Sharle Casini



  • Sharle Casini

  • Nickname[s] Sharlie, Shar, Spitfire
  • Age 14 Solar Sweeps / ~29 Years
  • Gender Male
  • Orientation Pansexual Panromantic
  • Height 5'9
  • Blood Colour Blue
  • Trolltag apexVelocity
  • Symbol Meaning Inverted Triangle
  • Lusus Peregrine Falcon / Potoo hybrid
  • Strife Specibus taserKind, fistKind
  • Occupation Professional F1 Driver, Aeon Racing
  • Residency Penthouse apartment, Revoire City

♥ Jameth "Jamie" Abnale || ♦ n/a || ♠ n/a


Racing has always been in Sharle’s blood. He lives and breathes the sport, and rose up the ranks quickly to become a professional F1 racer with dreams of winning the championship. His highly competitive nature, hotheaded radio messages while on the track, and generally curt interviews have caused the public perception of him to be an arrogant ‘bad boy’, which is something Sharle doesn’t care to correct. He cares little about what other people think of him, and prefers to keep his head down and focus on what he loves best. When off the track, he acts a lot more relaxed and casual, and loves travelling on his motorbike, participating in outdoor sports like cycling and surfing, and playing retro video games.


► Racing (F1 cars)
► Motorcycles
► Travel
► Trying local cuisines and food challenges
► Cycling
► Surfing
► Retro video games (SNES, SEGA Genesis)


Sharle is someone who generally does not care about how he is perceived by others, no matter if their opinion of him is positive or negative. He is competitive and hotheaded whenever he’s on the track, but in interviews and other public appearances he is curt and dismissive of others. He is also often compared to his much more successful and well-liked ancestor, much to his disdain. These traits have caused the public to perceive him as stuck-up and arrogant, and have given him the reputation as the ‘bad boy’ of F1. People either hate it and think he needs to grow up, or they love his attitude and consider it one of his most attractive qualities.

The competitive nature of his is no joke, and he takes any sort of competition as seriously as possible, whether that be his next race or a friendly eating challenge. Nothing fires him up more than a chance to prove his dedication to beating any sort of challenge that comes his way, but his hotheaded nature also shines through when he gets too invested in winning the game. This is where his angry radio messages to his engineer, or his scrappy and borderline unsportsmanlike moves come into play. He generally doesn’t mean what he says when he gets caught up in the moment, but also thinks that most people understand that’s just the nature of competition so he doesn’t apologise for his actions.

However, in all other circumstances, looks can be deceiving. What many perceive as arrogance or rudeness in his interviews, is actually just Sharle’s awkwardness and general dislike for formal settings. Being raised in a predominantly highblood neighbourhood and racing in a sport where only trolls teal and up get an opportunity to compete in means that he has no experience with interacting with lowbloods. He can’t relate to them in the slightest, and tries to avoid them as much as possible. Similarly, he dislikes the attention of the media, so he tries to get any interviews done as quickly as possible with short, curt sentences and stoic expressions.

He’s also rather aloof, but not necessarily in an uncaring way. Rather, he can be unobservant or not paying enough attention to others, and a lot of the time doesn’t realise if he’s being rude or insensitive. He’ll correct his mistakes if someone he respects or cares about points them out to him, but doesn’t let it get to him too much. He’s a free spirit, but in a quiet way, choosing to do whatever he wants without trying to make any statements or draw attention to himself. At times he can also seem a little spacey due to how he’s not always paying attention, but in reality he often just focuses too much on one thing that he forgets about everything else. This is a useful skill when racing, but not so much when he drenches himself with gatorade because he was so focused on his workout he grabbed the wrong bottle to pour on his head to cool down.

Sharle is naturally an introverted person, and prefers to spend most of his time alone. While he doesn’t mind the hustle and bustle of the celebrity lifestyle, he only feels relaxed around very few people and only opens up when he’s away from the prying eyes of the media and his PR manager. He becomes more chatty when he’s with trolls he’s more comfortable with, and is surprisingly a lot more casual than one may think. When around his teammate Tira, it becomes clear that he’s not so above it all, enjoying pranks and silly team challenge videos and playing off the endless amounts of energy the tealblood has. He tends to rely on more extraverted people to help him come out of his shell.


Sharle possesses a minor psiionic known as Sight Sharing. When this power is active, Sharle is able to force someone to see the world through his own eyes, essentially hijacking their own vision. He can use this on up two five trolls at a time without causing too much strain on himself, and he can maintain his psiionics indefinitely, until he decides to deactivate them. He cannot use this power on anyone without first establishing a psiionic ‘link’ between them, which is made by a brief transfer of psiionic energy using skin-to-skin contact. Once this link has been established he can activate and deactivate his psiionics on that person at will, no matter how far away they may be from him, however this link will weaken and eventually disappear over time, and will need to be re-established.

