Jaen Grey Heath



6 years, 4 months ago


❖ Jaen Grey Heath ❖
 Psychopath ❖ Cold ❖ Assassin ❖ Still water  The Heathens ❖ 


"It has turned out that many see me as the leader of The Heathens, but  the truth is that I am no leader, nor king, boss or  God. I hate leaders  - bosses even more, I stand against kingdoms, and I have never believed  in any God. I believe I am a tutor, a teacher and a older brother.  I  am not your leader - I do not have the authority to comand you around  nor the intresst... But I am your brother - I do have the responsibility  for your health, morals and growth. Do not ever mix that up!"

 Name || Jaen Gray Heath
Pronounce  || Jay-hen
Nickname || Jeaden // Hidden Light
Gender || Male ♂
Age || Unknown
Birthday || Unknown
Zodiac || Unknown
Specie || Mage
Occupation || Assassin for The Heathens
Role || Main assassin'
Alignment || Lawless Neutral
Bounty$ || $100.000
Setting  || The WCK Universe
Sexual Orientation  ||Not determined - Most likely some form of demi-sexual / demi-romantic
Significant other || None
Voice || Deep and cold
Theme song || Beliver [ironically enough] & Whatever it takes by Imagine Dragons & Shoreline av Nomy & No place like home
Setting || Dragon City
Creator  || Kazumewolf
Designer || Kazumewolf
Owner || Kazumewolf
Character Worth $: More than you can pay

It's Jaen, not Jean... Remember the name...

Jaen Grey Heath is a notable figure in the magical world. Not only is he known as the head of the brotherhood, The Heathens, but he is also acknowlegded for his abnormal and uncommen powers, and magical appearance. Jaen was born into the brotherhood by his mother Coral, and his father Nerew. His mother was a master witch, feared by many, and his father was an highly ranked assassin in The Heathens. Jaen was therefor trained in all forms of art, everything from potion making to sword fighting. His parents did not only make sure that Jaen knew how to control his magic abilities, but they strived to make sure he mastered them. Nerew therefor also started to push Jaen, from an early age, so he would be the best assassin ever known. He teached him how to use his body in different ways, how to control his strenght, his movements and also emotions in a battle. Then later on Jaen also learned how to master different fighting techniques, different weapons and so on. While on the other hand, his mother teached him alchemy. Where he soon showed great interest with a immense spark - and Jaens thirst, or rather glottony, for knowledge never seemed to be saturated, which led to his mother never holding back from teaching him everything she knew.

Not only did Jaen never stop to strive for more power and knowlegde, but he also learned how to push himself to the breakingpoint, and he never stopped pushing before his limits were prevailed. He never stops working or pursuing his goals or achievements before it's accomplished. Exactly because of this will and determinedness of his, are one of many reasosns why Jaen is so recognized, feared, aswell as respected amoung many. Aswell as it makes him fit for the role as the front figure and main assassin in the brotherhood, The Heathens.


"There are few who have seen my face. Most of them are dead"

|  Blond  |  1.89 cm  |  Muscular  |  Tattoo  |  Green-blue eyes   |   Outstanding   | 

Jaen Gray is an attractive young man with strong and compact posture. His body is masculine built with strong and hard muscles as a result of years with tough training. He has a dominant upper-body, with broad shoulders and chest, but despite the big mass of muscle, he is still quite agile and light on his feet, as he never wish for something else - as he believes the key to bee a good assassin is not just pure musclemass, but agility and speed.

Down his strong and muscular right arm he has a tattoo. The tattoo starts on his shoulder blade and goes down to the wrist. The tattoo is an combination of roses, daisies ect. rose thorns, a snake and a deer skull wich is placed in the center of the underarm. The flowers lays in the background while the thorns twist around their stem. The snake bends it's way around his arm almost like it's clinging to him, and it's head stops on the end of his shoulderblade with its long red tongue out in the air. Many might question why he has this tattoo, and what the meaning behind it might be. A conspiracy might be that the deer skull is a symbol for agility, and speed - and the snake stands for eternity and continual renewal of life. While the flowers is a symbolism of beauty and the thorns danger, sin and pain. 

His skin is quite pale as he never seem to expose his full identity out in the open sun, and most of the time wears a hoodie with a deep hood to cover his face. In addition to this he is mostly outside during the night, and the times when he takes off the hoodie, it's mostly inside The Heathens hideout. So there is not much of a supprise that he is not that tan, nor sun-kissed.

Those who have been lucky enough to have seen his face have noticed the beauty of his green-blue-ish narrow and cold eyes. The main colour of his eyes is blue, but the hint of emerald green that spreads around in the iris, can be pretty dominant in the right light. In other words his eyes never seem the same each day, almost like they are constantly changing colour and never stays consistent. He inherited his beautiful eyes from his parents. The blue colour from his father, and the green from his mother. His eyes will normally seem more blue rather than green in everyday settings, but if you pay attention you will see them turn more green as he is using his magical abilities. This is because he mainly inherited his magical powers from his mothers side. 

Jaen has his hair tied up most of the time. His blond hair is shoulder-length and soft as silk. He often braids one side of it to keep it away from his face, and connects it together with a ponytail in the back of the head. It is not that he do not like to have his hair down, but it's more for practical reasons, and because i prefere to have a clear sight.


Jaen has a simple way of dressing. He never really care much for how he dress as he mostly wants to stay out of eyesight anyway. Therefor his style is mostly combined with plane pants, a simple sweather or t-shirt with some natural colours, b/w or grey ect. And of course a hoddie to keep his face hidden.

He of course do know how to dress more casual, but that is another story.



Tattoo Meaning [spoiler allert]13249590_x7lWLX9LICkwHq9.jpg
Like already mentioned Jaen has a tattoo on his right arm of a deer skull, a snake, flowers and thorns. The tattoo is the symbol of his magical powers sealed away, and each element of the tattoo is a shortcut to his powers. Despite that Jaen wanted to seal his powers away he still wanted to have some of them easly available in case he needed them.  The thorns is a symbol of the seal. It keeps his powers away from him, and only lets him use simple spells like "destroy" and "burn", which is some basic spells almost anyone can use. The thorns also decide the amount of power the spells can use - since simple spells also can be pretty harmfull with the greater amount of powers. It also makes it hard for Jaen to use the spells and prevents him from using it too much - since everytime he uses a spell, he will feel like his body is sorrounded by sharp thorns. 

