Priscylla Navari



1 year, 9 months ago


Closed species OC part of the Strixia world owned by

Species - Astrian

Name - Priscylla Navari (pronounced prih-sih-lah , nah-var-ee)

Nicknames - Scylla, Riri

Gender - Cis Female (she/her)

Sexuality - heteroflexible

Age - 52

Height - 5'10


Priscylla had a bit of a rough childhood. Her parents came from a place of high status and expected their children to keep their status high. Practically every move she made was monitored by her family to make sure she acted properly. One aspect of her life, her grades, they were especially harsh about. It caused her a lot of stress but she would still end up at the top of her class in fear that she would ruin her family's name if she hadn't. Due to spending most of her time on studies she didn't have many friends growing up and those she did befriend were more like acquaintances that were arranged for her by her family. As she grew up she ended up being bullied for a short period as she began to develop her body earlier than other girls in school. Over time though, this bullying would become infatuation and crushes from some of the boys. However, not being allowed to date, she would have small acts of rebellion by spending time with some of the boys after school, blaming it on studying. She made a bit of a name for herself around the school and ultimately got found out by her parents who reprimanded her harshly for her behavior. Her behavior would cease after her punishment but the rumors would stay and the bullying continued through her high school years.

Even still, she would graduate at the top of her class and immediately went on into college the very next year. Spending all of her time studying, she didn't feel as though she had much of a college experience but was proud of herself for graduating with a masters degree in business administration with a specialization in finance. She would struggle to find a job for a short period after graduating due to her lack of experience but would ultimately settle on a secretary job offered for the CEO of a resort owned by the council member Azazel. Her parents weren't too happy with her career choice as a secretary but ultimately had no control over her as she moved out as soon as she was given the chance. She lived on her own and worked at this company for a couple of years under Colton Navari before ultimately ending up in a relationship with the man.

(TW: sexual assault, incest, abuse (non-explicit))
Afraid of their relationship catching wind and causing legal trouble for the company, Priscylla would jump at the chance for a promotion as soon as she could and ultimately ended up an equal to Colton before deciding to propose to him herself. The two would get married that very same year and ended up having a daughter together. Things seemed fairly normal for the family for a number of years until Priscylla's daughter began to act strange. Worried about what was going on, she tried to pry into her daughter's wellbeing and eventually found out that her husband had been molesting the girl for the past couple of years.

Obviously furious, she immediately took her daughter out of the house and set her up in a hotel room while she handled the situation with her husband. They had a big fight and the authorities were called on the man who attempted to flee from the house. Eventually as the authorities got involved and Colton went missing from work word would get around the office about what happened. Priscylla had already started the process of filing for divorce and had nearly trashed Colton's belongings when taking them out of the house.

Eventually the divorce was finalized and Priscylla took her share of things including custody of her child. Colton on the other hand would end up in prison for sexual assault on a minor of family relations. Ultimately with Colton gone a position was opened up with a pay raise for the position which Priscylla quickly applied for. She got the job and was doing well in her position but her home life was another story. She enrolled her daughter in therapy as soon as she got the chance and did her best to care for the girl but couldn't help but feel guilty for not realizing what was going on sooner. Every so often she would drown out her sorrows at the resort bar and eventually would confide in a work acquaintance by the name of Azrael.

The two began talking more as time went on and would bond over similar trauma and just through spending time together. Eventually the two would even playfully flirt with one another although Priscylla didn't think much of it at first it wasn't until Azazel himself would break the news to her that something was going on with his butler. After getting wind of his crush on her she would start to notice the signs and would even begin falling for the man herself until ultimately deciding to ask the question. The two would date briefly before eventually falling into a more serious relationship.

Priscylla's daughter wasn't too keen on her new step-dad but she wasn't exactly keen on any men after what happened to her. Over time though, she and Azrael would bond and by the time she was an adult she considered him more of a father than her birth-parent. Somewhere down the line she would even get a little half-sibling from the two. Azazel would end up being more of a stay-at-home parent allowing Priscylla to focus on her career. Somewhere down the line she would end up promoting again to vice president of the resort and wasn't home often but she would still take it upon herself to schedule time off to spend with her family from time to time. Her daughter while going to college herself would help her new father out with her sibling from time to time as well.


- she loves rock and metal music and will sometimes take time off to go to concerts with Azrael/her older daughter
- VC: Tanerélle
- She swings both ways when she drinks. She'll admit that she finds some women attractive but isn't sure if she'd date a woman yet.
- her maiden name is Markell