


1 year, 9 months ago


Flamboyant Artist
"My abstract paintings bring joy to others' faces, little sis, they say only a few have the same style but mine could easily rival all but one"

Basic Info
Celestial Lumerian (Zunzuncito)
June 30th
184 cm

her little sister (Emerald), her paintings
hurting her sister, her abusive/narcissistic parents, destroying her paintings

Arcobaleno is Emerald's dead sister who happens to, unfortunately, have died in an incident/accident caused by the shadow creatures known as Zmora's but she was a traveling artist/painter. She and Emerald came from a family that was narcissistic as they were cutthroat types and didn't like anything that they couldn't control or demand. But Emerald was beaten because she felt nothing like the gender signed at birth (male) but Arcobaleno encouraged that and sold her abstract paintings in hopes of getting out of their parents' home and stepped up to protect Emerald when she first came out and was the first one to create the plan and get out with Emerald one night in the dead of the night and making their way to a new home and going from there. She was coming home from an auction of one of many recent pieces when she met her unfortunate end. She wanted to come home and celebrate her recent high bidding on her abstract pieces. Note: she was still fighting off the Zmora before the train crashed into the wall and the other train that was sitting in the station was ready to take off. She didn't suffer nightmares or the draining of emotions but did die swiftly but with a pinch of pain.