


9 years, 5 months ago


He is a hoarder, whether this means material things such as items or larger things, such as people and plagues (though the latter is to a much lesser extent). He is possessive of what he deems to be his, though not in a violent way; Adfaer is mainly passive in his arguments, preferring to remain silent or speak fiercely than act out physically. There is never any rhyme or reason to the things that he chooses to like; a scattered pile of various objects picked because he likes the color of one thing or the texture of another. They are all placed with deliberate care in his place of residence; a clear sign of his strange obsession with them.

It is unclear whether Adfaer gets along well with Raffin, his caretaker; their relationship is peculiar, to say the least, as Raffin sees Adfaer less as a partner or family member and more of a test subject, a curiosity for him to study at length. Adfaer in turn is not reliant on Raffin, and is quite independent, preferring to come and go as he pleases and do what it is that he is drawn to do.

He is not particularly well-mannered; or at least, he shows no signs of ever having been taught proper manners, though Raffin will say that he did his best. Adfaer is not ignorant, but he is decidedly uncaring of the ways of most humans and disregards a great deal of what he deems to be useless social mores. He is bluntly truthful, almost brutally honest, and when he speaks, the words are usually short and gruff and small; straight to the point, without preamble or unnecessary embellishment. Where Raffin is eloquent and engaging, Adfaer is silent and brooding; a proud sort that prefers to keep to the darkness rather than be exposed to the light. He shares the same tolerance and passion for observation of humans that his Grimm does, though for different reasons. Raffin is scientific, full of theories and postulations about why a person does one thing or another; Adfaer is merely curious, unabashedly so. Humans, to Adfaer, are not a thing to be studied, but a thing to be used, a thing to be collected.

He is particularly black and white about certain things; when he believes his point of view to be right, there is little to be done that can persuade him from this. Adfaer is proud and feels entirely justified in assuming that he is correct while everyone else is wrong; to admit a mistake would be showing weakness, something he dislikes immensely. It is this aspect of him that tends to bring out the most of his aggression; being disregarded or assumed to be mistaken about something will make him quite angry, as he feels he has earned the right to be heard.


Ability to transmit disease through the bites of rats which he has bitten himself

When he has overexerted himself, Adfaer will lose control of his limbs, as if he is tangled up in a plethora of rat tails, and he will become as easily distracted as if he had several consciousnesses striving for attention all at once.

Rodent communication, body mass shifting (self), nose for treasure, internal compass, rat control