While his Sight Sharing is active, the troll he is using on is still in full control of their other senses, meaning that they can still navigate their surroundings if they are not relying on their own sense of sight. However, the disjoint between being able to see from a different perspective than their own is highly disorienting, so it is recommended that one stays completely still while their sight has been hijacked. Those who Sharle is using his psiionics on will also start to experience headaches, dizziness, and eye strain the longer their sight has been hijacked. Because of this, Sharle does not like to use his psiionics, and will rarely bring them up in conversation.


Sharle had what he would consider to be a fairly average childhood for his caste, or at least for a highblood who grew up in the ritzy Revoire City and is the descendant of a motorsport legend. Eryton Casini, otherwise known as The Torpedo, was killed in a Fleet accident around twenty sweeps prior to Sharle’s hatching, and the legacy of the Four-Time World Champion as both an F1 driver and a Fleet pilot was still fresh in the minds of motorsport fans. Sharle always felt like racing was in his blood, and knew very early on in his life that he wanted to follow the same path as his ancestor. His lusus also encouraged this, and was willing to overlook some fairly average schoolfeeding grades if it meant his son could get some more time to practice behind the wheel.

He began karting as soon as he was legally allowed to, and whenever he wasn’t racing in competitions he was practicing on whichever track would allow him to book for the entire night. A combination of his high caste and his relation to his ancestor would often give him better privileges than the other kart racers, as many were excited to see what the descendant of Eryton would be capable of. This came at a cost, as his competition thought that he was just a stuck-up brat riding the coattails of a famous bloodline, but Sharle didn’t care. Even from such a young age he was highly competitive, and he was here to prove himself, not to make friends.

The amount of hard work he dedicated to the sport proved to be a boon, as soon he was winning local championships and attracting sponsors from the F1 Feeder Series. At the age of seven sweeps, he debuted in F3 racing for PA Motorsport. He utterly blitzed the competition that season, and finished second overall. PA Motorsport recognised his talent, and by the next sweep he was promoted to the F2 series. More and more eyes were on Sharle, and word began to spread that the future for the younger Casini was looking very promising. He finished third in his first season of F2, and at nine sweeps he won the championship.

The rules stated that the winner of F2 cannot participate in the next season’s championship, but Sharle did not have to worry about that, as he was quickly scooped up by Aeon Racing and given a two-sweep contract as their rookie driver. At the age of ten sweeps, he made his F1 debut.

Upon reaching the pinnacle of motorsport, Sharle noticed a drastic shift in the atmosphere. Gone were the days of him racing against trolls his age to prove their worth in the bigger leagues, he was now up against veterans who had sweeps of F1 racing under the belt, some who had even raced during his ancestor’s time. His teammate in Aeon Racing was Liburr Konnen, a blueblood who had been racing in F1 for over ten sweeps. He looked down on Sharle for not meeting his expectations on what the descendant of The Torpedo should be, as Sharle was much scrappier and hotblooded than his ancestor. This sentiment was shared by other drivers and fans alike, and for the first time Sharle began to feel the weight of expectations that was thrust upon him. It didn’t help that he was struggling to get used to the car, as it handled much more differently than those designed by PA Motorsport, and often let his temper get the better of him resulting in him making many silly rookie mistakes.

This came to a head at the Southeastern Circuit, halfway into his rookie season. Frustrated with his lack of points this late into the season, and feeling the pressure from everyone around him, Sharle made a very risky overtake that cost him greatly. The other car lost control and he rammed straight into it at an awkward angle, causing him to skid off the track and flip the car, ending his race and almost his career at the same time. He suffered from a punctured lung and multiple broken ribs, and had to miss multiple races while he recovered.

Following that accident, he returned to the sport with a clearer head and a determination to not let other people’s expectations get to him. He earned his first points towards the end of the season, and his racecraft was quickly improving. Liburr retired at the end of the season, and Aeon Racing signed a tealblood named Tiraol Rikelo to be Sharle’s partner. The two drivers got along much better than the previous pairing, and their driving styles helped balance out each other’s weaknesses. In his second season, Sharle got a better handle on the car and began to finish in the top ten much more consistently, culminating in his first win at Lamonri Circuit.

Now four sweeps into his F1 career, Sharle has settled into a comfortable but still highly competitive position in the upper midfield, fighting for podium positions and the occasional win. He has matured considerably, and while the achievements of his ancestor still hang heavily over his head, he feels more confident that he’ll be able to one night beat his record.



► He has a Monégasque accent, and can speak the language as well as French and Italian fluently.
► He is usually seen in his team uniform whenever he's making public appearances as a member of Aeon Racing, but will show up in casual clothing whenever he first arrives at racetracks. He tends to favour plain v-neck shirts coupled with motorcycle jeans and boots, often paired with sunglasses and a jacket.
► He owns many jackets, mostly either leather ones or bomber-style jackets.
► He's somewhat apathetic to his own appearance, and doesn't really care about 'looking good'. He chooses outfits based on what he likes over what might be flattering to wear, only wears make-up or brushes his hair if a stylist is doing it for a photoshoot or interview, and tends to brush off any compliments about the way he looks.
► He dyes the ends of his fringe dark blue.
► He has a very fit and athletic build, as he has to stay in peak condition for races as well as making sure he doesn't fall under a certain weight. He has his own personal trainer and dietician to look after him.


