
1 year, 9 months ago





NameSelenite 3HS (Nicknamed Ahmes)
ResidenceLotus Terraformer Bay

"I don't want to heal, I wanna fight, dammit!" 


Selenite 3HS, or as she prefers, Ahmes, is a bold and reckless Selenite, often proclaiming that she enjoys the thrill of a crazy, action-packed life, rather than the dull one of a therapist. She was created with a color-related defect, making her a Golden Selenite - along with this, she obtained gecko traits on her form, the ability to manipulate and create resin, along with an odd arm made of bandages, that she often uses to hold onto extra things with.

Ahmes is very much a daredevil, usually being unaware of the harmful effects she could do to herself while doing such dangerous things. She constantly states that she was made to live life on the battlefield, not inside of a Medical Bay. She has outbursts often, and easily misinterprets the things other Gems say, as a result of how she was brought up.

Despite the major risks she has as a low-hardness Gem, she continues to do what she thinks is best for her, often using her older 'sibling' Lio as an inspiration - mainly since he, too, is a low-hardness Gem, yet has participated in large battles, and seen much of the world. Ahmes looks up to Lio greatly, but often doesn't understand why he worries about her so much, instead stating that he should looking after himself rather his own 'sibling'.


Ahmes has a tall, yet broad stature. She has a light-marigold type skin, with her normal palm being a few shades lighter to mark the attribute of 'sticky palms' that geckos have. Her left arm fades into that of a bandage arm, one that's purely white with a few strands coming off of it. She wears a bandaged top, and mustard-yellow cargo pants with a deep brown belt, accompanied with a small piece of nonliving Selenite she carries around for good luck. Along with that, she wears a pure white bandana that holds her bangs back.

Ahmes' form is littered with various spots and triangles that resemble that of a leopard gecko's skin, and she has a long tail that she often uses to sit on, or provide self-defense. Her eyes are a bright gold, often glowing in the dark. Her hair is just around four or five shades lighter than her skin, with an extra light yellow bunch of hair behind it.



When Ahmes was created, it was revealed that she bore the other half of Lio's Gem - the missing half of an eye. Thus, the scientists responsible for Ahmes and Lio dubbed them 'siblings', and they kept the terminology their whole lives. Ahmes looks up to Lio greatly, seeing him as a figure of inspiration for her will and determination to fight.


When Lio and Ahmes both escaped from the facility that held them both hostage, Laguna Agate found the two huddled up in an alleyway shivering from the harsh cold, and decided to take them in. Over time, Laguna ended up adopting the two. When Ahmes was still a Gemling, she was usually inside the house with Laguna, or if times called for it, in the clinic where she worked. Laguna, throughout the years, consistently pressured Ahmes to work as a healer, but she always denied the opportunity, not wanting to be shut inside of a room all day, when she could be out and about with unexplored powers. Eventually, their relationship got worse, and Ahmes eventually broke off all contact with Laguna at 15, when she learned that Lio was in deep trouble and Laguna had done nothing to support him and his choices.


Creedite had once been a Gem in Neptunite's army, but she betrayed her creator and joined Lio's group. At first, Ahmes didn't have much trust in Creed, but she warmed up to her after realizing that she, too, looked up to Lio for his acts of betrayal against their shared creator. Ahmes slowly found herself falling into a wormhole of love with Creedite, but she learned that her feelings wouldn't be reciprocated, as Creed seemed to only have eyes for Lio's friend, Blush. During Lio's one-month period of being missing, Creed and Ahmes got into a nasty fight with Cavansite 44, Creed eventually dying in Ahmes' arms. Ahmes, heartbroken, left 44 deeply scarred, and Creed's spirit began inhabiting Ahmes' prime resin forme.


Ximena was one of Laguna's students who had risen to the top, an Angelite who suffered from an off-color defect and snake traits. Ahmes felt like her and Ximena were the same, and the two became close. Eventually, when Laguna and Ahmes immigrated to Sector 5, Ximena ended up in the Sector 2 planet, Zenya. When she returned years later, she took up head Angelite in one of the locations of the clinic Laguna was head of, Ahmes being her backup and support. Though, shortly after, Ximena began to harbor some of Laguna's old, harsh traits of wanting Ahmes to be a healer. Ahmes, realizing that if she kept on going like this, she'd end up in a never-ending loophole, lashed out at Ximena on the day she turned 17 and Lio turned 19, leaving just a few hours before Lio woke up.


