
1 year, 9 months ago


Age: 18
Birthday: July
Race: Hylian
Hometown: Kakariko Village
Homeland: Hyrule

Clothing: Warm colours, golds, tunics, anything fit for an adventurer
Accessories: Belt
Inventory: Sword, Shield, Blue Potion, Yellow Potion, Fairy, Foul Fruit, Scoot Fruit, one borrowed item from Ravio's Shop at a time

Favorite Food
: Premium Milk, Apples, Fried Egg and Rice, Egg Pudding
Flower: Anemona Mona Lisa
Likes: Adventuring, treasure, the Milk Bar, music, Maiamais
If she were to be described using one word, it's bright. She's intelligent and quick-witted, almost always seen with a smile on her face. She's got a cheerful mood that tends to be contagious and she's always willing to lend out a helping hand. Lisa always radiates with positivity and easily makes friends that will last her a lifetime.


An adventurer who has traveled across Hyrule, exploring for secrets and treasures. She's visited the Blacksmith's Forge often for new weapons for her adventures. When Ravio's Shop opens at Link's House, Lisa is confused and curious about Link's new roommate and how he got his hands on such wonderful items.

In game, it would be a mechanic where if you get lost, you can go talk to her for hints since she'd have a lot of knowledge of the overworld.


Due to visiting the Blacksmith's Forge so often, Lisa's bond with the family is just as strong as their weaponry. She's especially fond of Gulley, and appreciates that he looks after Link while she's gone.

Link: Her dearest childhood friend. When visiting the Blacksmith's Forge, she often requests for Link to work on her weapons, wanting to help him hone his skill.

Princess Zelda: While she tries to hide her feelings, she couldn't help but fall for the princess of Hyrule.

Ravio: When Lisa first came into his shop, Ravio was stunned to see her, then got rather flustered when she asked him what was wrong. He hadn't expected to run into Mona's counterpart in Hyrule so it startled him. With Ravio wanting to keep her safe, too, he decides to let Lisa borrow his items for a smaller fee.

Mona: Her Lorulean counterpart.