Vector's Comments

Hello! I'd love to offer for their being/design. šŸ˜šŸ’•

I can only offer trades in this current moment, but perhaps you'll find someone! Only characters I permit you to not offer on are šŸš«/šŸ—žļø(NFT/pending).

I hope the days serves you well, and thank you for taking some of your time to read my offer.šŸ’•

Iā€™m so sorry for the late reply, Iā€™m not on here very often but I reply fast to instagram DMs :^) unfortunately I did not see anyone I think iā€™d use, thank you so much for the offer tho !

Love their design!! <3


Anyone here interest you for them?

im so sorry for replying late!! im sorry I didn't see anyone i think id use

Hey still for trade?


i'm sorry i'm not, but thank you for offering though.

Would you accept art for them?

yes! can you please specify how much yud like to offer, also do yu think we can talk over instagram DM (its easier lol) its lilac.obsidian