


1 year, 7 months ago


Deep within the forbidden realms, where darkness coils like a sinister whisper, dwells a creature of enchanting terror — an old bat-like creature, its form an eerie fusion of dread and grace. 

Cloaked in obsidian fur that shimmers under the moon's wistful gaze, this winged behemoth is a formidable sight to behold.

Its body stretches with the lithe elegance of a serpent, sinuous and coiled with untamed power. A pair of colossal wings, veined and webbed, extend from its spine, bearing delicate feathers reminiscent of midnight's caress. 

But it is the creature's fur that captures the imagination—a tapestry of darkness woven with iridescent strands of vibrant turquoise, like starlight caught in an abyss.

From its snout jut a row of gleaming fangs, sharp and menacing, but also old and partly broken, hinting at the creature's insatiable hunger and the lives it lived through. Eyes, deep and shimmering red like twin pools filled with rubies, radiate an otherworldly luminescence, casting an ethereal glow upon the shadows that cling to its form.

In flight, the creature called Bartosz becomes a wraith in the night, its wings unfurling to span the heavens, as it glides effortlessly through the air, defying gravity's grasp. It moves with a silent grace, each movement calculated and precise, as it prowls the nocturnal skies, hunting with an otherworldly instinct.