The deer skull is a symbol of a guardian. The Dark vessel is a guardian only used by those who posseses great powers of black magic, but it haven't been seen elsewere than in paintings and books the last thousands of years. It is often used for protecting tressures, and is often painted with great values protected inside its ribbcage. It appears when it is called by it's name "Dark vessel" together with a drop of blood by it's host.

The flowers is a symbol of Jaen's source of immortality. This is the magic that allows him to heal when he faces great damage. It can be used by the command "blossom", or it will start to work when Jaen is in increadible pain either mentaly or physicaly - or is close to death.
The snake is the most powerfull, yet the most deadly, power that Jaen posesses. The snake is a deadly attack that makes the snake on his arm disapear into the shadows. When the snake lures in the shadows it is almost too late to retreat for the opponent, bacause the snake won't stop hunting until it's pray is dead, or it's master - Jaen. From the shadows the snake will attack with great speed and deadly sharp teeth filled with poison. It might appear from every corner where there is shadow, even from your own shadow. In the old days the mages called The snake for "The russian roullete card" - and for a good reason. As the twist happens to be, that if the opponent is stronger than Jaen in magic and willpower, the snake might see him as the pray instead of the opponent. This makes it quite risky to summon, because even if Jaen do posesses greater power, the snake will eventually drain him from his power over time - which might also kill him.


"What are you acting shy for...?"

|  Intellegent   |   Cold  |   Manipulating  |  Alluring  |  Calm   |  

Jaen is a man of few words.

When it comes to Jaen's personality you can pretty much sum him up as a thinker and an actor, before a speaker. It isn't the first, or indeed the last time, he have acted out a plan and completed it, then first later on told others about the plan, instead of before the act like every other normal person would have done. He is quite stubborn and he likes to do things his own way – and somehow, surprisingly, it ends well almost every time - at least from his perspective.

He is definitely intelligent, and his head is always two steps ahead of everyone else. He basically lives in the present, and thinks from there on. Not only does he predict things because of this, but he can calculate probabilities of different scenarios to happen in a second. His head is in other words a very busy place, and sometimes he desperately tries to take a break from it. 

He does not like to be dependent on others. Therefor he might seem like he pushes those close to him away as much as possible. He never really likes troubling others with his problems or fears. One of his fears is, after all, that it will make him vulnerable if people knew too much about him. You could somehow call him a little paranoid...

There are signs that Jaen might be an adrenaline junkie. He loves the thrilling feeling of fighting and conflicts, almost as he is seeking it. There is not uncommon that you will see him fight or kill with a cold smile on his face, feeling the pain and adrenaline pulsate trough his veins. Why he loves this feeling, is a mystery that only his past can disclose and explain. 

Psychopath vs. Sociopath? 

There is no way you could count how many times Jaen have either been called a psychopath or sociopath. No wonder, since he do indeed have a lot of traits of both being a pshychopath and a sociopath. The question is, witch one of them is he? They say that all psycopaths are sociopaths, and he indeed have both traits, so therefor he is most likely to be pshycopath but with some exceptions. 

First of all Jaen is known to manipulate people around him to the fullest. He are able to twist people around his finger, and make them believe him, or even look up to him. He isn't straight out honest, but with his good looks and charm he pretty much gets away with it every time. 

Jaen do lack the ability of such things as feeling remorse or guilt, and the capability of feeling empathy. He also is known for being physical agressive, which he uses in his fighting methods, as he easly jumps into fights with his head first and often without any weapon or armor. This can aslo indicate for others that he gain the traits as irresponisble and that he disregard his own safity, but despise that he loves the trill of fighting, he never acts impulsive. Every move he makes is thought trought at least ten times in his head, and as earlier mentioned, he do calculate every option possible, and acts after that. So what people might see as impulsiveness is just the oposite. When it comes to deep emotional attachments, it's a little more complicated. As a child Jaen did grow emotional attachments to people closest to him, but he never grew some kind of bond with other kids no mather how long they stayed friends, he never cared for animals, not even his own pets. He even ended up killing them... As an adult he has no emotional attachments at all. Put on the edge, you could say he really couldn't care less if people around him died, but he have learned to somehow act like he cares. Like, he do not wish the people close to him any harm, he would save them from death if they were about to die, but he would never shed a tear for them if they end up dead. Of course, there is one or two exception - Nina is one of them. 


- Training/ Figthing to increase his strenght and skills. He loves to fight opponents who gives him a hard time and makes him push himself.
 - Weapons, sometimes working on different designs to improve old weapons. He also knows alot of different weapons and how they are balanced and constructed. He does not have such a big passion for enchanted weapons.
 - missions
 - The thrill killing gives him
 - Walking alone in silent streets
 - Heights, he loves being up high were he can have a total view
 - Control
- Sleep and silence
 - Twist people around his finger


- Bold or blindly acting. People who screw up because they don't think before they act out
 - Loosing or the feeling of defeat
 - Sickness/feeling ill
 - Monarchy/kingdom/ higher authority like bosses


- Persistence
- Integrity
- Fast
- Consentrated
- Focused
- Self-regulation


"Never let your enemies know your weakness. 
It will be the death of you"


Jaen was raised in the Dragon City by his parents. The Heath family lived between two of the cities, in the forest that sepparated them. Here Jaen spent most of his childhood. He was kind of forbidden to stay in the cities as his parents main concern was that someone would realise he was their kid, or wrongly connect him to the assassin group. After all they were a part of The heathens, but Jaen was not introduced to the brotherhood yet. On the other hand Jaen was like every other kid, and wanted to see the world. He therefor spent most of his time outdoors in the forest, and sometimes the cities as he snuck away from his parents sight. After a while his parents realised they couln't hide the world away from their son, and they couln't always be there to protect him - they therefor decided that they had to teach him how to protect himself. 

