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User Content Warning

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if u get an adopt from me or draw my character don't change the characters race. 

SPOILED: DNI + Blacklist:


if you say the derogatory term for "feminine boy"; if ur an endo system; ableist/homophobic/transphobic (yes that includes you if you make fun of neo pronouns. stfu they're not for you) /racist/xenophobic/antisemitic/colorist mfs. it won't be tolerated; if you think trans people are smol or whatever tf; if you're transphobic- yes that includes if people use xenos; if u like serial killers cause of the show or at all (in a non informational way, ur chill if u watch documentaries and like true crime); pro shippers; zoophiles; if u are friends w anyone on my blacklist. DSMP stans (fictives and irls ily).

sanders sides is really upsetting. (explanation: here)

just block me or leave me be.


  • Sunny56 - transphobia, was my friend and then harassed me with other people 
  • ZillaVio - scamming me and saying that zilla had done it to numerous other people and zilla didn’t see a problem with it 
  • _Idiotic_Spirit_/IdoticSpirit_Sales - being genuinely rude and basically harassing my bff.
  • Masked_killer - transphobia, harassment, scamming Multiple friends of mine 
  • lepus/chaoshead, cyberhead/chuyas/g3ars/strangled, collei/girlz, 222/saikikusuo, and possibly pigeonby (i was blocked by pigeonby once cyb blocked me i think) - dm for explanation, i'm gonna make a whole post about everything they've done


  • DR3AMZ_TV - transphobia, homophobia, forcing religion, being generally horrid
  • ToastyBunn - spreading literal cp??? WTF.
  • DipperPinez - design theft and manipulation of multiple creators on here 
  • Straqilight;- fatphobia, harassment, scamming, guilt tripping 
  • MoMoVa - proshipper 
  • kittydog - zoophile 
  • Faerieblue - whitewashing, being genuinely rude when confronted about editing a character w/out permission 
  • meowing_shrimp/sunky/kabi - literal cp, zoophillia, scamming41955703_q3a5KoEepKg0Ski.gif

Tag me if you reference my stuff! Colors and art styles don't belong to me, have fun with art and take inspiration from my works if you wish. 

Also, I'm a nice person, I get attached to people easily so lmk where we stand as friends cause I'll draw someone fanart then think were bffs SORRY IN ADVANCE. tell me if that makes you uncomfortable. I never want to make people uncomfortable. 41941296_prpoehnKKejUA2y.gif

Character Content Warning

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he contains triggering topics such as s.lf harm s.icide abuse grooming etc

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