Bellatrix Chevalier



1 year, 9 months ago


 “H-hello, there..sorry.”


Name Bellatrix Chevalier
Age 20
Alias Bell
Gender Female
Sexuality Aroace
Pronouns she/her
Role Noble
Race or species

 “I do apologize for being scary. I swear I mean well.”
  • Has an eyepatch that she wears 
  • Always seen wearing some sort of jacket. 
  • Armor can be simplified. Shield is optional when drawing
  • Average build despite the giant shield
  • Very pale skin tone
Reference Here

The noble families of Kalos were a highly respected and feared bunch. Coming from multiple family lines that used to be serfs in the middle ages, then overthrowing a corrupt king when he went mad, turning the region into a prosperous state excelling in arts and anything considered beautiful. Bellatrix here is proof that the ‘respected and feared’ part is very, very true. The young lady tries to be polite and cordial to others when spoken to, but somehow people just can’t seem to get past the more, peculiar parts of her existence. Bellatrix acts valiantly and chooses to have a strong sense of justice and strives to be an honorable lady. She is also very dense; not understanding when people love her more than just a friend.


solitary social

observant dense

logical emotional

organised messy

assertive turbulent

 Some words here 
About: sword and shield

The sword and shield she wields in battle has rather…. Quirky habits. For one, the sword has a habit of ‘stealing souls’ and the shield is said to strike fear into opponents, causing them to give up. It has also been rumored to be the very same weapon a king wielded 3000 years ago. For Bellatrix herself, her lifespan has decreased by half of what it would be, which she doesn't know about and can’t feel.

Ability: stance change


She grew up in a rather rich household and around a bunch of nobles, and got a good inheritance of wealth from them once she was of age. The girl got a good education from one of Kalos’ best academies. Her parents love her dearly, but they wish she would just put the swords away and agree to an arranged marriage with one of her suitors. The reasoning came after they saw her lose her eye in what was supposed to be a friendly spar. Bellatrix found herself unable to, so she pretty much left a note on her father’s desk and started wandering. Orion and his team found her picking a flower near the palace and offered her to join them, not knowing she was tied to nobility


  • Loves loves loves going to bubble tea shops. She mainly insisted that she would go often due to the fact that she loves how the owners would make macarons and pastries, but then she’d walk out with Taro boba lol. 
  • Would rather mend her worn clothes than buy new stuff. Not really a fan of the current day fashion. She hates how everything is so tight and skimpy!
  • Owns a bike and would bike everywhere she goes. It’s the yellow mod. 
  • Has tried to make Galarian curry numerous times, but she will never be able to get it down to a T. Her peers think it’s good stuff, but deep down she doesn’t believe it’s ever going to hit the same as how her father would make it. 
  • Sometimes, she worries that some assassin or notorious thief would come and rid her from this world. Being rich and a noble comes with its downsides, as they’d attract attention from people who’d go after them solely for wealth and power. 

 Some words here 
Aesthetic Royal
Alignment chaotic good
Sin c
Virtue c

Designer Minicoffeeccino
Obtained.            Made in 2021
Status content
Value $$$


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Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!