No Dear Father [2002] "Punch harder!" He growls after his five year old son. Jaen is putting  everything he can into his punches, but his father is not satisfied.  "For God damn sake boy! Punch!" He comands. Jaens eyes rest on the boxing bag as he breathes heavily and tries to catch his breath for a  second before he punches once more. His body is barley standing  straight, his feets feels like sement, arms numb and fists bleeding and  collouring the floor underneight him red. "Kick!" His father yells, and  Jean lifts his foot in a kick in reflex, but in exhausten he looses his  balanse and collapes on the floor. His loungs are burning, having this  tingeling feeling and working at full speed. "Stand up!" His Father  demands, but Jaen is unable to move- his body feels totally paralyzed.  "I-I can't" Jaen almost cry out. His father narrow his eyes and takes a  hard grip around his boy's sweather before trowing him up against the  wall in  a deep slam. "What did you say!?" He snarles at his face,  clearly furious. Jaen's eyes are tearing up from the pain.  "I-I-I" He starts, but he is not able to speak before his father slams  him into the wall again. "What?!" He growls again, "You're patetic Jaen Grey! You will be killed once you fight, because you are a weakling who gives in!" Jaen is now crying and the tears won't stop flowing by his  fathers rage and words. His father's rage is growing once more as his son is crying and in a second he is about to raise his fist to hit him,  but he is stopped by Devin Heath, Emily and Nicu's father. "Fuck off" he  repliese, but Devin is glaring coldly at him with a dangerus and even  more scary look than Jaen's fathers. "If I ever hear, see or even have  the feeling that you will hit your boy again, I will kill you Nerew"  Cold killer [2005] Jean stuck the cold and sharp blade into the flesh of the falcon. The  bird screams out in a sharp and light sound as the thick blood colour  its light brown feathers. The wings are fighting in the air in order to  escape. It twists its neck so it can bite it’s attacker but in vain.  Jeans grip is too hard. The falcons mussels twitches and Jean moves the  knife deeper into its chest. The eyes in the falcons scull rolls back  and the eyeballs turn slightly white. Jean stabs the knife into the  falcon’s chest again and again. The blood won’t stop running and soon  his hands are all dirty with blood and feathers. With cold blue eyes he  stands up and faces his cousins green eyes. He moves the back of his  hand over his lips and a line of blood colours his chin and to the end  of his mouth. Without making a face of guilt he sees Emily’s eyes  tearing up before she sobs uncontrollably; “you killed it”  Monkey see and monkey do [2012]“She will kill you if you touch her Jaen” Foxzy says and glare at Jaen  with a warning look, “she won’t listen to you, and believe me… We have  tried everything” Desmond adds up Famwhile leaning his back at the wall.  “She probably dies with that fever…” Zachary mumbles, “Look at the way  she is shaking” The boys glares over at the little girl in the corner of  the room. Everyone is keeping their distance to the little girl that is  curling up and glaring at them with an alert and narrowed look.Jaen takes the cup with painkillers out from Foxzy’s hand and walks  toward the little girl that respond immediately by trying to stand up  and defend herself by throwing magic at the floor in front of Jaen. He  stops where the ice is forming dangerous sharp ice taps on the floor. He  sights and sits down two meters away from her. She collapse down to her  knees again but doesn’t take her eyes off Jaen.  Jaen slowly takes a  pill from the cup in one hand and the second in his other hand. The girl  looks at him with a sceptical look before she takes one of the pills  without taking her eyes of him. Jaen nods to her and swallow the pill in  his hand. “They are good for you” He says and nods. The girl looks at  him a little fascinated before she swallow her own pill. “Good” Jean  says and then glares over the guys, “leave… I take it from here” he  tells with a cold dusty tone.  Surprises [2015] "A single thank you would have been nice" Jaen smiles at Lilith while he  step on the shoulder on the dead guard and pulls his knife out of his chest. "I could have handle it on my own" She replies and swing one of  the guards sword around in her hand before pointing it towards Jaen's  throath. He could feel the sharp and cold egde on his skin, but he only  gives her a smirk, put his hand on the blade and pulls it closer so it  punctures his skin. A little and narrowed river of blood flows down his  neck to his white t-shirt. Lilith keeps her hand on the sword and a  playfull smile is formed on her lips. "Jaen Grey - The Hidden Light who  plays with death like a cat with a mouse" her voice is singing in an  aluring sound. Jaen laughts a warm laughter as he smiles to her. "Are  you surprised?" He asks a little teasing. "You stopped to suprise me a  long time ago Jaen" she replies a little bitter sweet and makes him  loose the grip on the sword slowly before she moves the egde towards the  side of his head. He stands still - She pushes the hood away from his  head and reveals his face. They both stands there in the dark street and  admires eachothers faces. "You sure about that?" He then asks with  again a teasing voice.

The Great Murder of The Heathen Family [2008] 
You could smell the blood in the air. 

The metallic smell couln't be mistaken for something else. The heavy summer rain that appeared days ago couldn't even overwrite it - Nothing could - Not even the smell of wet grass and new buds could vanquish it. The smell was so strong, so intense and new that it could be sensed from miles away. It was no supprise, the house in the forest was almost painted by the red mass. It was on the walls, the floor and the roof - no furniture or accessories were spared. It was all covered. 

"They sure lived up to their name and put up a fight" A man in black snorts while he is trying to tie up his heavy injured arm. He was standing over the two dead bodies of Nerew and Coral Heath. Their faces was looking down in the muddy grass soaked in blood. Their bodies was covvered in wounds and bruises. Nerew looked the worst as he refused to give in - not even when the two men managed to kill Coral infront of his eyes, but no mather how hard he faught he coulnd't manage to kill so strong apponents alone as he was wounded, and he refused to try to escape. His stubbornness and pride became the death of him. "I expected more to be honest" the other man then says with a little sharp voice. He touches the back of Coral's head with his boot and turn her face to the side. His eyes glares over her face and then sights. "Let's head back and treat that wound of yours..." He then says and takes a step back from the dead body. His eyes moves over to his brother. "You heard me? Let's head back" He tells another time, slightly more annoyed as his brother seem not to focus. He then moves his eyes from his brothers face and follows his sight, where he then sees a little boy standing in the end of the forest. He turn silent and his eyes narrows to a small and cold line. "It's a kid Florence" James wispers a little concerned. Did he watch it all happen? 



