Sibby's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

DreamingStarz Global Rules


• You may NOT remove my designs from toyhouse, if you do not want them, give them back or gift them to someone else. If you do this you will be given a warning (three and you are blacklisted.)

• You may slightly alter my designs without permission. (as long as you can still see resemblance.) Please do not completely redesign my characters without asking.

• You may NOT use my art or characters for commercial uses without discussing it with me first. Doing so will result in taking back the character and being publicly blacklisted. If you would like to use my work/characters for commercial purposes, please message me to work out details.

• Do NOT sell my designs for more than they’re worth. Unless they have added art.

• Do NOT claim characters I design as your original design, this is not true and I will blacklist you. 

• If I have a character favorited, that means I likely want them back! (Trade back/sale back of course!)