
Popcorn the Dog
Age 21 Years Old
Height 5'4" (162.56 cm)
Gender Cis Male (He/Him)
Orientation Polyamorous Bisexual
Race/Species Dog (No Specific Breed)
Worth ~$15

Sweet/Sugary Foods!

Warm Weather

Being With Friends!

His Boyfriends hehe <3

Super Spicy Foods

Nihilistic/Cynical People

Being By Himself


Empathetic . Outgoing . Generous

Popcorn is a young canine whose brightly colored, purple fur definitely matches with his personality! Where he's from, it's difficult to find someone that doesn't at least know who Popcorn is, as he's constantly bouncing all over the place looking for things to do and finding new friends to make. He's practically the definition of outgoing and bubbly, nearly always having a big smile on his face and a tail that wags non-stop. He gets joy in life over the simplest of things, whether it be from just going outdoors and getting some fresh air, watching the birds in the park or something much more extravagant like riding a roller coaster or flying in a private jet with his boyfriends, Lime and Dagger. In addition to him just being well known for being outside all the time and always talking to new people, having a love for lending a helping hand wherever he can, Popcorn also gained some notoriety after he became best friends with Lime, a popular internet celebrity, managing to charm his way into the usually self-absorbed hyena's heart. It's not uncommon for people to approach Popcorn for a photo or autograph, and he's always extremely happy to do so, this happening all the more often whenever he's with Lime- which, to be fair, is most of the time. While Lime can sometimes come across as quite rude and self-centered, Popcorn definitely helps keep him in check with this behavior, also doing the same for his other boyfriend, Dagger, making sure he doesn't come across as too harsh or brash to anyone they meet. While not many things make him truly angry, Popcorn is easily upset by any sort of fighting or arguing, being very pacifictic and empathetic at his heart and just wanting everyone to get along, which can make him act quite naive at times. He doesn't like being by himself for long periods of time, always needing to socialize with something or someone, and hates being cooped up inside even more- though with his partners, it's very rare that he ever has to stay in one place for long. He's a very friendly doggy who'd definitely give you the fur off of his back any time you needed it, and someone nearly everyone is grateful to have as a friend.

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