The boy's voice was weak and a little shaken up. He knew they woulnd't respond. He knew what death was and that it was even foolish of him to try to make theem answear, but he still had a little hope left that his parents would wake up. He knew his parents were strong, so he couldn't really believe that someone managed to kill them - even though he saw it with his own eyes when they cut their troaths. He didn't even feel their presence any longer as their spirit and aura was gone. He still called out their names.



Florence and james' eyes grew wide. No one knew that Coral and Nerew had a child. What should they do? 

Florence then decided to make a move, he wiped away the blood on his knife as he moved torwards the kid with decided steps. He knew what he had to do. The boy was a offspring of the people he just murdered, and the kid watched it all happen. They couldn't afford him running around freely. James watches the boy. As a father himself his heart drops and his chest feels heavy. He follows Florence and stops him just some meters away from the boy. "Florence" He says with a low wisper. "What" Florence respond with a sharp voice. James hassitates for a moment: "We cannot kill the kid. I mean he is just a kid"

"You are awere of what that could cost us to let him live?" Florence is slightly enoyed. "Yes, but we were supposed to kill the parents, not a kid" James narrow his eyes now. His voice is turning more decided. Florence glares back at the boy - that is still standing in the same spot, looking after his parents. Then he sights heavily "Fine" he then snorts and put his knife away. They both turn back to the kid. James softens his look as he approches the kid with a calm look. "Hey there kiddo" He starts as he is approching him. The kid lifts his head. His eyes moves from his parents, and glares up at James. His baby blue eyes is big and round, but he isn't scared. The boy is rather calm. "Are they you're parents kiddo? I think we need to -" James is starting to talk, but out of the sudden the boy's eyes turn emerald green. His calm look stays the same, but there is something threatning and cold over them now. James takes a step back a little shocked over the sudden change in the boy's eyes. "You killed them" he says. His voice is deep and cold. Florence's eyes grow wide as he quickly make a move towards his brother. "Brother, watch out!" He yells as he realise that the boy is more of a threat that they imagined. 


His eyes is starting to glow green as the forest around him. His aura dosn't only double it's power but it multiplies so many times that the branches on the trees around him breaks, the ground under their feet is starting to shake and birds is flying up from their nests and into the sky. An explotion of green energy is dancing around his body and it burns the grass under his feets. The boy lifts his hand and with a single move the men flies trough the air across the field and into the house. The wood behind them breaks into a thousand pieces and makes a wide hole into the wall. The men stands up quickly and share a shocked look. Was it true that theey misread his aura before? He seemed just like a normal kid without any powers, and just in a second his aura is twice as strong as their owns. "What the heck" Florence wispers to himself. 

It doesn't take long before the sharp peices from the wall is floating in the air and starts to point towards them. The kid is glaring at them with a clouded look and with a flick with his finger the sharp wooden spikes is flying towards the two brothers in a lightning speed. "Move!" James screams out as he jumps away from the attack. Florence has no time to jump away, and in a reflex he uses a spell making a large yellow shield appear infront of him. The spikes breaks as they hit the shield, but suddenly a different attack is flying his way. A lightning ball explodes into his shield, and breaks it. 

Florences' eyes grow wide as the ligning ball breaks his shield and hits him in the shoulder. The shock of pain spreads through his body in seconds and breaks him down on his knees. "Florence!" James shouts out worried. The kid lowers his hand and watches the brothers in silence. He then starts to move towards his parents bodies where he sits down. He takes their hands in his lap, not caring for the dirt or blood. Somehow he was angry for what happened, but he didn't want to cry. He wan't sad. In the distance he could hear James' worried voice, and Florence talking trough greeted teeth. The boy moves his mothers hair away from her neck, having a good view over her cutted troath. His aura disapears and the ground stops shaking. "Mom..." He says a last time as he tilts his head. There were no response this time either. He sights as he takes her neckles off her neck. He then looks over at his dad, and does the same. He slowly glares over their necklesses as he listen to the birds turn silent again around in the forest. He bites his lower lip as he takes their necklesses on. Would he miss them? Was he able to miss them? Why didn't he feel sad?

The thoughts terrorised his mind. When he hurted one of the murders, the other would turn worried. He could feel the connection between them. Why didn't he feel the same towards his own family? 

He suddenly felt a cold and sharp blade on his troath. 

"relax kid, we don't want to harm you" James says as he scratches the back of his head as he looks away. "Speak for yourself" Florence snares. The pain from the earlier attack was still hurting him like hell. The kid just sits still. "okay" he then mumbles as he closes his eyes. Florence snares once more and grab the kids hair and forces him down on the ground.  Florence drag the boy up on the ground forcefully "You're comming with us. you're an Arcana now" 

Jaen and the Arcanas 
Will be updated in the nearest future.


Jaen and The Heathens
Will be updated in the nearest future.

"They say I'm the chosen one"

Professions / Skills / Powers

The question many are asking

What is Jaen..?

Jaen is something called a stillwater. 
What is a stillwater you might ask? Well, a stillwater is a very rare breed of mages that are known to be incredible powerful. Legends say that a stillwater once ruined a whole village with just a flick of his finger. The city which was know as one of the greatest city of all, was totally earased from the map just like that in a single second. Such is the power of the stillwaters.  But what is even more interesting about these stillwaters is that you can't differentiate them from normal humans. Normally you can sence the magic flowing from every beeing, and by sensing this you can somehow know how strong the person is. This you can't do with the stillwaters, and this is why they are so dangeruos. You simply do not know if you are facing one of the strongest and rarest kinds of mage in the world, or a powerless human.
Jaen's greatest power

(1) Every creature has an aura or spiritual energy. Humans has a grey colour, which also their cling name origins from “grey souls”, while magical creatures can have every possible colour in every different scale. Almost every magical creature can feel this spiritual energy, and someone might even see it. What many are not aware of is that there is a gap between the creature and its spiritual energy. Most will not notice this empty space, while others will not speculate too much about it since it’s “always been there” 

(2) It happens that this gap will grow in different happenings like battles or else. Some might think it happens as the ratio between the gap and spiritual energy has to maintain the same, and when the spiritual energy increases, so has the gap. Others might think that it’s the gap that is increasing and therefor the spiritual energy is pushed further away from the creature. 

