."


"Hey you, come closer. I don't bite! *Laughs*"

"Marco *pauses waiting for a response* come on! For this to work you have to play along too!"

" Ya know I can smell the fear in the air, and it led me straight to you *laughs*

"Welcome to my wonderful home! I really hope you enjoy your stay! Because it's going to be a long one!"

"That little ghost isn't going to be able to guide you out of this place! HAHAHAHAHA!"

"Hey, you! You look mighty delicious....HEY DON'T RUN AWAY I'M A NICE MINOTAUR! Wait, who am I kidding YOU CAN RUN BUT NOT AS LONG AS I!"

(will add more later)

Trivia about Tiberius:

Tiberius after hours often heads up to the upper level to see the less scary part of the attraction out of curiosity and to socialize.

Tiberius has the forbidden knowledge of the fact that he's not a real Minotaur and is in fact an animatronic.

While Tiberius may playfully tease his colleagues, he doesn't actually want his words to be taken literally, that's why he doesn't mess with Dink about being a robot as not to make Dink's stress spike.

If Tiberius ever runs into a kid in his labyrinth, he will immediately contact the human employees to get the kid back to their parents, luckily he has never had to do that.

On multiple occasions, Tiberius has tried to disable his language filter to no success.

Tiberius has been dropkicked before 

Tiberius has often joked about bringing Dink into the lower level of the attraction to show him that it's not that scary but due to the lack of railway system and Dink's protests that hasn't happened yet.

Tiberius's favorite staff member is a senior mechanic named Sidney Rollins. Sidney tolerates Tiberius because Tiberius' personality and mannerisms remind him of his son, Jackson Rollins. Tiberius likes Sidney because Sidney tolerates his moronic behavior more than some of the other staff members.

The reason Tiberius reminds Sidney of his son so much is because Jackson works for the company that built Tiberius and he created Tiberius's personality, modeling it after his own.

Tiberius really likes to collect the things guests drop in his Labyrinth. He believes that every item dropped has a story of its own and he will keep these items in his room.

Tiberius is strong enough to carry bots smaller than him. But most bots don't trust him because he's kinda careless when carrying smaller bots. For example he has dropped Snarks before.

Tiberius was originally created for a stage play/musical where he was the antagonist. When the theater that commissioned him came to pick him up they rejected his design because they believed he looked too scary. Tiberius was then sold to the Haunted attraction at a discounted price.

Tiberius's Spotify playlist