
1 year, 9 months ago


An eldritch shapeshifting bartender and owner of a bar called the Hive of Scum and Villiany that calls Liminal Space its home, where any drink of your imagining can be obtained- for the right price.

Kyn's brother formed from the same base magic as her, but with one extra ability that led their lives down very different paths- the ability to eat magic and incorporate it into himself. At this point, he's eaten enough magic- especially eldritch magic- to be very powerful.

Despite his general inhumanity and deep moral dubiousness, he gets along very well with both his sister and... most of his customers, even if a gruesome fate awaits those who do manage to piss him off- people are interesting and fun and he likes them, even if many of them are also potential snacks, and owning a weird eldritch bar means you get to meet a lot of weird people. 

Has a collection of both knives and eyes.