(3) People have experienced that the spiritual energy also has some “cracks” and that these cracks are not determent, but are changing constantly. The cracks disappear; they move and appear from one time to another. There are a lot of different theories about these cracks, but no one can explain why this phenomenon is happening. 

What Jaen Sees:

(1) Jaen does not see any empty space between the creature and its spiritual energy. What Jaen sees is diverse colours, like somehow an “other type” of aura that changes colour depending on the creatures emotions. As an example if he sees someone who is depressed or sad, he will see some kind of blue colour. While if someone is happy or joyful it will be green.  The colours might be blue (sad), angry (red) and happy (green), but the colours might as well mean loneliness, love and jealousy. The colour is changing as fast as the creatures’ emotions and of course it can stay the same over a longer period, but it is never constant. 

(2) If someone feels a great joy or anger we have seen that the spiritual energy to the creature increases and can be both healing and empowering. Like we have seen with Bloodspill or Raindrop, the spiritual energy is flying out from their bodies in a destructive speed and crushing everything around them in fury. This is because this “gap” is controlled by the feelings, and can increase by the hosts’ intensity of the feelings. In other words a little anger will just be a bright red colour while a great fury will increase the “gap” and push the spiritual energy away from the hosts’ body.

(3)Every creature somehow has a relation towards a person or thing. If a creature feels filled with joy by seeing the one he/she loves it happens that their spirit opens up for this person. The “walls” of spiritual energy is cracking up, leaving a path in to the creatures’ body for the loved one. This crack will show every time the creature is close to its loved one. There is a theory that because of this crack, the creature is indeed more vulnerable towards the loved ones magic, since the spiritual energy won’t protect the creature from the magic. This crack will move around the body decided on where the loved one is. This kind of crack can also appear if a creature feels a aggressive rage towards something. Like mentioned, the crack can also appear between creatures and things, like Akio and apple juice, or if it’s something you hate, as Rex and children. 

(4) If you over a longer period of time is affected by great feelings like sadness or happiness, this colours will move towards the creature and into its core. Jaen can therefor see if a person newly have been through something painful, or had a happy childhood. Just like you can count the years on a tree by its rings, Jaen can figure out how a creature has felt through its life. 

Q: How did he learn the difference between the emotions and it's colours? 

Jaen had this power since he was young, around 2 years old, and he was quite curious about it. Therefor he asked a lot of people how they felt. Sometimes they lied about how they felt and told they were good, when they were sad. But he learned quite fast who was honest, and who was not. 

Q: When does he see this “gap” and when does he not?

Jaen sees it all the time, but because it can be difficult to focus on it all the time he has learned how to make it more like a reflex rather something he has to notice all the time. It’s now like a reflex for him like blinking or breathing. It sort of happens to blend in the backround as well when he is not paying attention.

Q: Does he see it on everyone, or just some?

Everyone has it, and he can see it without struggle on everybody and not just some kind of people. But of course there is someone he can see more details on, like Zachary or Nina. He is quicker to notice that Nina is slightly sad, even though her emotions is deadly red, instead of Liam, where he might only notice the red colour and not the hint of blue at all. 

Q: Is he the only one who has this power?

Yes, so far he is the only person who can see this, and he is the only person who knows so much about the power as well.

Q: How does he use it?

Many people believe that Jaen can predict the future since he always seem to know the outcome of a persons act, and because he is always so calm about stressful happenings, but he does not. He simple is just good at reading people because of this power of his, and through years of experience he still has a long way to go and he is still learning more and more about his power for every day that passes.

Jaen's Great Curse

Jaen may seem like a normal person without magical powers, both because of his Stillwater powers, but also because he has a curse. 

The room were crushed into a million pieces. It was a wonder that the walls were still standing as the green flames of Jaen's magic were still burning on the black wood. The furniture were smashed into pieces as big as a toothpicks, the floor had big holes in it, like someone had fired a cannon.  The room were still shaking from the intense pressure from Jaen's powerfull spirit and it filled everyones ears with an unplessent high-pitched sound. You could see his emerald green eyes behind his half-long blond hair. They were shining brightly, but his look were filled with hatered and darkness. It was hard to believe that those eyes belonged to a little boy, and not a blood thirsty animal. The magic were so agressiv and destructive that no one in their wildest fantasy could believe such powers and magic were comming from him. He were just a mere boy. "This has to stop right now" Gabriell says and stands up from the ground. His legs were shaking as the blood dripped from his arm. Florence nodded in agreement, but tried to keep a smile away from his lips. He were amused. Jaen was breathing heavly and his aura was incresing and decreasing in sync with his breathing pattern. He was excausted, his forehead dirty from blood and sweat, making his hair stick like glue. He was holding his neckless in one hand, shaking in anger. In the other hand he were holding his knife, with blood running down his arm. James silently watched him. He could feel Florence's and Gabrielle's look resting on him. "We cannot risk him destroying the whole city" Gabrielle says a little more agressive as James didn't reply. "He won't destroy the c-" He were about to say as he turned around to face Gabrielle. "He destroyd the whole section just because someone tried to takes his neckless James" Florence says slowly, "I think we have to agree with Gabrielle this time" 

When Jaen was taken in by James and Florence from The Arcanas, it didn't take long before he reveled how powerfull, and destructive, his magic could be. They decided it was for the best to put a curse on him in order to keep everyone safe as Jaen could suddenly burst out in rage without warnings. Jaen did after all struggle with a lot of different emotions and feelings that he were not used to, and with all this different people around him he were easly put on edge. The curse of chains, as the curse Gabrielle put on him, binds him in chains whenever he tries to use his powers. The curse binds him with burning and heavy chains that will break him to the ground before he even dares to use one simple spell. It is extremely painful to try overpowering the curse by using his magic, but he is in fact able to do it for around five to ten minutes because of the power of his magic is so strong, but after an amount of time the pain will be too much to bear for his body. It will basically be a one way ticket to a living hell of torture to continue after this amount of time. Sometimes his body won't bear it and he will lose consciousness. 

Even tought after some years Jaen learned how far he can push himself if he needs to use his magic, and he found a loophole for some of his powers, which he took adventage of. This resulted in him having four powers up his sleeve - his tattoos.

Different spells: 

"Dark Vessel" / "retreat" Summons the deer skelleton and makes it appear for a short period of time /Makes the deer skelleton disapear.

