

1 year, 9 months ago


MS.H.Y // Ms. Hate Yourself // Little Miss Hate Yourself // 自己嫌悪さん

A deceptive entity.  She typically presents herself in a keronian-esque form.  Her friendly demeanor and silly mannerisms make her appear nonthreatening at first.  However, her subliminal abilities will slowly cause those who are near her to begin thinking depressive and dark thoughts.  She will placate the ailing with a cheerful mannerism, making those in her presence dependent upon her until the depressive thoughts outweigh the joy her faux personality can bring.  It is then that she will show her true nature, and devour the one she'd tricked, so deep in the throes of despair that they welcome their demise.

Her favorite targets are artists and creators.  Poets, craftsmen, writers, dreamers, by stirring their passions into a frenzy, they are longer lasting victims, able to weather her despair by the light of their creativity and visions.  It is also easier for her to dupe hopeful visionaries who have fallen short of their own desires, luring them in with earnest sounding praise, making them similarly favored victims.  Her draconic dimension is decorated with the pieces she's received from every creative mind she's snuffed out, and can be seen appearing to fawn over her gifts, though she may simply be lured by the residual hope that clings onto them even after the ghost of whomever had created it has long since faded.

Though she does not speak, she seems to be able to convey what her victim wants to hear through her nonsensical whispers, otherwise communicating in a babbling sort of speech, or giggling (ジジジ)

Her artifact is a glass ball hidden inside of herself.  She is distantly related to the draconic responsible for the annihilation of the Planet Busters.  Her snake / dragon form is 7 feet tall.  She has the ability to summon juggernauts.