► Because he learned all four languages he's fluent in at the same time, he has mixed them up on occasion or forgotten words in the language he's trying to speak in.
► He has a strict personal code to not date other racers, trolls involved with any of the F1 teams, or fans of the sport.
► He avoids making skin-to-skin contact with people due to the way his psiionics work, so that he doesn't unintentionally use his powers on them. He will never touch fans during photoshoots for publicity reasons, always making sure his hand is hovering behind them.
► He makes music playlists for every occasion, as he likes to have specific music moods for whatever he's doing. He likes high-energy songs when he's training or warming up before a race, and will swap to his various cool-down playlists for low-energy activities.
► He likes to take ice baths after races.
► His manager looks after his social media accounts as he has no interest in maintaining them, and will only send photos and videos to be uploaded whenever the media team requires them.
► He is afraid of needles, and has fainted while getting blood tests done before.

Hobbies and Favourite Things

► He loves all sorts of motor vehicles. Formula 1 cars are obviously his favourite, but he's a well-known motorbike aficionado and also owns a couple luxury supercars and a yacht.
► In his downtime, he loves to go out for a ride on his motorbike just for the sake of traveling, or if he's unable to do that he'll rent a pushbike or go out for a run. Staying active is one of his top priorities.
► He enjoys surfing in the summer, and has helped his team obtain sponsors with surfing companies just so he can rent boards in tourist towns.
► His team often requires him to participate in modelling photoshoots or advertising campaigns for PR purposes, as well as appear in team videos for social media challenges. He accepts that this is a part of his job and doesn't complain about them, but he enjoys the challenge videos a lot more than the photoshoots.
► In one video he revealed that his favourite food is nutella and banana crepes, which has become a meme amongst F1 fans. He's been gifted crepes by fans before, and Aeon Racing's social media team loves making references to it.
► He always tries the local cuisine whenever he travels, and he'll sneak off with his teammate to try any eating challenges held at restaurants without notifying the team dieticians.
► He loves retro video games, in particular the SNES and Sega Genesis/Mega Drive era. His absolute favourite game is F-Zero, and he's incorporated references to the series in some of his custom helmets as tribute.
► Unsurprisingly, he loves racing games the most. He also plays first-person shooters with other drivers on the grid, and has appeared in gaming streams before.


► He lives in a penthouse apartment in Revoire City, the Alternian equivalent to Monaco. Because he's always out traveling for his career, he very rarely spends time at home and employs housekeepers to keep the place tidy.
► When he is home, he's prone to building up a 'floordrobe' or letting dishes pile up a bit because he doesn't think his private living areas need to conform to anyone else's cleanliness standards. He'll eventually do his own chores, but only once he starts running out of clean things to use.
► While his hive has relatively little furniture, it is filled with personal decorations such as posters of historic GPs, souvenirs from his travels, a couple custom surfboards and other objects gifted to him from sponsors, and any specialty helmets he hasn't donated to motorsport museums. Since he rarely has people over, his spare rooms are used for storage.
► He owns replicas of all the trophies he's won, which sit very casually next to the television in the lounge room.

... And Everything Else

► He made a voice cameo in the French dub of Cars 4, where he voiced one of the rival characters.
► He races under the number 43 as that was the same number he raced with when he won his first kart race as a kid. He wanted number 7 as a reference to the Blue Falcon, but it was already taken.
► Currently, he has won 6 races and has achieved 15 podiums.

♥ Jameth "Jamie" Abnale ♥

[ Matesprit / Dating - "Bluebirds" ] Sharle still hasn't quite figured out his feelings, but the thought of dating Jamie makes him feel very happy. They're keeping their relationship private at the moment.

Tiraol "Tira" Rikelo

[ Teammate / Best Friend - "Flying Lap" ] The 2nd driver for Aeon Racing, and one of the few trolls Sharle feels comfortable around. They're often seen together on and off track.

Quinne Querro

[ Friend ] It took Sharle quite some time to learn that the many disguises he was acquainted with were the same person. He thinks Quinne is cool.

Jikiro Takami

[ Friend ] Jamie's kismesis. Sharle is quite comfortable around Jikiro, as his sense of humour and cheerful personality reminds him a lot of Tira.

Ropikk Alaysi

[ Manager / Personal Trainer ] Sharle's PR manager and personal trainer. They get along, though Sharle feels like she's a little too quick to anger.

Silver Seluki

[ Fellow Racer ] A mysterious F1 driver with some interesting rumours surrounding them. They're both aggressive drivers, so Sharle has gotten into incidents with them on track.

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