"Burn" Some of his powers are awoken and causes his aura to grow. This might cause a heavy pressure flow around him which can be really destructive.

"Destroy" Makes a heavy amount of destructive magic hit, and break, whatever it is centered to.


Language spoken
He speaks a few languages but nothing fluent other than english
Can he speak any accents? 
He has no dominant accent
Only child
Which legendary/Mythical figure (either real or in-universe) do they most evoke?None
Deadly sin that best represent him?PrideBlood type?
Hobbies?Drawing, training Special skills / Talents?
Reading people, understanding how the universe is connected, calculating factors of different outcomes, fighting tecniques, magic (also dark/black magic) 
Patience level?
Quite high in bigger plans or events, while in small happenings he can be really impation because he sees the bigger picture. So if he has a plan to train someone he is patience for the long term, while he can be impatient for the competent to finish a task.
He sometimes regret that he sealed his powers away, other times on his worsts days he regret continuing The Heathens and not just let the group die out, and sometimes he wonders if he should regret that he quit in The Arcanas to return to The Heathens.
Favorite place?
Jaen love to be outdoor during the night. He is basically a night owl.
Favorite foods?
He love fruit, especially watermellon, strawberries and pineapple
Favorite book?
He does not read much novels or stories but more magical books ect.  His favorite book probably must be one of Patches potion books, as he has the whole collection.
He has a hidden blade, a lot of knives and a dagger. Even tho he masters every weapon he does not like to carry much weapons on him. He therefor always have the hidden blade on his left arm, two knives on his back, and a dagger in his shoe.
Smells like?
Fresh roses and mint
How do he feel about love?
"only fools fall in love"
Fears or phobias?
Losing control of his powers, or losing Nina or put her in danger. He also has minor fears, like his brothers in The Brotherhood dying, failing missions ect. but those never really seem to effect him as much, nor making him loose his calm.  FLORENCE....
Bad habits?
Hurting others, see people as a puzzle piece rather than human beeings
What turns them on?
It is not a correct or an incorrect answer to that. He does not have like a switch that makes him turned on every time someone does either one thing, dress a specific way or touch him an exact place (exception is the crotch tho). He is of course more likely to be turned on if he is in the mood, or the scenario is fitting for continuing the act. Either way he does find it tempting if people are attractive, in the mood, naked, taking initiative or flirty/touching.
What turns them off?
Childish behavior, complaining, people who are either drunk, have bad hygiene or bad breath, does not take well care of themselves, and so on. This is atleast some examples...
Does their universe have a god?
There does excist gods in the univerce, but he does not belive in The Lord, like there is a god who is the creator og the "superpower". He believes in gods as in a creature because he know they excist. He seen many. But he never believed in God: father.
Personal problems?
Lacks different emotions like empethy and sympathy for others. He does not always connect with other so easly and sometimes this bothers him.
Religious and to what extent? Any spiritual beliefs?
What was your character like as a child?
At first he was actually really curious, calm, talkative and loving child, but his personality turned the day his powers awoke, and he became more silent, reserved and short tempered. He was really confused about his powers and all this colours comming from peoples bodies, wich nobody else could see. He was quite close going mad, but then he learned how to use it. He then started to be more like himself again, but he did somehow loose the ability to understand emotions, and feel sympathy since his powers made emotions more "objectified" as he could always see what people felt, then he had no need to understand it from their expressions ect. He in other words grew a more distant relationship to human emotions. When he started training as an assassin he later lost his empathy and quite some morals between good and bad - this worsen when his parents were murdered, and it didn't turn any better when he started working with the Arcanas and met Florence who quite liked this about Jaen.
Do they like the name they were given?
He does like the sound of it
First Memory?
Climbing on top of the roof and watch the sunset
Nervous habits?
He barely gets nervous, but when he does he looses his calm, his eyes will probably wander in the room, he will become restless and his hands won't stay in his pockets but ready to reach for his knives...Let have in mind that he NEVER get nervous or anxious. We talk about a higly trained assassin which loves the trill ass much as the pain, so if there is a situation that will appear that would make him nervous he will probably not give any sign about it, but he will have in mind that he either will have to flight (which makes his eyes wander) or fight (makes him restless) and he will probably consider which option will be the best. 
He is addicted to the feeling of having control
Important people in their life?
Close friends?
Zachary, Foxzy, Desmond,  
Wears jewelry?
Yes, he has a ring, and a neckless
He does not have any pets, but Nina has some Hellhounds now and then which he either takes care of, or make Liam take care of. He isn't that much of a fan of animals since he finds them bothersome. He does not really see the purpose of having a animal. 
Have they ever wanted to commit suicide?
"Not a chance. If I die, then it will be in battle"
Most traumatic experience?
Watching the murder of his parents, Learning his full power and then lose control of it. 
If they could have one thing in the world?
If he could have one thing in the world, it is most likely to let Nina have a normal life. No background as a child soilder, just a normal life with her parents in a small town with no assassins, knights... or him.
Would they dare to kill someone?
"Is that a dare?"
Role model?
What element would they be?
Kind of clothing? 
Simple clothing or the Assassin uniform
Dream place to live?Quote / Catchphrase 
Outlook on life?
Possitive, I guess?
Belief in afterlife?
"I believe there is Hell and Heaven. Where I end up when I die is neither one of them. Because Heaven won't take me and Hell is afraid that I'll take over"
Wants to have kids, raise a family? 
No, he knows he is not fitting as a dad since he both lack sympahty and empethy. His father never was the fitting father either, and Jaen woulnd't dream of putting some poor kid trough what he have been trough. He simply does not know how a father figure should be ...
Wants to marry?
No, marrige would mean that he have more boundaries and responsebilities in the form of taking more care of himself during missions. This would limit his actions, plans etc. and eventually make him less of a fitting leader of the Heathens, as he always put his life on the line when he step outside the hideout. He simply would have to choose The Brotherhood or his loved one, and he know that would be a desicion he wouldn't be able to make.
Sworn Enemy / Enemies ?
The royal family, the ones who killed his parents , and kind of the Arcanas
Is their name a pun of anything?
Nah, I just happened to misspell the name and found out I liked it better with the "a" before the "e", and in addition I like that it's not "Jean" but "Jaen" in the pronounciation. It somehow makes him more special.
What brings them the most joy?
The thing that brings him most joy is watching Nina grow more confident and mature. He loves watching here being around other people than just him and the assasins, as he hopes that one day she will be able to live a normal life.
Favorite color?
He does not really have one favorite color, but he does find red amusing. 
Do they stand up for what they believe in?
As a child, what did they want to be when they grew up?
"Mom, when I grow up I want to be just like you and dad" 
What or who inspired you to make them?
I have no clue... He suddenly just entered the room like a wrecking ball.. Destroying my plans and ideas .o. 
When was they created?
2018, I made him really spontaneously and only let him grow into a bigger character with a backstory and some good characteristics. It was not on purpose to make him a big part of the roleplay, but he grew into something special.
Random fact!Does your character collect anything?
Shipping song? 
Nina x JaenLilith x Jaen Jasie x Jaen?
Views on gambling, killing,lying ETC...?
It is a part of his life. He learned in a young age that the world is unfair and the ones who does not adapt the cruelty of the world, will be a victim of it.

