


1 year, 8 months ago


✧ You'll be just fine

Outside for the first time in a long time / You said you can't remember what it's like / To feel more than cold on the inside
Name. joseph spencer

Nicknames. joey, jo

Age. 29

Gender. genderfluid

Pronouns. they/she/he

Relation Status. open / closed

— pansexual

— monogamous

Occupation. Stay at Home Mom

Residence. Stillwater, Maine

HTML. jiko

Content Warning:Drug mention, drug use, mention of suicide and family member death.

Joey Spencer is an emotional being moonlighting as a fun-loving, carefree and reckless rebel.

loyal | genuine | lax
clumsy | adaptable | impressionable
anxious | cowardly | desperate

✧ First Face : The World.

Joey presents as a fun-loving, somewhat outgoing individual. They thrive on company and love to make friends, no matter how shy they may initially feel. They can find common ground with almost anyone. It's not hard for Joey to make friends, though these are usually surface-level friendships that they can have fun with. They hide most of their true emotions around others, coming off as happy-go-lucky and unbothered by the weight of the world.

She can be a little clueless, and definitely clumsy. She has a history of being fired from jobs due to breaking things, leaving the building unlocked after closing up and smoking on the job. Joey pretends she tries her best at work, but couldn't care less and does not believe in loyalty to her job. Despite this, Joey is very loyal to people she cares about, and would do anything for a friend.

He enjoys getting too rowdy at parties, committing small felonies, beer pong, and hotwiring cars.

✧ Second Face: Close ones.

Due to her virtually non-existent relationships with her parents and peers growing up, Joey struggles with close relationships and can become very attached to people she has developed deeper connections with. They have a very anxious attachment to partners and are often quite insecure, wondering whether they are truly liked/loved, or if they are feeling more than the other person. This can be seen in both friendships and romantic relationships, where they sometimes do too much in order to show the other person that they care.

With close friends, Joey feels as though she can be somewhat more of her true self, talking a bit more openly about her feelings and insecurities, and sharing others' emotional burdens. Joey loves to share her interests with close friends, talking about music and movies she enjoys and showing them skills she's picked up from her many jobs.

Joey is very affectionate to those he is closest to. In romantic relationships, this can physically look like holding hands frequently, close, intimate conversations, kisses and hugs and snuggles, the works! Joey wants to show their love to their partner in every way possible, with words and actions. She is devoted, and oftentimes codependent on the ones she loves.

✧ Third Face: True Reflection.

Underneath it all, Joey is insecure, anxious, and desperate for connection. Craves the feeling of coasting through life, getting into trouble, and being carefree due to missing out on a lot of aspects of a childhood. Can be short-tempered when things don't work the way he expected them to right away, especially at work, causing most of the trouble he gets in when he ends up breaking some piece of equipment.

Joey harbors a lot of resentment towards herself for not living up to her parents' expectations of her, as well as her belief that she is responsible for her father's death. He will never show it, if only in brief glimpses past his generally friendly demeanor.

Petty, self-destructive, impulsive. There isn't a drug that Joey won't try at her worst, binging anything to purge her brain of intrusive thoughts and her deeply-woven anxieties. Purposeless, desperate for meaning.

Dreamcatcher in the rearview mirror

Hasn't caught a thing yet

Twenty dollars in souvenirs, anything's worth trying
Species. Afghan Hound

Designer. pooltable

Obtained via. purchase

Worth. 400$+

Design Notes.
  • Joey is skinny and lanky, tall and somewhat wasp-ish.
  • Feel free to use their alternate colors as well!
  • Long hair, can be pulled up into buns, ponytails, braids, whatever!
  • In Joey's canon universe, Stillwater, she has transitioned physically into a female-presenting individual. In the canon of Iridescentia, Joey has not had any gender-affirming surgeries, and is AMAB. That being said, she can be drawn with or without breasts, or with either genitalia if said drawing is NSFW.
  • Joey generally wears punk/grunge clothes, chains, collars, jewellry, etc. Somewhat whimsigothy style also catches their eye, sheer dresses with long flowy sleeves, typical 80s 'girl clothes', whatever! Joey is an avid thrifter, and is not above wearing clothes that have been patched up.


