


2 years, 11 days ago





A triangle bambi that is the ruler of Triangulum Galaxiae, speaks latin(,,only), and is in a trio!

( about )

Triobnal is a triangle bambi known to be one of his first species. He owns his void place, named Triangulum Galaxiae (Triangle Galaxy).She is taller than an average bambi, due to their body structure. He doesn't have any sexualities due to not knowing about them, but they are genderless. Triobnal's personality can be labeled as friendly, caring, and ridiculos, as sometimes she can be mature and serious în some cases.






  • Triangles
  • His friends
  • Cotton candy and popcorn^^


  • Fights with friends :(
  • Seeing people suffer
  • ... ?

Im Triobnal, dominus Trianguli Galaxiae! Im hic facere amicos novos, id totum est. :D

( trivia )

  • PLACES Most places they stay are Triangulum Galaxiae, Earth (Specificlly UK) and on specific occasions, the 3D World.
  • 3D or 2D? They are 3D mainly but can teleport to 2D spaces, her organs are gonna turn paper thin tho.
  • Powers/Abilities A list of his powers are Limited Shape-Shifting , Portal creation (Teleporting to any other dimension with the use of portals), Flying and flotation, and Immortality. Triobnal also uses 2 energy blades as weapons that can appear out of thin air.
  • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They don't have genitals and an asshole, it's basically a mannequin, and there is nothing under there. (Cry abt it.)
  • Language His mother language isn't English but rather speaks Latin. (He can't speak English, but does understand English conversations.)
Full name Triobnal
Nickname Trib
Age ???(Immortal)
Race N/A(Triangle bambi?? Ig)
Occupation Galaxy owner
Orientation N/A
Worth NFS

( important )

Content. Not sure what to add on this tab.

Uh, Just keep everything safe if your gonna make fanart of him! I wouldn't really reccoment shipping him with anyone, but you can try if it's a platonic ship.

( history )

i. past

Triobnal was mostly created out of nowhere by some god-sparkle, who only told her their job and then left. Aside from taking care of the Triangulum Galaxy, Triobnal didn't had much in his past! He has upgraded it by asking help of other bambi's for resources like the flowers that grow there, and some extra energy light from Sadie. This changed tho after he decided to explore the world using his teleporting abilities.

ii. present

Triobnal now lives in the UK with his friends she met there. They met Charles first while looking aroung the place for the first time, then Mari, and then other people in the way! He enjoys the calm lifestyle she has achived, next to her friends they never tought of achiveing.


Tried cooking noodles once, burned the whole house down. /ref

Went to an amusement park with his friend Charles for their anniversarry! /also a ref

Some other silly situation with the CTM trio cause so silly yeah silly

iii. future

We don't know what triobnal's future is like, so stay tuned!

( relations )



"Primus semper amicus meus! Gaudeo valde de materia quam mihi in hac Tellure dedit. Etiam si me craticula cum primo congressu percusserit, ego omni momento simul egimus aestimo. :)"



"Mari amabilis est! Cum Carolus circum non est, solent mea 2 manus in condiciones et casus. Ignavi sunt, sed ego illis ignoscere posse opinor. Amici mei sunt post omnes. :/"