Family & Relationships

Jaen Gray Heath is directly related to Heath, which is the real founder of The Heathens. More precisly is he an ancestery from The Heathen brotherhood, William Heath, the second son after Heath and Leonora.  This also makes him related to Emily Grace Heath and Nicu (Zero) Heath, that are interralated to Heath's youngest son Richard. The three of them had some contact as their parents knew about their ancestors, in addition to the fact that Emily's and Nicu's father also was The head of The Heathens together with Jaen's father, Nerew. 

It was later found out that Zachery Caleb Leighton and Jonathan Louis Leighton also was related to Heath, and actually was a lost descendant from The Heathen borther Allard, Heaths oldest son, which nobody thought had any progeny.

Nina and Jaen
It was late, and the hideout was silent. It had almost been two weeks since Jaen decided to take care of this strange with haired girl called Nina. She was still afraid of him, but she accepted his presence more than she accepted the others. He could tell by her spirit. Ever since she started to live in his room she had just stayed in one corner, almost never moved, and always kept her eyes on him. Jaen tried to give her some food, but she wouldn’t touch it. He tried everything to make her eat, but every time she wouldn’t even try it. Sometimes she wouldn’t even pay it a look.  Jaen was preparing himself for sleep as he gazed upon Nina. She was still sitting in her corner, having a hard time keeping herself awake. Jaen knew she would sleep when he had fallen asleep, because sometimes he would wake up in the middle of the night finding her in her corner all curled up and her eyes shut. It couldn’t be good for her to sleep like that, he thought for himself. “Nina, do you want to sleep in the bed?” he asked her. She lifted her head a little alert of his voice, but she just gave him a confused look – like she didn’t understand what he was saying. He then putted his hand on the bed. “You sleep here?” He then asked. She tilted her head this time, and Jaen let out a little sight. He turned his back to her and started to undress. As he took off his t-shirt he turned around towards the bed only to find Nina standing in front of it. He looked a little surprised at her before slowly sitting down on the bed. “So you do want to sleep here?” He asked. She just looked at him, studying his moves as he sat down in the bed. She then imitated him and sat down herself. Jaen kept a little smile on his lips as he lies down under the duvet and Nina does the same. He could feel a feeling of success and triumphs grow on him. He finally communicated with her, and she understood him. The next step would be to make her eat, the thought for himself, or maybe he could…? He watches her as she lies down beside him, and they share a gaze into each other eyes for a long time. Jaen then decides to go for it, and reaches out for her face to gently touch her. As his hand moves closer to her face, her eyes grows wide in shock. She quickly moves out of the bed and on her feet. Her fear is growing on her and her guard is rising. Jaen curses for himself and rolls over to his back. He was pushing her too far before she was ready. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep after a while.
Nina studied Jaen from her corner. She was watching him closely as she stood up and moved towards his bed again. As she came up close she sat down on the bed beside him and on her knees, ready to jump away if he suddenly woke up from his sleep and dared to touch her again. Why would he even touch her? She wondered. Her mind then wandered and her eyes moved to his hand. She wondered how his hand felt. Was it cold? Maybe it was warm? She wasn’t that much of warmth after all. Should she touch it? No, he could wake up after all. She looked up from his hand and to his face. He was still asleep – deep sleep. She glared down on his hand again. Was his skin rough maybe? No, it looked quite soft, she thought. Her curiosity was rising and she moved closer to him. Her hand then slowly took his, as she watched him carefully the whole time in case he would open his eyes – but he didn’t. She lifted his heavy arm up to her face. She could feel his warmth, but she didn’t mind. She slowly placed it on her check and closed her eyes. It felt nice...

 Lilith and Jaen

It was night time and many of the assassins had already had a decent amount of sleep. The lights in the public areas were turned off, the ones who were still up were keeping their voices down as they walked through the corridors. Jaen was reading through some paperwork that he was assigned earlier the day. The elders would give him a hard time if they were not done and placed on their desks by the morning. He was leaning his head on his hand and was almost falling asleep. The letters started to move around on the pages and mix together. He felt so tired - not only had he been up since before sunrise, but he had barely eaten or drank much today. It’s not like he did not have the opportunity, but he simply had forgotten. The days just flew away, and he was actually embarrassed by the fact that he didn’t even know which day it was. What he did know though was that Florence was pissed about him not finishing the cases the elders had given him already since it was withholding the mission he wanted him to handle. The light was dimming in the night and Jaen noticed he was leaning closer to the pages in order to actually see something. What was he even reading? He cursed as he flipped three pages back so he could reread it. In order to keep himself awake he started to rub his face with his palms. He couldn’t fall asleep now. He had to finish this before he went to bed - If he would even make the bed before he had the training course. His eyes wandered over to the clock and he cursed once again. It was morning in just four hours and he wasn’t even half way through the pile. If that wasn’t enough he could barely hold his eyes open any longer.

