


Basic Info









Relationship Status

Married to Jersey (nm)


Gywnn, Pinkie Ade, Seeley Booth, Chardonnay (all nm)

ML Entry

n/a atm


Place Obtained: here

Blizzard is a fairly calm and goofy guy. He tends not to let most issues bother him until they effect him or his family directly in a bad way. Someone being rude or out of the way to him isn't really something he pays attention to and he could care less if someone doesn't like him, or if someone bad mouths him. He's a lot stricter with how his family are treated, and while he's a really nice guy, Blizzard has been known to throw a punch or two because of others calling someone he cares about horrible things. However this happening is really a rare thing and he tries not to let comments bother him too much.

Blizzard makes a lot of stupid jokes and it's his favorite thing. Primarily dad jokes. He tends to make a joke out of almost anything save for situations that really don't call for it. For example, if two friends of his are arguing, he'll do his best to make a joke out of the situation in the case that the fight is happening over a stupid topic. Blizzard doesn't like watching others fight and tries to do his best to calm others down and hear each other out.

Thunderstorms are something that have terrified him from childhood. It doesn't stem from any horrible experience with them, only that his ears are sensitive and sharp or loud noises hurt them and it makes his body tense up. He also doesn't like them because he stresses a lot over them, which are the only times he isn't calm. He normally curls up with blankets and drinks a warm beverage, like tea or milk and reads in a dark room by having a small light near him. He's not sure as to why, but keeping himself warm and distracted helps him not focus on the loud boom of thunder so much. A lot of time he'll even listen to calming music to distract himself.

Blizzard loves to cook and really likes attempting to make his own dishes without recipes. Most times his own personalized dishes don't come out the best on the first go, but Blizzard is a determined bean who goes through a lot of trial and error before he succeeds. This doesn't bother him at all because he knows to get better you have to keep trying, and that's what he always does. Maybe sometimes he never gets better and that's okay in his eyes. At least he tried and put effort into it.

Blizzard owns a diner, mainly due to the fact that he's the best at cooking foods related to them. He's always wanted to own a restaurant since he was little and he worked super hard doing other jobs to save up over the years. Blizzard is someone who sticks to a goal fully once he puts his mind to it. There's no backing out until he has no choice, because maybe he got sick or he just couldn't meet his goal no matter how hard he tried. All in all he's a very work oriented person who'll tell everyone around jokes all day and just wants everyone to get along.