"Princess" of the Guan people



6 years, 4 months ago



Name: Ackee

     Basic Information:

Nickname(s): Ackee.

Date of birth: Somewhere in May.

Age: 23 years old.

Height/Weight: 5’1”/ 145 lbs.

Gender: Female.

Status/Orientation/Preference: Recently single/ Bisexual (looking for a mate that can fight her and able get her onto the ground)/ Dominant but secretly submissive to anyone who can win a fight with her.

Crush: Ha ha ha no.


  • A spicy meatball, she's pretty vicious and argumentative. Likes being in charge. Not good with conveying her emotions and will most likely hit you when nervous or pissed. Will calm down if you give her food. Motherly towards the injured and children. Fighting is in her nature so frighten her or make her feel threatened, she will attack. Thinks before she fights and if she can't win the fight, she will run away (this is rare). Protective over her son.

Occupation: Chief's daughter of the Guan people and warrior.


Hair color: Black and White.

Eye color: Gray

Skin Color: Dark tan with spots of black and white feathers and blueish throat.

Health/Ailment(s): Pretty good health/ Just a few bruises and cuts from fights and hunts.

Piercings/Tattoos/Scars: Eyebrow piercing/Facial markings of a warrior/ Large burn scar that she received as a young child after her village was attacked by stronger Guan warriors from another tribe and a few stretchmarks around her belly.


  • Likes: Clay face masks, killing enemies, her tattoos, pancakes with chocolate syrup (her new friend Nick got her into it and explained that chocolate was something mortals can eat), cocoa nibs, training, her ivory spear that she made from the tusk of a hog she hunted as a child, taking short naps, her son Itzli, her late mate.
  • Dislikes: Her enemies, modern technology, men and women who tried to fight her thinking they could beat her, being made fun of because of her height, super sweet fruits, sleeping more than six hours, 


  • The Guan People: They are basically tribes of different species of Guan, a few are allied with each other but others are enemies and fight each other over fruiting trees areas. The tribe she belongs to is the Blue-Throated Piping Guan Tribe or just Blue tribe. The Guan do require meat to gain energy and eat flowers and fruits but they will hunt for it for certain nutrients and to sell to other animals that do eat meat.
    • Tenoch, her father is the chief of the Blue tribe. He is powerful and aggressive (she gets it from him) and wants to form an "united" group of tribes. He wants to unite the only way he knows how, by conquering the tribes nearby. At this moment, they have four tribes in their group.
    • Gods: They believe in three gods; Huitz the Sun God and Coyol the Moon God (shortened names of the Aztec gods) and Huitzilin (meaning hummingbird) the Creator. Basically Huitz and Coyol are siblings (look up Aztec sun and moon gods) and battle each other for Earth, Coyol wanting to plunge the Earth in darkness while Huitz doesn’t. Huitzilin creates life and her first creations was the Guan and cocoa beans. The Guan that settled down to harvest the land were visited by an kind and elderly woman who gave them the chocolate beans to grow. The Guan only eat the chocolate on special holidays and the rest is used for offerings to Huitzilin.
    • Appearance: Both genders are generally short and are muscular from hardwork and battle. Males are usually five feet and three and five inches while females are usually five feet and one to three inches. Usual skin color is tanned and dark brown and white and black feathers on the neck and upper torso area, the feathers make a path from the feathers ears, sideburns, neck, then upper torso. Palms and the underside of feet are paler and are light pink. Small claws that are meant to climb trees or claw at walls for clay deposits.
    • Income(?): The tribes harvest fruit from the fruit trees and the fruit that they don’t eat will be sold, clay deposits that they mine from the walls of their homeland, and meat they hunt from the forest. They also sell dried skins and bone.
  • She has one little chick that was born in this year (in their time). She had with a lone Blue-throated Guan male named Coatli that was passing through her father's territory, they became interested in each-other and fought for dominance until he won. After a few months, she gave birth to a little boy Itzli, Itzli meaning obsidian because he was born with a black poof of hair. Coatli stayed with her tribe until an enemy tribe came in and tried to take over them but Tenoch, Coatli, and other warriors fought them off. They won but Coatli didn't survive. She doesn't let this bring her down and strives to take care of her one month old. He has heterochromia just like his father.
  • Sometimes when she feels hunt will be safe, she'll bring Itzli with her so he doesn't have to be alone so sometimes she has a sash to hold him. When she has to hunt something big, she wraps him and leaves him under a bush while she fights.