Diana Aritain



1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info



Physical Age



Dhampire (Human)


Life Cleric

Follower of



Born to her father Bragdon and mother Helen, she is the 3rd half vampire child of the (Vampire) Elf and Human Warlock.  Unwanted and not a boy, she is raised with the expectation she will serve her father in his efforts to gain power. However, her nature, kindhearted and gentle, was something her parents noticed and failed to beat out of her. Sending her to her father's sire, she was deemed a future daylight guardian for the elder vampire. Her tutelage was taken up by another vampire who hated the elder lord.

This vampire, Marcus, did not care for her, but knew she would become a tool for the vampire sire. His own loss of his half vampire children and his mortal wife had him act, taking her to the US to avoid her being raised and becoming a mindless weapon.
Still, her nature remained true despite the continued abuse and neglect. She was a child who believe in the good of every one, who loathed violence and causing hurt, and avoided from learning combat. While adept at phsycial combat, her magical abilities were subpar, and she was forced to train and endure brutal expectations from her vampire guardian.

At 17, she met a supposed paladin who told her they could run away together. In love, she packed her things, planning to elope, only to discover she'd been betrayed and lied to. The paladin did not love her, but rather hated her, and planned to use Diana to lure out Marcus.
After a week of torture, she was burned alive while nailed with silver to the wooden poll. Marcus made no attempt to save her, stating she should be strong enough to save herself. It was the first time she was killed. Over the course of her life, due to her abusive lovers and her willingly to trust, she has been killed over 11 times. Each time, Marcus reviving her.

Marcus revived her shortly after, telling her she was a failure, too weak, and she trusted foolishly and blindly. She was forced shortly after to kill the paladin she loved, despite the betrayal.

Heartbroken, she mourned at her first killing and desired to repent and to never kill or hurt anyone.
She eventually found the church of Helios, where she became a cleric (if not a great one).

Her life is marked with loss after loss, betrayal, and tragedy. Everyone she has ever loved dying in part because of their involvement with her, or becoming abusive. The only person who she thought loved her, and she loved in return, was brutally murdered in front of her shortly after they became engaged. Her father's vampire sire mocking her for thinking she could be 'good' and was not destined to kill and lead others to their death. This event heavily traumatized her, leaving her mentally comatose for over five years. She has since then, never had a single good romantic relationship, at one point even being forced into prostitution against her will.

Currently, she beleives that the closer she becomes with others, the closer they are to dying because of her. She thinks she is not 'allowed' to love or find happiness, and that the best she can hope for is *maybe* friendship. She lacks faith in her own cleric abilities, and doubt her worthiness in being a cleric at all. Compared to his past lives, she lacks any confidence, and dismisses her own pain and suffering as 'normal'. She also write off her own abuses as her own fault and products of a failure on her part. In time, she will regain the person she is supposed to be, but as stands, she is all but broken, her sould nearly shattered by the loss and trauma she has endured.