
1 year, 9 months ago


"to die by your side, is such a heavenly way to die.."
name monstera
age 30 moons
gender trans she-cat (she/her)
orientation lesbian
residence traveller
rank loner
value £40
status FH











named herself after her love of plants. her birth name is unknown to most.
missus piano
Rio Romeo




herb knowledge

a natural-born leader, Monstera is the oldest of the Traveller's Trio, and by far the most knowledgeable. She's extremely cool and collected, and acts as a reassuring older-sister figure to the two younger cats she lives with. Whilst she misses her family - a small group of semi-feral kittypets living in one of the many suburbs of the city - she's very fond of Vulturethroat and Kotts, and has taught the two most of her extensive herb knowledge. However, she refuses to teach them about dangerous and toxic plants, only telling the cats to stay far away from them. Her calmness can sometimes come off as aloofness and uncaring, and she tends to act a bit frosty around strangers and individuals she doesn't like.

build tall + muscular
breed bengal x birman x moggy
height 34 cm
designer foskai
herb pouch is not optional
monstera leaves over eye is optional
often has little bits of leaf in fur
young adult cat
With sleek, glossy fur, and highly reflective eyes, Monstera takes pride in her appearance. Whilst she has quite a muscular, tomcat-esque body, she manages to look dainty and very feminine. She's very fond of her herb pouch, which Kotts made for her; it manages to fit a suprising amount of leaves and berries in. The glass jars of moss and cobwebs she hands from the strap were stolen from a two-leg school, and the spiky, curved claw she has fixed on the top is that of a large lizard's.

Born to a family of half-feral kittypets, Monstera showed promise as a leader from a very young age. With a strong memory and a natural affinity for remembering herbs and types of plants, she hoped her skills could benefit her family. However, Monstera's ambition meant she eventually started to find life in the enclosed, sheltered community gardens where her family lived dull. She wanted to travel thr world and document all the different plants she could find; but her loyalty to her family ovverid her wishes amd forced her to stay.

When Monstera was about 17 moons, an awful bought of greencough struck the family, almost killing Monstera and taking the life of her mother. Overwhelmed by grief and guilt for not being able to care for her clan was completely overwhelming, and she impulsively made her mind to leave the family snd never look back; even leaving her first love.

Monstera travelled alone for many moons, selling her herbs and plants for food and shelter, and tended to not stay in the same place for very long. It was only when she met two young cats, Kotts and Vulturethroat, that she decided to take them on as apprentices and train them to be healers and travellers. They're all currently living a happy, nomadic life together.

relation name
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relation name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id tristique metus, at malesuada elit. Sed fermentum purus et odio tempor congue. Cras vestibulum porta efficitur, Morbi vel turpis at magna lobortis dapibus at vitae ante. Mauris faucibus velit et elementum rutrum. Morbi ac bibendum nibh. Integer interdum pharetra ligula, non dignissim dui fermentum varius. Pretium nibh ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam id. Mattis molestie a iaculis at erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo. Nisi vitae suscipit tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed. Sed viverra tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus. Tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor.