


1 year, 9 months ago


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everyones favorite metalhead

A guy who's a huge fan of Nu metal.


  • CREATOR Snapitkeeper
  • DESIGNER Snapitkeeper
  • ERAEarly 90s - 2007
  • Subculture Metalhead
  • SONGLoyal's IPod Playlist
  • VOICEN / A

Loyal is a Nu Metal fan who's story takes place in the early 90s up to 2007. There's really not much to stay about his story other than it was created by me and my brother to project our life and music tastes, showing the Metal scene culture and Juggalo lifestyle in a fun and positive light and to go against the stigma of Metalheads and Juggalos. I'm really not sure what else to put here.

kind • obnoxious • HUMOROUS

Loyal is very obnoxious and loud, he doesn't really know how to be  quiet. He likes to be very open and proud of who he is without being   sorry about it. He very much comes across as the stupid guy who does  stupid things for a laugh, even if he gets a bit hurt. He loves concerts  and occasionally joins the moshpits, but mostly likes to stay on the  sides to make sure everyone stays safe. He tries to go to as many  concerts as he can.
Loyal loves making jokes with his friends and  teasing them, a lot of his friends like to make jokes about him having  crushes on Nu Metal singers. He's very passionate about his music, and  will make you listen to it even if you might not even like it, but why  enter his car if you're not ready to be absolutely blasted by metal?
Loyal  likes to think that hes very thoughtful about people and tries to care   about people as best he can, he likes to keep an open mind and is  always willing to learn new things. He grew up very sheltered so there's  lots  that he can learn. He tries to be as kind as possible, and loves  giving people hugs and making everyone feel included.

Loyal is one of those ocs where I don't want to get too into detail  about his home life due to self projection. It will be fairly brief.

Loyal  grew up in an unsafe household, unstable drunk father with a mother who  just sat back and watched. His family was fairly poor, and most of his  clothes were handed down, thrifted, or damaged.
During the summer  before freshman year, he went to a Korn concert. He had to save up his  own money for the tickets and sneak out so he could get to it due to his  parents not being approving of his music taste. At the concert is where  he met his best friend, Brody. they found out that they were both locals and that they were going to the same Highschool and became best  friends.
During highschool, his dad ended up leaving the house. His dad leaving caused his mom to go into a bad place mentally and ended up  becoming a drug addict, and took out her sadness and anger on Loyal.
Loyal struggled to keep friends during highschool, except for Brody.  Eventually he accepted it, he was ok with it because Brody was still his friend despite everything. Loyal ended up dropping out of highschool due to not being able to handle both school and his home situation and an incident with a girl he had been dating for a few months, it was too  much on his mental health.
After Loyal dropped out, he moved in with Brody and his mom so he could focus on getting his own house. During his  time staying there, him and Brody decided to become roommates. 

Both him and Brody found a job at a record store they loved. They both worked on moving out together, and eventually they did. They found a 2 bedroom house to buy and became roommates, and stayed that way ever since. After they were finally out of their home situations, they worked on improving themselves and getting help, whether it be with a therapist, or with each other. Because of their childhood, Loyal and Brody still occasionally cuddle in the same bed, its their main way of comforting each other, and its something they enjoy a lot. Even now, they still work at the record store, and they’re living their best lives being themselves.

  • Wears a lot of eye shadow and eyeliner 
  • Wears baggy clothes, He doesn't like tight clothes.
  • Always has painted nails, He likes to keep them black.
  • His facial hair is only on his chin, but rides up on the sides of his mouth, Looks a lot like Chinos facial hair back in the 90s
  • Has long eyelashes


  • AGE 28
  • BIRTHDAY Febuary 21st
  • Gender He / Him Cis Man
  • RACE White
  • OCCUPATION Nu Metal Fan / Record Store Employee
  • PLACE OF BIRTH Detroit
  • RESIDENCE Detroit
  • ARCHETYPE Regular Guy
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual
  • HEIGHT 6ft
  • WEIGHT N / A
  • STATUS Alive
  • SOCIAL STATUS Lower Class


  • BODY BUILD:  On the thinner side, but has a bit of pudge on his stomach with some muscle on his arms.
  • EYE SHAPE:  Often has half lidded eyes
  • HAIR LENGTH:  Short
  • HAIR STYLE:  Spiked up with gel 
  • Wears eyeliner and Eye shadow almost always
  • Teardrop tattoo under his left on our side, a heart on the other side
  • Has a slightly hooked nose
  • Always keeps his nails painted
  • Facial hair is only on his chin






