


1 year, 9 months ago


Artificial Being
177cm / 5'10''
Appears around 30
 But gods are born of ichor and nectar, their excellences already bursting from their fingertips. So they find their fame by proving what they can mar: destroying cities, starting wars, breeding plagues and monsters.- Madeline Miller, Circe

Neith has long beautiful red hair that she takes great pride in, but in general, she takes great pride in her appearance (understandably so). Her eyes are a bright gold and beneath her left eye is a small birthmark. She has a slender build that can be deceptive considering her immense strength as an Arbiter of a god of war and strategy. One would think her disposition delicate, but despite the softness of her skin, one would be hard pressed to harm her. Neith's body shows her artificial nature to any who bear witness to her upper arms and legs, and yet, she is rather proud of it than ashamed. Despite being able to hide such things with magic, she prefers not to. 


Arrogant. Immensely so. She has participated in a great deal of battles with a kill count that puts her even above other Arbiters. She is aware that she is a favorite of her lord and creator as their sole Arbiter, and thus, that only heightens her sense of pride in both her self and her abilities. Her elegance and hunger for all the finer things in life, bellies her savage nature. She suffers no disrespect, even the slightest. To insult her is to earn her ire and an even greater punishment to match. Despite this, Neith has a softness towards children and women, granting them her protection if any come to her for succor or desire her wisdom. 

Though she may be an Arbiter of a war deity, said god did not only partake in war and all that entails. They are a champion of the arts and of learning. As such, she too shows great intelligence and an equal adoration for such things as well. Those who are promising tend to earn her favor.


Neith was created for the sole purpose of serving her god just as many other Arbiters are the same. In a sense, they are akin to weapons that will step in to handle issues if the Divine they serve is unable to. She is the might of her god, the voice of them, and shares aspects in regards to her personality that reflect this too. Conflicts between the gods ran rampant at one time; fights between them, between their worshipers, between the very lands they governed -- yet over time, with many of the gods slain by others or having fallen into deep sleep, the chaos of thousands of years eventually simmered down into an era of some lasting peace. She still serves her purpose, but puts more emphasis on overlooking the masses and their growth with the same sharp gaze of a king.


  • Loves silks and lingeries.

  • She can elongate her nails, but normally they appear clipped and carefully manicured. Whenever her nails grow into claws, that is normally a sign that violence is about to be enacted and one best prostrate themselves before her in hopes that Neith will be merciful.

  • Her hearing is exceptional. Over her many years, she has learned how to pinpoint certain sounds and accurately guess their distance. As a result, she is quite the skilled hunter.

  • She greatly enjoys praise.

  • Has an attachment to mortals.

【Raysia】- Forgotten Words