
1 year, 9 months ago


Gender: Nonbinary (They/Them)

Object: Pinwheel

Pinwheel is a ditzy, almost airheaded individual who's biggest skill is being very observant. They may not know what to do with this thing but they noticed it and thought to let you know and, as it turns out this is the key you've been looking for and needed to succeed! They are also incredibly easy to deal with if you're opposing them as blowing on them especially hard can cause their head to spin incredibly quickly on the spot making them dizzy and they will wander off clumsily in a random direction to try and get away from you, often leading them to get lost. Pinwheel is incredibly generous and friendly to the point of being overly trusting.

(In BFDI Lollipop acts as their anchor, her personality stopping Pinwheel from getting into as much danger. Pinwheel is also Lollipop's biggest customer when it comes to fork repellent.)