  • Has a slightly bad posture
  • He always tries to come off as friendly, but sometimes his half lidded eyes can intimidate people
  • Very loud and outgoing, which can either also intimidate people but can also annoy people
  • Very expressive, very much talks with his hands and changes his facial expressions a lot

  • CASUAL:  Just a Tshirt and Jeans or shorts. Almost always a band tee.
  • FORMAL:  Loyal almost never wears formal outfits, but usually wears a black button up and rolls up the sleeves with a pair of black or dark grey pants.
  • SUMMER:  His band Tees with a pair of big shorts, either normal shorts or tripp shorts. Also a cool pair of sunglasses. Also occasionally wears a skirt. for Swimwear Loyal either wears just a pair of swim trunks or swim trunks with a shirt.
  • AUTUMN:  Long sleeved band shirts and jeans or long tripp pants. Might also wear an assortment of gloves and wrist warmers. 
  • WINTER:  Band Sweaters, long pants, and gloves. also would wear some boots.
  • SPRING:  Probably his normal band tees, either long or short pants, and gloves sometimes. Possibly paired with a cool pair of sunglasses.

  • ACCESSORY:  Eyebrow Piercing on our right
  • ACCESSORY:  A Labret piercing on his lip paired with snakebites
  • ACCESSORY:  Gauges, size is about 14mm to 16mm
  • ACCESSORY:  Often likes wearing Necklaces, Rings, Bracletes / wrist warmers, and Sunglasses.
  • Nu Metal
  • Concerts
  • Driving with friends
  • Spicy Chips
  • Cooking
  • Anyone with Alternative Fashion
  • Bigots
  • Metal Elitists
  • Beer / Alcohol
  • Selfishness
  • Business and Professional situations
  • Cabbage

HOBBY: Listening to Nu Metal and other genres of Metal

HOBBY: Cooking ocassionally, He likes to try new recipes 

HOBBY: Idk collecting CDs.. He doesn't really have any hobbies

HABIT: Does smoking weed count as a habit? He does that a lot, it helps him calm him down and not focus on his dark thoughts as much.

HABIT: Very expressive when talking, always moving and changing his voice and facial expressions.

HABIT: Tends to twitch when he gets excited or really upset, mainly just strong emotions. Also tends to hit himself in the head when he's mad or upset.

HABIT: Loyal tends to give a lot of affection, a lot of hugs and puts his arms around people. When he's close to people he'll kiss them on the cheek if he's excited in a friendly way.

  • WAY OF SPEAKING:  Um.. Loud ?
  • SWEARS?:  Um like every curse word.... He doesn't say any slurs though, not even any that he can reclaim.
  • QUIRKS:  He has a bit of an accent from living in Detroit. He tends to fluctuate his tone and pitch a lot. Sometimes studders when he's excited.

  • COLOUR Blue
  • FOOD Hot Chips
  • SEASON Spring
  • TIME OF DAY Evening
  • HOLIDAY Halloween
  • ANIMAL Cats and Lizards
  • GENRE Metal | Horror


STRENGTH: I like to think that Loyals friendliness is a strength of his. He doesn't like people feeling left out or ignored. Definitely the kind of guy to approach people who look lonely

STRENGTH: I like to think that he has a bit of natural strength. He used to fight a lot of bigots in high school with Brody, and still does it occasionally when needed. He also goes into moshpits sometimes, but also stands at the edge of them to make sure no one who doesn't want to participate gets in, and if they do he'll fight his way in the moshpit to drag them out.

STRENGTH: He's a very good listener, and has an easy time Empathizing with people. Though he likes to try and cheer people up, he knows that sometimes people just need to talk to cry, and he's willing to just sit and listen.

STRENGTH: He tries to make himself seem as approachable as possible, and wants people to come to him for help. Loyal is a very good person to go to if you need to get away from someone, need to be walked home or to your car, need someone to hold your drink, or you're transmasc and need someone to guard you in the mens bathroom. Loyal is willing to help anyone in need.

WEAKNESS: Has a terrible reaction to being called the F slur, tends to get aggressive and loud, maybe even start a fight. Sometimes tears up when someone calls him that. It's an easy way to get him upset. The only person he allows to call him that is Brody, who uses it more in a way to mock his dad who called him that.

