


1 year, 8 months ago

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his name is 'Hecatomb'

the reason behind his name? well wikipedia says

'In ancient Greece, a hecatomb was a sacrifice of 100 cattle to the Greek gods. In practice, as few as 12 could make up a hecatomb. Although originally the sacrifice of a hundred oxen in the religious ceremonies of the Greeks and Romans; later "hecatomb" came to describe a large number of any kind of animals devoted to sacrifice. Figuratively, "hecatomb" is used to describe the sacrifice or destruction by fire, tempest, disease, or the sword of any large number of persons or animals; and also of the wholesale destruction of inanimate objects, and even of mental and moral attributes'

no Cor knows what he is or who he is, in fact they merely call him a 'he' or a 'they' from guesswork, the stranger seems to appear wandering sites of devastation or great sites of battle - yet disturbingly many have reported sightings of this phantom appearing *before* such events, which has led to the label of 'omenbringer' and then to the name 'hecatomb/hekatomb' for this being seems only to appear at sites of great sacrifice, sometimes before (perhaps as an early warning) but always glimpsed walking amidst the aftermath, seemingly aimlessly.