A fun-loving punk with a heart of gold... well, sort of.

art by pooltable



Build. Lanky

— Joey can't seem to keep weight on, for one reason or another. Skinny, lanky, but mostly covered up with fur.

— Not a lot of muscle on their body at all!

Scars. A few here and there.

— A few scars from nights she doesn't remember, nothing too significant.

Voice. Light, feminine but somewhat masculine.

— Somewhat Jude Law-ish without the accent, if not a bit more higher pitched. Soft and gentle most times.

Eyes. Very pale green

— Somewhat olive-ish.

Fur. medium length, flowy

— Can be drawn with it less-so, though canonically Joey is fairly furry.

Scent. Flowery perfume, hairspray, diner food

— Smokes cigarettes often

— Depending on where Joey is working at the time, he could smell like any range of things, from motor oil to grease from a kitchen, lemon kitchen cleaner, etc

Accessories. Septum piercing, rings, necklaces

— Likes chokers and spiked collars

— Probably has the most obnoxiously full wallet on the planet, think George from Seinfeld. Keeps a ton of useless shit in her pockets

when i cut a hole into my skull
do you hate what you see like i do?

Moral Alignment.
Likes. Coffee; Music, metal preferred; Chinese Food; Thunderstorms; Sunset; Sleeping until noon; Dungeons and Dragons; Any game honestly; Cheap beer; Scary movies, despite being terrified; T.V, specifically cartoons; Getting their hair touched; Long drives; Mountains; The smell of gasoline, Tinkering with vehicles, despite knowing little to nothing; Vandalism (silly doodles on bathroom stalls); Concerts; Mosh pits; Makeup; The feeling of velvet; Halloween; Autumn; Warm weather; Physical contact

Dislikes. Winter; Root Beer; Jazz; Their mother; Authority figures; The thought of finishing school; Wool textures; Stuck-up people; Sports (playing or watching); Religion; Reading books, magazines are fine; Soap operas; Early mornings; Talking about feelings; Birds; Bugs; Any creepy crawly

Fears. The unknown; Never amounting to anything; Too many expectations; Vampires; Death; Being alone; Being stranded with no way home; Aliens; Everyone pretending to like them; People being replaced by aliens; Any episode of the Twilight Zone, honestly; Seeing their mother

Ambitions. Joey isn't really sure what their ambitions are currently; To make friends; Feel free to just 'be'; Enjoy life; Feel whole

Mental Health. Not great; Probably CPTSD from her childhood, anxiety and depression, frequent nightmares. Recovering drug user, some symptoms of withdrawals present during the early part of this though not so much anymore. Insomnia at times.

Beliefs. Joey is unsure if he believes in a god. He more often than not will flat-out rebel against such things, deciding that he hates whatever higher power is out there and prefers not to think about it. Has thought about vandalizing churches but some underlying fear keeps him from doing it.

Hobbies. TV and movies; Playing tabletop games; Enjoys pool, darts, arcade games; Likes just 'hanging out', loitering, you could say; Doesn't really know if this counts as a hobby but likes to doodle from time to time

  • Joey is left-handed.
  • Joey's favorite color is green, but enjoys red and black as well.
  • Joey loves the sun and will spend all day outside during the summer!
art by crypteyed





Pain Tolerance.

centre of attention.
Wondering By Self.
Forever in Love.
Goes with the Flow.
Stays in the Past.
Moves on.
Social Butterfly.
any green
tape deck, tape collection


healing, love
profound change
riding your bike home at sunset as a child, nothing can hurt you

Always managed to move in right next to the cemeteries,
and never far from hospitals, I don't know what that tells you about me

"Just don't ask me any math questions."

01. What's the lie you say most often?

"I'm fine!"

Joey will more often than not push feelings down into her darkest depths, rather than talking them out. She doesn't like to acknowledge when things have hurt her, but is also not a people pleaser. She just isn't usually in a mental space to be able to deal with her feelings unless she's with someone she trusts wholeheartedly.

02. What do you notice first in the reflection versus what most others first notice looking at you?

"I notice my eyes, I think other people notice my smile, I don't know."

Joey has a big, toothy grin. Not much else to say about that.

03. If you were suddenly challenged, would you rather run away or stay and fight?

"Uhhh... Depends how much I've had to drink I guess."

