Tela's Comments

Hiya! I was wondering if you would be interested in my art at all in exchange for them :

Hey! Really cool art, only unfortunately I'm prioritizing USD or trade offers atm, I'm sorry! </3

ok! thank you for taking the time to look! How much are you looking for for her?

currently looking for 10$ through PayPal fnf, there was soeone else interested in to purchase, but I haven't heard back from them yet!

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Yup! Through fnf on PayPal ^^ Tentative on a few here.

Here's the links to my available ocs. I'm down to do multiples depending who it is. I know you're only looking for humans, but it's a mixed bag of ocs~

Hi! I think you accidentally forgot to send the link ^^

Oops. Copy and paste formatting error. >_

Are they still open for offers?


I'd love to buy them for the $10!

Ah, okay! I'd really need to consider selling her, though, as I'm extremely tent still, but I could get back to you if I've made a decision ^^ 

Alright! just lmk whenever you decide 

Do you see anyone in my toyhouse? 01 and 02 are tent while 03, 06 are slightly tent (04 r all the ocs ufo) 

Sorry, no one caught my eye!

Alrighty thanks for looking <3