

1 year, 9 months ago


Name Chirmin

Species Red Fox

Gender Male (he/him)

Age 23

Birthday 30th August

Rank Subordinate

Residence Oyavoia Palace

Ref Sheet see/click here


Chirmin is a young adult with a small and slim build. Despite being quite short, he is quite lean and can hold his own in a fight. He has wavy auburn hair, tied up in a short ponytail most the time as his hair can get in the way. Chirmin's ears are long and pointed. His fur is vaying shades of orange and grey, with a white coloured chest. His eyes are a light shade of teal with hints of yellow.

Chirmin is a subordinate of the King in the King's forces. His uniform for this duty consists of a short blue coat with decorative gold strips, and a hat with metal accesories and two fake horns. His eye mask (when he wears it) is dark in colour an covers his left eye. Chirmin also has a necklace which he almost never takes off. It holds a bright red jewel.

Design notes
  • Chirmin's refrence sheet can be found here: (see/click here)
  • The red necklace, blue uniform, and the hat he wears is not optional.
  • The mask that covers his eye in some designs is optional.
  • For the majority of the time, he does not wear this mask.
  • He begins to wear this mask after (redacted), and it is worn as shown: (see/click here)
  • His hair is most often tied back, however it can be drawn untied.

Chirmin is quite a confident character - he finds no issue with being the centre of attention. He is quite strongwilled and determined, and will let nothing stop him in pursuit of his task. Chirmin can find a solution to almost any problem, due to this determination and how he can talk his way through any situation. This makes him a prime fit for this "detective" role he has in the King's force.

However, Chirmin is stubborn and can cause annoyance at times. Not many people he knows have a good relationship with him. For example, Mytsveli, another subordinate, does not like Chirmin due to the way he sometimes cannot take things seriously and likes to annoy other members of the King's force.

  • being busy
  • annoying mytsveli
  • sweet foods
  • cold temperatures
  • swimming
  • combat training



Chirmin is one of the highest members of the Kings front, serving to Kyverntis and Kyverntis only. He mainly takes the role of a dectective, solving various crimes and plots that take place all over Sykinos. His high intellect makes him excel at this, however he is also quite a keen fighter.

Not much is known about his origins or how he rose to the place he is today, but some speculate it has something to do with the red jewel he keeps round his neck at all times and his undoubted loyalty to Kyverntis.

Only the King's Force know much about Chirmins abilty, but it is widely feared amongst the lower ranks due to the sheer power he can produce from it. Chirmin has only used it a handful of times - probably due to the fact it can cause a backlash upon himself.



Chirmin joined the King's force 4 years ago, and he didn't take the coventional path to becoming one of Kyverntis's subordinates. . He has an undoubted loyalty to the king - doing whatever Kyverntis orders of him. No one other than the king know of why he holds this loyalty.


Chirmin met Mytsveli a couple years ago, whilst he joined the King's Front. Chirmin has warmed up to Mytsveli, as they are of similar age. Unfortunately, this feeling is not reciprocated as Mytsveli is constantly annoyed by Chirmins antics.


Although Encyn and Chirmin met only a couple of times, it could not be helped that there were differences of interest between them. Perhaps in another world they would be able to get along. Chirmins loyalty to Kyverntis was never going to end well with Encyn.


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