Selenite 3HS had been made two years after Sonora Sunset 1LO, sprouting out from a hole right next to Lio's in a desert habitat. Shortly after an analyzation, the scientists responsible for her creation learned that she had the right side of 1LO's half-eye Gem. So, they classified the two as 'siblings'. 3HS was given to her personal scientist, a Soapstone named Mari, who shortly afterwards named her Ahmes. Ahmes later learned that 1LO was named Lio, and the two never left each other's side. Though, the young Selenite had also made a friendgroup with a bunch of older Gems - an Emerald with mercury implants named Polaris, a Peridot who was half-robotic titled Dain, a goopy Scheelite who went by Soy, and a Pearl with a vocal ability, Fezi. Throughout the years they all spent together, they all devised a plan to escape from the facility that held them..

..Under Ahmes heard from Lio that everybody was going to be killed. At age 4, Ahmes watched Lio break apart the facility on the day that every single Gem was to be slaughtered, escaping with him and two other Gems, Meis and Guiera. After two long hours of running, they all made it to Dunaria's prime city, Rawio. The four of them remained homeless, until an Agate had found Ahmes and Lio freezing during a harsh winter, and took them in. The Agate introduced herself as Laguna, and for many years, she took good care of the two. Although, while Lio spent his time in the outdoors, roughing around and tutoring a Pearl, Ahmes stayed with Laguna. But, Ahmes didn't like Laguna's constant nagging for her to become a healer, so she often ran off to one of Lio's friend's house, a Moonstone who went by Kyra. Kyra had an older sister though, Aki, who didn't exactly approve of Ahmes' antics, but let her stay for a few days nonetheless.

During one of Ahmes' sneakouts when she was 11, she was spying on Aki, finding it suspicious how her of all Gems, was so secretive, and carried around a glock for heaven's sake, until she was confronted by a punch of punks. During the confrontation, a Harlequin Opal her age came flying in and decked the leader of the punks square in the nose. Finding love at first sight with the Opal, she began running off, but quickly stopped when she saw the Opal get their ass kicked to the curb. Panicking, Ahmes attempted to treat the Opal, with Aki eventually stepping in and asking the half-delirious Opal if they wanted an ambulance, who shockingly replied with a mere 'no', before conking out in Ahmes' arms.

So, instead, Aki and Ahmes went back to the former's house, caring for the Opal, who recovered within mere hours, and introduced themselves as Matoi. Kyra and Ahmes practically begged Aki to let Matoi live with the Moonstone siblings, who begrudgingly agreed to. Within the month, Matoi and Ahmes had grown close, and were on the mere brink of beginning a relationship, until Lio's presumed 'death' occurred, leaving Ahmes shocked, and Matoi to learn of Lio's own friend, the now deceased Selenite, Faith. That night, Matoi ran away, and within the week, loads of Homeworld forces invaded Dunaria, allowing everybody to evacuate from the Sector 2 planet.

Ahmes and Laguna immigrated to Sector 5, eventually starting up another bunch of clinics within the area. As time passed without Lio, things became steadily boring for Ahmes - at least, until Lio arrived to them at the age of 16, in a state of critical damage. Ahmes quickly learned that Laguna now wanted nothing to do with Lio, only putting on a facade when she tried to speak with his sleeping form. The Selenite, enraged, yelled at Laguna, and left the clinic, now beginning a new life with Ximena, an old friend of hers.

Although, things didn't turn out so good, as Ximena began exhibiting the same behavior as Laguna, until Ahmes finally cut off what remained of her dysfunctional family, running away to the Lotus Terraformer Bay at age 17.

Present Day

Now, Ahmes is living a.. Somewhat decent life in the Lotus Terraformer Bay. She's unaware of Lio's current situation, nor any of the hardships the others have been facing. She still wants to become a fighter, but for now, she's making decent land as a therapist of sorts.

Although, aside from battle, the art of song has begun to catch her eye...


Ahmes was originally a perfect Gem named Atsu, before my overall story got a rewrite, and Ahmes became who she is now.

Ahmes' voiceclaim is Karai from TMNT 2012, and was based off of geckos, obviously.

Blush belongs to Ashyeria/Guin.

Ahmes is still in contact with Polaris! She's aware of Polaris' new occupation, and she seems to be the only Gem Ahmes is in contact with from her past.

Ahmes had been slightly aware of Faith, as Lio had a tendency to talk about her, but she never got to meet her before she died.