Mōri Okimoto



2 years, 27 days ago


Mōri Okimoto (毛利興元) is the elder brother of Motonari Mōri.

Though his younger brother Shōjumaru was never to become the leader of the Mōri clan, Okimoto loved him very much that he wanted only a world where he can be happy in.

Growing up, Okimoto and Shōjumaru were very close with their mother and father Mōri Hiromoto and Lady Fukubara, but Okimoto began to worry about his mother and father's marriage as soon as Lady Sugi-No-Ōkata came into the picture.

Though Okimoto became a hostage of the Sue and Ouchi clans, he was allowed to return home, but in the Sue and Ouchi domain, he met the niece of his father's doctor Zhang Xiaolou and his wife Lady Guifei who earned her position as the Mōri court poet.

After Lady Fukubara's death, Okimoto too grew very wary of his step mother, taking notice that Hiromoto became bedridden and wasn't allowed to see him.

 One day Okimoto was checking on the cats he had been taking care of when he took notice of Shōjumaru walking by but what catches his eye is that the right side of Shōjumaru's face was bruised and swelling. Okimoto asked him as to what had happened in which Shōjumaru told him that Sugi had struck him all because he was reading a book.

Fearing for the safety of his younger brother, Okimoto sent him to stay with Kikkawa Kunitsune and his wife and children.

Eventually Okimoto goes missing and when Motonari is given news of Okimoto's disappearance, he just devasted beyond belief, and even went on hunger strike until his retainers found a trace of him but so far none. And ofc Miya aka Myokyu would grow very worried for her husband starving himself that she begged him to eat atleast something, but he still ate nothing. And it took for Miya to go on hunger strike and join her husband as she doesn't want Motonari to suffer all by himself but ofc this prompts Motonari to consume some food and he begs Miya not to do the same and apologizes to her for scaring her as it was wrong of him.

Though Motonari and Okimoto would one day reunite, Motonari is full of emotions since he finally could breathe a bit better that he has his brother back, Okimoto would also be very protective of him, even wanting to protect him from Motochika, Harukata Sue, Yoshitaka Ouchi, Haruhisa Amago, Sōrin Otomo and ofc Xavi and ofc those who betrayed him.