


1 year, 8 months ago



Sexuality Aro/Ace | Polyamorous

Gender Non-binary

Pronouns They/them | She/her

Age 27

Race Aye-Aye

Birthday 10th June

Theme Fade - Alan Walker

HTML Pinky


An engineer/ inventor type character who likes to build and fix things. They can seem a bit intimidating at first, due to their bluntness and their tendency to stare, but they're basically always happy to others with stuff. They can be very bold and forward about things and is not really someone to shy away from uncomfortable subjects. They're also a workaholic, as they barely do things for fun or for themselves outside of tinkering with things, fixing things and working on projects, and will even carry small things they're working on just so they work on it wherever they go.

They're not very good at keep in touch with others, and very often forgets to reply to others if they ever message them, due to probably being focused on what they're currently working on. They have a much younger little sister who they sometimes visits them and messages them from time to time. Whenever anyone needs to talk to them, they usually go to Yoru's cafe/ bar place, as that's where they're currently staying, otherwise they may happen to see her when she's out and about getting supplies or wandering the city.


Height 153cm

Build Content

Eyes Red

Skin Tone Orange

Hair Color Light blue

Hair Style Side fringe. Short and straight, that is a bit messy.

Demeanor restless


  • She has big eyes, which look like they're staring, unblinking
  • Hand is the same as an Aye-aye, where the ring finger is long, and the middle finger is thin, and also long.
  • Do not draw them with canine or feline teeth, aye-aye's do not have those kind of teeth
  • Does not have ear fluff


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

While Pebble may like their alone time, especially when they're focused on what they're work on stuff, they do also like to socialise and with others. They're a good listener, so they enjoy when they're talking to someone that has a lot ot say, talking about something they enjoy. When they're working on something small, they don't mind if they're talking to someone either. They are not good at relaxing at all, and will always somehow find something else to tinker around with when they have nothing to be working on, so if someone needs help with something, they're almost always happy to help out. They can be a bit cranky if they don't get enough sleep, wouldn't consider themselves a "morning person"(They're nocturnal, so they get a bit cranky if they get waken up earlier than they'd like) and may be a bit prickly if they're currently stumped on something. Otherwise, they're typically pretty chill. They sometimes like to joke, but sometimes, because of how blunt they can be, it can be hard to tell when they're joking or are being serious.


Anything mechanical they can fiddle with

They just really like making things, fixing things and doing things with their hands


They're a big fan of Pizza (Is probably one of their favourite foods). Their favourite pizza is probably cheese, mushrooms, hazelnuts and tomatos


They enjoy looking after plants, as they help them relax, and also sometimes gives them bug snacks to snack on.


They just think they're really cute


Whipped cream

They just really don't like the texture of it at all and they think it's weird

Having to sit still

They always feel like they need to be doing something, so they think anything that involves not doing much feels like a waste of time to them


They refuse to eat them as they worry about the diseases they could be carrying

Baggy clothes

Clothes that are too big on them basically, especially long sleeves. They feel like those sorts of clothes with get in the way too much


Extra stuff

What they listen to

When they're working on something in their work area, they like to play stuff in the background to help keep their focus. Their go to type of music is EDM (specifically Drum and bass and electro) and Heavy metal

How they use their tail

They use their tail to also grab stuff, hold things and sometimes help with fixing stuff, stuff like that. They're just careful about what they do with their tail due to the fact that their tail has really long fur (They don't want their fur to get stuck in things it shouldn't nor do they want their tail brushing stuff they don't want on their tail.


They don't like having any sort of video, movie or show playing in the background/ nearby, as they find it can make them very distracted when working on stuff as they may accidentally get too invested into them and then won't make as much progress. They don't mind if other people are there watching them though, they find that less distracting.

More Plants

Pebble's favourite plant is Jasmine. She find it really pretty and seeing them always makes her day that little bit better. Someday she'd like to have a little garden area full of Jasmine flowers.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam blandit vel nibh feugiat pellentesque. Vivamus posuere blandit lobortis. In vitae lectus quam. Sed aliquam dolor a imperdiet finibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas in porta velit. Nunc faucibus mi ac nisi iaculis ultricies. Morbi sit amet ultricies tellus. Nunc accumsan neque metus, vitae porttitor risus iaculis ut. Vivamus commodo consequat magna vel volutpat. Fusce aliquam quam neque, eu maximus quam convallis et.

