Cotton Fidler



8 years, 8 months ago



Cotton Fidler






Humanoid Sheep 




Community Helper

Cotton's so kind and positive that he ends up getting paid for free work. He normally racks in $500-700 a week for his efforts. 

Living Location

Humane Society (home to humanoids)








-Cloud Fidler: Cotton's twin brother. Despite the different lifestyles, their love for one another has never changed (mostly because Cotton never shared his envious feelings). After Cotton found a way to return to and from home, he started inviting his twin (and other family/friends) to meet his nieces and nephews. And see the new world ('least new to them)

-Dusk Feathers: Cloud's very very close boy bro friend. He lives in the edo period too. Cotton hung out with him because Cloud took the timid guy everywhere with them. 

-Catherine Fidler: Cotton and Cloud's beautiful mother. Both get their puffy hairstyle from her <3. Of the two parents, Cotton loves his mother most; she was, and still is, always there when he needs her. He's the exact definition of a mama's boy, and he's not afraid to admit that! 

-Dorothy Lens/Fidler: A humanoid feline that lives in the 21st century world. During his tour of this newfound world, Cotton had spotted the lazy cat working at a diner. For reasons unknown he fell in love at first sight. Since then he stalked met up with Dorothy every chance he got. Eventually Cotton's relentless attempts caught her attention; and it would turn out that the sheep wasn't so bad. Shortly after they went steady; and later in the years they would marry, purchase a home and start one BIG family. <3

-Clair Lens: Dorothy's mother. The first time Cotton met Mrs. Lens was not on good terms; he'd been caught sleeping (just sleeping!) in her daughter's room...with her bed. After that little scenario Cotton was too afraid to get anywhere near the Len's house. It was awhile before Clair had calmed down enough to allow him entry into her home again; and even then she had set some very strict rules for when he was over. Later in the future, when Dorothy and Cotton are older w/ a house & kids, Mrs. Lens starts to form a better bond with least he hopes so. Can never tell with that expression of her :'v *FUN FACT: It was Clair who summoned Cotton to the 21st century world. She found this out as she got to know him better, and he told of his demonic heritage. Too bad the spell commenced 20-30yrs later; now she was an adult/grandparent :'>

-Sundae-Dotto-Cottage-Dotatella-Napper-Kat-Eva-Ginger: These eight munchkins are all children of Cotton and Dorothy's. Kat is the only adopted one, but the rest are biological. He loves them all very dearly no matter what! ♥



-Helping out

-Hugs, Cooking

-Purple Balloons



-Exploring 21st century stuff

-Family gatherings

-Family flicks


-Visiting home

-Flip flops (if he must be forced to wear shoes he'd rather these; they dont enclose his entire feet like others do.)


-Being bullied

-Bullies in general

-Scary movies (or anything scary in general)

-Wearing shoes

-Being home-sick

-Staying inside all day

-Being compared to his twin

-Father visiting



Strength, speed, and good sight are all thanks to being healthy and fit. 

Mini Bio

Cotton Fidler is the son of Catherine Fidler (a sheep humanoid) and Arc (a demon lord ram humanoid). He and his twin, Cloud, were born into an edo period; it was a time where electricity and technology was not yet around. However, many centuries into the future was a world with such things.

Cotton and his twin were very different. Cloud had been gifted the demonic abilities from their father; he could fly, change forms, possessed magic, speed and strength. Meanwhile Cotton was but a regular sheep like his mother; sure he had half of his father's dna within but it would never go beyond that. Cotton's demonic potential would never surface; if they had it would be wasted anyways. The sheep was too kind, too pure for such evil attributes. He always stuck by the mother, helped the community out often. It was Cloud that followed behind their father, and for that he was seen as more important, worth the demon lord's time; needless to say it made Cotton a bit envious, that he could not earn his father's love like his twin. 

So often the young sheep would fantasize about going away, to a place where he could stand out and be himself without feeling the need to compare to his superior twin. The only problem with that was here, in this world, everyone knew of demon lord Arc and his family. Unless Cotton found some other universe to reside in he'd never be free to be his own little person. So to make a long story short Cotton would eventually get his wish. One starry night the sheep took a walk down by the river; he was thinking up ways to leave behind this lifestlye of his.