A careful knock sounded through the room. He looked surprised at the door. Who was up at this time of hour? It could be Gabrielle that wanted to run another check - after all the guy never slept. “Come in” he mumbled in a hoarse voice. The door opened and Lilith looked at him. She looked like she had slept the whole night and been up an hour already. She looked fresh and awake - he on the other hand - “you look like crap” she said when her eyes landed on him. He snorted a short laugh. “You know, someone has to stay awake so others can have their beauty sleep” He mocked and pushed his chair away from his desk. “I don’t need beauty sleep” she responded quite quickly. He smiled, because he knew. She always looked stunning. “What do I owe the pleasure?” he then asked. She would normally not show up on his door just for nothing. “You didn’t show up today”she said and raised an eyebrow. “I did” he responded a little confused. “I didn’t mean at the meeting. I was talking about you not showing up in my room” she said and crossed her arms over her chest. He looked confused at her. “I didn’t realise me showing up at your room would turn into a habit?” He chuckled, “If that’s the case then I wanna renegotiate our terms” 

“Why?” she asked a little on watch. “Because then I want to be allowed on the bed” he blinked one eye towards her with a broad smile. “Never” she responded just as quick. He shifts his shoulders, “doesn’t harm to try though” he laughs low. She studies him before looking over at his desk. “That’s why you’ve been busy all week?” she asked. Jaen gave his paperwork a tired look. “No I just enjoy reading boring lawsuits, contracts, laws and other dry boring stuff in my spirit time instead of sleeping” he replied. Lilith sighted, became silent for a long time before she smiled weakly, “want help?” She then closed the door behind her and walked towards him. “I never say no to that” he said and leaned back in his chair, “but what do you get in return?” he asked with a suspicious look. Her smile grew wider on her face. She points at him from his toes to his head. “That this mess here, turns into something a little more…. “ she stops herself from not being able to find the right word. He lifts his eyebrow, “what are you trying to say? I always look handsome” he defended himself. She laughs, “just get some sleep Jaen” she pushes him off his chair before sitting down and flipping the page. 

She's different from the others [2011]
“I don’t understand what you find so fascinating about her”Jaen was playing with his drink in his hand. His eyes were dull, and he had a tired look on his face. The liquid was moving around inside the clear glass almost spilling over the edge when Jaen turned his wrist. He was not drunk – but he was tired, and the alcohol was having a greater impact on him than usual. You could tell he was not happy about the situation. He despised not having control over his mind or body, therefor alcohol was not really his thing – never was.“I cannot read her” He replied and moved his eyes from the brown liquid to Florence. His cheeks were bright red. He had a grin on his face and distant eyes. You could tell he have had too many drinks tonight, but so had the other Arcanas in the room. They were celebrating after all. Florence raised an eyebrow by his response. He moved in the coach and leaned in on him. Jaen already had his eyes back on the glass and far away from Florence. He could feel his body stiffen up as Florence placed an arm around his shoulders. His jaw slightly tightened.“like – you cannot read her emotions or whatever you do with others?” He was trying to whisper, but he was too loud.  Jaen looked around to make sure people was not sticking their nose in his business. There were obviously people eavesdropping.  Jaen gave Florence a quick nod but kept his eyes away from his. Florence shock a laugh and gave Jaen two heavy pats on the shoulder.“My oh my, you have a crush on her, don’t you?”There was no doubt that people found the conversation interesting. The room turned slightly less noisy as people stopped talking and started to listen. Jaen turned to Florence with a plain look on his face. “Why would I?”“Why wouldn’t you?” He then gave him a grin and then pulled him closer. Jaen could feel the smell of alcohol from his breath. Jaen could not help it and wrinkled his nose by the smell. “I want you to have fun and all Jaen, but just as a reminder. Relationships are not valued in this profession” This time Florence did whisper, and his voice was clear and serious. Jaen glared back at him with a calm and plain face.“I wouldn’t worry about that Sir” Jaen replied rather light and calm. He never had thought about Lilith any other way than a close comrade and doubted there would be anything else between them. He was after all not the type to build attachments of any kind. Jaen was at the point he wondered if he had the ability to build relations or attachments to anyone.

Coral and Jaen

Nerew and Jaen

Jaen and James [x]
109663656_612735142709852_48476521806792"I'll have to leave now Jaen" James talked in a calm and low voice. He was sitting on the corner of Jaens bed and was stroking the young boy on the back. Jaen struggled to not fall asleep, and kept trying to hold his eyes open. "To bed?" He asked in a sleepy voice. James did not answear. "Can I sleep beside you tonight?" he turned around in his bed and looked up at James. James rested his eyes on him for a long time before closing his eyes and shaking his head. "Not tonight champ" He said with a little sight.  "Why not?" Jaen asked, "Are you leaving for a mission?" His eyes turned more awake and he did not struggle to keep them open any longer. "No" He replied slowly and Jaen sat up in the bed. "...You're going home" Jaen figured and his heart dropped as he realised. James did have another life as well, with a wife and two boys of his own. James nodded and lowered his eyes. "I am" He replied. Jaen wanted him to stay - or what he really wanted was to come along, but he knew he would never have the permission to do so. The elders, and Florence had made that clear - countless times. Jaen sat in silence with his hands in his lap. He envied James' sons every time he left, and how he so dearly wished to call himself James' boy. "Promise me to be a good boy while I'm gone, okay?" James broke the silence but Jaen stubbornly kept silent. He did not respond. His eyes was looking down and away from James. "Jaen" James said, a little more strickt - but his eyes soften quick as he could see the tears running down Jaens face. His back was shaking, even though he tried to hide it. James slowly stroke his back, a little shocked. Jaen threw himself in to James embrace - clinging to him like he will never let go. "I'll be good..." he sobs.

Jaen and Gabrielle

Jaen and Florence [x]

Jaen and Akio


Nerew Azul Heath [Father] - status: deadNina [Co-assassin / Beloved ] - status: Alive 
Coral Amarilla Heath [Mother] -  status: deadLilith (Lilly) Nightshade [Lowkey crush/enemy] - status: Alive
Emily Grace Heath  [Distant relative] - status: AliveFoxzy Bagrielle Hunter [Close friend] - status: Alive
Nicu (Zero) Heath [Distant relative] - status: AliveDesmond Hire [Friend] - status: Alive
Zachary Caleb Leighton  [Distant relative/Close friend] - status: AliveMax [Friend] - status: Alive
Jonathan Louis Leighton [Distant relative] - status: AliveLiam Grim [Friend] - status: alive

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