Enhydro Agate's Comments

I'd love to enter for this girl! I'll be going with the bio/personality style of entry, as those tend to work better for me.

Name: Enhydro Agate (Goes by Enn)

Alignment: Rebellion


Enn is a kind soul, but she comes across as rather uncaring sometimes. She puts the needs of the group above the needs of the individual, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care for those individuals. On homeworld, she managed a team of explorers, and she retains her affinity for leadership. She is one of the driving forces keeping the rebellion going, despite being one of its newest members. Since defecting from Homeworld, she has trained her hydrokinesis to be used in battle, and she's working on summoning a weapon.

History/Story Placement:

As previously mentioned, Enn managed a group of explorers back on Homeworld. She was sent to Earth to shift to helping manage troups, since some noble gems realized her strategic prowess. I am unsure as of yet why she defected; she would definitely need more of a push than the other characters. Perhaps she ran into Tanzanite and the elegant warrior inspired her?

Enn is one of the last rebellion gems that Akoya/[insert red gem here] (the main character of the story; a forced fusion) meet, and she's the one who explains the practical mechanics of the rebellion to them. At first, she tends to irritate [insert red gem here] with her sometimes demanding nature, while Akoya is neutral to her. Eventually she grows on the duo, but it definitely takes time. 


Brucite - While the two are an unlikely duo, they are super close. They call themselves the Small Squad, and find it super amusing that their gem placement is the same. The definitely have a super long, complicated secret handshake

Tanzanite [not yet uploaded] - Tanzanite was the first rebellion gem Enn met, and the two quickly grew close. They have a mutual respect for the other and their respective fighting skills. They love to practice sparring together and have very similar senses of humor.

Akoya - Enn and Akoya started on neutral terms, but eventually grew to be good friends. Enn is the first to suggest training Akoya to fight to help her self-confidence, and Tanzanite jumps on the prospect. Akoya becomes adopted into their sparring group, and Enn's subtle ways of showing affection begin to grow on her

[Insert red gem here] [not yet uploaded] - The two are not the best of friends, as their natures don't mesh the best. Red gem appreciates how much Enn has helped Akoya, though, and has a begrudging respect for that.

(This is a side note, but I always doodle a char that I'm considering writing for to see if I'd change anything, and I figured I'd share that doodle! https://sta.sh/01dq8y1gjiru It's bad quality, but it was just to test out drawing the char. I didn't make any big changes, I just adjusted the bottom of her suit thing a bit.)