Joey would run away. Even if he says he wouldn't, he would run away. Unless someone he cared very deeply for was at risk of getting hurt, then he would grab their hand and run away with them.

04. Are you proud of who you are?

"Not before, but I think I am now."

Joey was not raised to have any sense of pride in themselves unless they were academically successful, and because of frequent pressure and abuse causing them to stop giving a shit about their education, they have come to feel that they have not once ever been someone worth being proud of. Maybe someday. Joey quietly feels proud of themselves for finding someone to love and who loves them, and despite not intending on having a child, Joey feels proud of the way they have come to love and take care of Huey. They are proud of themselves on days when they can leave the house.

05. Are you afraid of death?

"No... and yeah."

Having to watch their once healthy (and very unkind) father get sick and become a shell of who he was put a healthy fear of death into Joey, however this fear was combated by a desire to end her life in her early adulthood. After being essentially killed by Avery, Joey is unsure of how he feels about death. He fears the inevitable death of his loved ones, his husband and child.

06. What does your perfect world look like to you?

"One where I can just be."

Joey craves the feeling of being carefree, and would enjoy having no responsibilities and being able to just do whatever they want. Oh, and having someone to share that with, eventually.

07. What do you see in an ideal partner/s (romantic or platonic)?

"Affectionate, honest, and non-judgemental."

Joey isn't picky, they want friends and partners who like to have fun, who are kind and sweet and affectionate. They want to be met with the same loyalty that they would give someone else. It wouldn't hurt if they liked to get in trouble too.

08. Is there somebody you haven’t been able to forgive? What did they do? Do you want to forgive them?

"My mother."

Joey's childhood was rife with emotional neglect and verbal, sometimes physical abuse. It came from both her mother and father, though in her adulthood, when her father got sick, her mother left and never returned. She has not forgiven her for that, specifically, and had to deal with his illness, death, and everything after on her own. She swears if she ever sees her mother she would... well... she's not sure, really.

09. Do you think the future is hopeful? Why or why not?

"I do."

If you'd asked Joey three years ago if they had any hope for the future, they would've laughed in your face. They have since found purpose in their simple life, and despite many, many setbacks, have come to feel hopeful that things will work out for them.

10. What is your darkest childhood memory?

"Oh god, what to choose..."

Joey remembers in particular being sent to his room without supper, over and over again, due to not getting good grades, not doing his chores, or if his dad was in a bad mood.

the story at a glance.

  • Joey was emotionally neglected and abused as a child, their parents wanted them to be academically successful and put a lot of pressure on them.
  • Joey began drinking and smoking in high school, causing their grades to suffer, and for them to suffer more at home. They graduated, but just barely.
  • Joey's father gets sick, their mother leaves, leaving Joey to take care of their father. They reconcile, somewhat, and Joey's dad passes away.
  • Joey's dad leaves them with a bit of money, which they used to buy drugs and alcohol, grief-stricken and alone. They finally decide to get out of town, selling their childhood home and taking their dad's car and the money from selling the house and moving far, far away.


✧ WARNING: no explicit warnings.

  • Emotional neglect
  • Mention of verbal and physical abuse
  • Mention of drug and alcohol
Chapter Zero.

Joey was born on a chilly September twenty-eighth, an incredibly loud and demanding baby, as they tend to be. They were born into a blue-collar family, their father was a well-known handyman around the small Maine town they resided in, and their mother was a stay-at-home parent who did everything but actually parent. Joey's family was well-liked in the close-knit community, and from the outside, seemed like the 'perfect family'. Their life started off fairly normal, though their mother suffered from postpartum depression and didn't want to spend much time with baby Joey, though she did what she could. As Joey grew, the little attention she received began to dwindle.

Joey's school years are when things began to truly turn. In gradeschool, she began to show signs of being 'academically gifted', much to her parents delight. They decided she would be the first in their family history to go to college, and began to pressure Joey relentlessly to study harder. What time she used to spend outside with friends became time inside her room, reading books and working on extra homework her parents had requested from her teachers. Her mental health was affected from a young age, and she was frequently tired and overworked. She recalls many times when she would be struck or yelled at for grades that weren't good enough, and sometimes sent to bed with no dinner. Some small glimmers of hope for affection still remained, as when they would go out she was regarded fondly by neighbours-- the only time she'd ever felt like her parents were proud of her.

