
1 year, 8 months ago


The young god of wildfires, bonds forged in fire, and polearms in Trifecta, former servant of the faction of Telluris- and traveling adventurer.  

Not originally a god, Kyn coalesced (as most magical creatures in the setting do) out of raw magic with her sibling Blink and began a life as a Feral Woods Creature- a life interrupted by the machinations of gods when a near-death experience at a very young age (like, 7) caused her to make a deal for powerful and dangerous magic to save her and her brother's life- in exchange for serving the god who gave her that magic: Telluris herself.

Kyn was then Trained in the arts of war and combat by the god of war and love and his secretly-married husband, the god of art and invention, and eventually given to one of the only true neutral parties on the planet, a god of Math (as in the Equations of Physics) for Raising because "fuck, dude, these are no conditions for a child and idk why Telluris wants us to train powerful shapeshifting kids with dangerous magics to Kill but that's not Ethical so at least we can give her to this one guy who we have 90% confidence would love to Dad Figure an immortal beast" and then he did.

Following this, she began a career of Destroying Whatever Telluris Pointed Her At and/or adventuring, acquired a brother figure in a god serving Vulcan- James Chevrolet- and had various other adventures, one of which resulted in her obtaining possession of an eldritch house- and, when the god of her current domain died, was raised to godhood as an Emergency Measure, mostly because she happened to be There and already familiar with the machinations of gods- a Somewhat Poor decision, because it catalyzed a crisis of faith that resulted in her going AWOL and Quitting Her Job.
