


1 year, 9 months ago




21 years old 

Duvaucel's gecko ( probably. It isn't very clear ) 

Lesbian, girlfriend of Lena <3

-one of the middle child of a numerous family coming from the popular class. As much as she's attached to her family, parents and siblings alike, she feels like such full and chaotic family gave her little place to developp herself as an individual.

-lives with Lena. Lena is mainly the one to pay for their apartment - which she doesn't mind, but Nicole can't help but feeling guilty about that. She promised to herself she will find a way to repay her for that among other stuff, despite Lena insisting that she doesn't need to.

-is known on her group of friends as the sarcastic, snarkly one to always throw sharp jokes at other, but Nicole is actually far more kind-hearted than her humor makes it look like. She just like teasing for the giggles.

-kinda lack self-esteem. Nothing gaping, but it does kinda show sometime when, for example, she would rather sacrifices herself for people she genuinely think is better than she is, notably Lena - her girlfriend.

-lives for punk and similar fashion. Hell yeah baby!

-Nicole would LOVE to ride a motorcycle, but she doesn't really roll on money... for the fact, the expensive-looking black jacket she wears is a gift of her girlfriend. She never leaves this jacket behind and love it so much! ( in some extent, Lena could intentionally save money to gift her dearly a motorcycle, but Nicole has strongly discarded that project as she feels like it would be unfair. )

Lol tba I swear everything in her profile ain't that she comes from popular calss