As he became older, Joey's parents stopped pretending they cared at all, in his opinion. He began to rebel where he could, especially during his teens, but was still the subject of his parent's disappointment and anger. School and home began to drive him to drinking and drugs, finding a few friends who helped him feel some semblance of normalcy in his otherwise fairly restricted life. His grades suffered, resulting in more abuse at home. Joey, despite everything, somehow graduated high school. He vowed the second he turned eighteen that he would leave town.


✧ WARNING: no explicit warnings

  • Familial death, abandonment
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Attempted suicide
Chapter One.
Early Adulthood.

Joey had never heard of cancer until their father got sick. Nobody told them, they found out from being nosey and rifling through papers left on the kitchen counter. Pamphlets describing what would happen. At eighteen, Joey swore they would leave home no matter what. And then they said the same at nineteen, and again and again for quite a few years, though they had no means to escape. But their mother beat them to it, and left with only a note left on the kitchen table. Joey was left to care for her sick and heartbroken father. What kept her there remains a mystery, some stupid loyalty, guilt, or hope that still existed in her heart.

The disease took Joey's father quickly, though during this time, she began a real relationship with him. She could not say that she didn't resent him after everything he and her mother put her through, but for the first time in her life, she had a connection with her father. On her darkest days she will say that he only wanted to spend time with her because she was his caretaker, or maybe he was preparing to head to the pearly gates and wanted some brownie points. But it felt real, at least.

After Joey's father passed away, he was left to deal with... everything. It was a lot for a young adult to handle, and despite him wanting nothing to do with them, members of the community came together to try and help. Though eventually the kind words and visits stopped, and Joey was left with an empty house and without a purpose. His father had left some money, meant for him and his mother, if she'd remained, and a grief-stricken Joey used it on partying, drugs and alcohol. He began a self-destructive spiral and didn't care if he lived or died. After a few attempts to end his life, but only ending up with a splitting headache or a guilty conscience from not being able to go through with it, he decided enough was enough. Besides, he was out of money.

Fighting withdrawals, Joey sold his childhood home and everything that didn't belong to him (which was most of it). He took his personal belongings in a couple of boxes and threw them into the back of his father's car and finally left town, seeking escape and something different.


✧ WARNING: no explicit warnings.

  • Vampire bites?
Chapter Two.

Joey followed the highway to Stillwater, Maine, a town not too far from his own, but different enough that he felt the air of a new beginning. Shortly after moving into his modest and dingy apartment, he found a flyer for a metal show at the local record shop.

She found herself from a metal show into a close knit friendship turned whirlwind romance with Lu Monroe, the lead singer of the band Nohead. Joey was smitten with his devil-may-care attitude and penchant for getting into trouble. They went through ups and downs, learning to navigate a relationship while also coping with Lu being a werepire, but Joey was happy-- truly happy- for once in her life. She had a job at the diner and felt like there wasn't much else she could need to make her life more perfect.

A shotgun wedding came probably far too soon, but Joey's good luck ran out one night on their smoke break at the diner. Their friend, Avery, who they were unaware was a vampire, lost control and bit them, leaving them to die behind the place they both worked and became fast friends. Joey was turned into a vampire, much to their horror.

Joey resisted the urges, refusing to accept that he was a vampire until he eventually had to come to terms with what he was. With Lu by his side, he was able to get somewhat comfortable with the idea, but still struggles with agoraphobia on his worst days, afraid to leave the safety of Lu's trailer unless they are with him.

An unexpected pregnancy came too soon after, and Joey struggled to fit into a parental role, terrified to end up as a terrible parent like her own. As their little Huey grows, she feels herself growing more and more fond of them and works hard to fit into her new place in the world.

"Quote here to show how I really feel about them."

— NAME's thoughts towards Character

"Quote here to show how I really feel about them."

— Character's thoughts towards NAME

( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )

✧ First Encounter and Impressions.

How did these two characters meet? Did this lead to a positive or negative impression of NAME?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

✧ Attitudes and Dynamic.

Despite their first encounter, how is their dynamic now? Any different? Or did something during their time together influence something else?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

✧ Hopes for the Future.

Any plans for the future? Does MC want to become best friends with this character or... perhaps does MC want the character to drop dead?

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

  • add any relation trivia here!
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.
  • Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.