WEAKNESS: Has a hard time being quiet and understanding social queues.

WEAKNESS: Hates being around beer and alcohol in any way, and will get aggressive if he can't get away from people who are drunk or if anyone tries to convince him to drink. At concerts there's usually a lot of drunk people but he can usually ignore or avoid them by listening to music, but if someone who's drunk is messing up people's fun or not listening to moshpit etiquette he might get aggressive.

WEAKNESS: Thinks with his heart and not his brain, and is very emotion driven. It tends to get him in trouble and makes him act on impulse.

SKILL: Loyal can cook a little, he learned when he was younger and his parents were unable to cook for him. He mostly learns from trial and error but if he finds a recipe he wants to try he'll try it. I think he'd be able to make some pretty good mac and cheese. That's probably his only skill. 









GOAL: I think Loyal would just want everyone around him to feel loved and accepted. He doesn't really have many actual goals in life.

GOAL: Going to as many concerts as he can.

GOAL: Meeting band members.... Especially Chino Moreno and Fred Durst.... 

FEAR: Losing everything he's worked for.

FEAR: People raising their voice when they're mad.

FEAR: A dumb fear, but due to growing up poor Loyal grew a fear of bugs, especially ones with lots of legs like spiders and centipedes. 

FEAR: Ending up like either of his parents.

  • POSTURE:  Slight slouch, mostly because his pockets are low and he often has his hands in his pockets
  • SMOKES/ DRUGS?:  Only smokes weed
  • MENTAL ILLNESSES/ DISABILITIES:  Loyal has Autism and CPTSD. Due to Loyals childhood, he gained anger issues, though he tries not to take it out on the people around him, which is one of the reasons he loves metal so much, it helps him release anger in a healthy way. He doesn't like people seeing him mad.
    Though Loyal isn’t exactly aromantic, he has a very hard time with any sort of romance due to his past relationship. He doesn’t really believe people can truly love him in a romantic sense. If someone does happen to confess their feelings to him he laughs it off and just takes it as a joke cause he thinks they’re lying or was dared to say that to him. It doesn’t hurt him in any way and laughs about it later, but he might accidentally hurt someones feelings if someone did somehow get a crush on him.
    Due to Loyals lack of affection as a kid, he really cherishes Intimacy and affection in his relationships, as he is very tocuhstarved, and also shows affection as his main love language.
    Loyal struggles with nightmares about his parents and the abuse he's been through. 
  • His favorite band is Limp Bizkit, his other favorites are Deftones, Insane Clown Posse, and Korn. 
  • He loves Dyeing his hair different colors and styling it. his hair is always gelled to stand up, but sometimes he styles it into spikes
  • The dye Loyal uses is temporary and washes out in the shower. He does this so he can change his hair color whenever he wants.
  • His first metal bands were Iron Maiden and Motorhead, though he doesn't listen to Motorhead anymore.
  • May or may not have a crush on Chino Moreno and Fred Durst .. 
  • Occasionally likes to Skateboard
  • The tear and heart tattoo on his face are stick and pokes he did himself. He did them after moving out of his home. The tear tattoo represents the sadness he feels for how his family ended  up and treated him, the heart represents the new love he feels from  Brody and his mom and happy for the life hes beginning.


  • RELATIONSHIP:  Best Friends 
  • DYNAMIC:  Highschool Besties
  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?:  Very Close

Loyal and Brody met during the summer before Freshman year at a Korn  concert and have been friends ever since. They're very much those outcast obnoxious kids in school that laugh loud and scream in the  hallways. They bond through similar music taste and home situations. They're almost inseparable. They show a lot of intimacy and affection to cope with their childhood, especially in their early 20s, since neither of them really got any of that in their lives. Often when something comes up for either of them, they’ll go into each others room. Whenever Loyal is having a hard time with his past and emotions or has nightmares, he’ll go into Brodys room, sometimes waking him up, and they’ll either stay up together to comfort each other or just cuddle for the rest of the night, and Brody does the same to Loyal. Even to this day they still do it, it’s a habit both of them have grown from meeting up with each other as kids when they were having a hard time at home. Loyal and Brody always go to concerts together.

  • DYNAMIC: Unknown
  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown
  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown
  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown
  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown


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