Quisque quis posuere arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam in sem non sem efficitur aliquet. Donec ac convallis lorem, eu mattis metus. Etiam bibendum justo vel turpis malesuada, et malesuada purus condimentum. Proin suscipit ac arcu a vestibulum. Vivamus lacinia urna eget eleifend suscipit. In vestibulum feugiat auctor. Phasellus ac ornare nibh. Integer condimentum placerat velit, id mollis massa gravida nec. Ut at turpis ut nisl sollicitudin aliquet. Phasellus pretium feugiat eros, vitae aliquam nibh ullamcorper nec.


Donec condimentum velit turpis, sed tincidunt nisl egestas eu. Vestibulum lorem neque, placerat id arcu a, commodo ultrices arcu. Etiam rhoncus a tellus eu faucibus. Duis egestas velit ac est fermentum efficitur. Quisque nec tincidunt ante, quis maximus augue. Integer sit amet suscipit ligula. Duis vehicula sapien in lorem venenatis, sit amet sagittis lectus consectetur. Suspendisse potenti. In suscipit ut leo sagittis rutrum. Nam sed turpis quis ligula molestie lobortis nec quis nulla. Nulla dignissim vehicula elementum. Duis neque erat, lacinia interdum massa eu, interdum aliquet lorem. Aenean volutpat mattis viverra. Mauris consequat consectetur lobortis. Ut pulvinar dictum enim, non auctor leo luctus at. Mauris euismod ut nunc id tristique.


Donec ut nulla fringilla mi sodales mattis. Morbi sit amet congue justo, quis pretium ante. Aliquam nec pretium massa. Suspendisse erat eros, congue non malesuada in, sagittis volutpat erat. Quisque cursus pretium ligula, efficitur sodales velit malesuada at. Vestibulum et turpis ut odio sagittis efficitur. Morbi congue urna odio. Proin maximus, elit eget tincidunt iaculis, neque urna interdum diam, eget pharetra tellus dui vitae nisl.

Nulla a mollis orci. Nulla sed odio suscipit, pulvinar dui ac, porttitor nibh. Aliquam tincidunt, justo quis feugiat vulputate, nunc justo lobortis eros, vitae mattis turpis lacus quis arcu. Morbi fermentum, eros a viverra imperdiet, mi leo rutrum nisi, in eleifend sem metus eu odio. Duis congue, tortor eget sodales mattis, dui velit dignissim lorem, quis commodo est purus sit amet urna. Fusce ac interdum libero. Vivamus imperdiet ullamcorper nisi eu porttitor. Praesent consequat, turpis sit amet lobortis rhoncus, mi magna feugiat velit, a tincidunt nisl diam sit amet sapien. Donec nisi lacus, sodales vitae diam quis, vehicula pellentesque ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer feugiat mauris risus, in luctus metus bibendum sed.







Pebble happened to walk past their place of work a few times, often becoming curious about what it is they see and stuff. One time, curiosity got the better of them and they wondered in, asking what they could tell them about their future. They told her that during one of her experiments, she'll lose her arm and that she should not get too foolish with what she works on and to take the session as a warning. She thanked him for his wisdom and left, unsure what to do with this knowledge. For a long time, those words would always linger in the back of their mind, while they worked on their projects. Even though they were trying to be extra careful, they miscalculated something and the event happened anyway. The next time they'd meet, would be when Pebble had their new arm. Ever since then, Null feels a lot of disdain for them




Sometime after Pebble's accident, Pebble was looking for a place to move to, as their current place was in an inconvenient place for them at the time. After searching, Pebble came across this bar/ cafe place, which they thought would be a good place to relax for the bit. A few minutes after getting her order taken, she noticed a stool off to the side, in need of fixing. She brought it up with the person at the front, Yoru, and asked if it was something they could help with. It took a little bit of convincing, but eventually they accepted and Pebble got to work right there, as they already had tool on them at the time. Yoru and Pebble talked some more, and Yoru mentioned about a place abbove them that was currently free, and suggested that, if they helped with fixing stuff whenever things needed fixing, he'd let them stay in the room. Pebble agreed, especially as it was just what they were looking for. Pebble find that the cafe/ bar place is good for them too, as it allows for them to mingle with the people and see if anyone needs help with anything that needs fixing, which in turn, helps bring in some customers to the bar/ cafe place too


Younger sister?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.