Bean "Benetta" Sidhe



6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Real name

Bean sidhe




Champion of the people of Sidhe

Known relatives

Martial art

The Howl of the Void


Not to be confused with Bean Nighe.

Bean Sidhe is the princess of Sidhe. She enlisted in the Sidhe military's Equalizer program at a young age, as the only volunteer. Part of this was of her own volition, from pity for the others who didn't have a choice. Part was political pressure to lend a veneer or legitimacy to what more or less amounted to child soldier training. 

"Siddy", as she came to be known, was treated far better than her colleagues. She grew strong on good health and moderate training rather than being broken and rebuilt continuously through harshness. She was also noticeably the only member of the Equalizers who did not desert when given a chance. She did not learn the truth of the program's true nature until after the mass escape that ended it. It is something she regrets to this day. 

Currently she serves as the greatest martial artist and a high-ranking diplomat in sidhe. She wears the dress possibly as an act of defiance against those who want to see her only as a weapon. It is believed that her fighting style, The Howl of the Void, reaches into the long-lost depths of the Transcendent martial arts, and is terrifying to behold in action.