Khushi Solis



2 years, 20 days ago


Gender: Female
Age: 31
Height:  8'5" (256 cm)
Sexuality: Aromantic

Sun-based: Solar attacks, Solar beam, Solar heat, Solar aura, Solar strike, Light absorption
Weather: Weather Manipulation, Air/Water/Electricity/Thermal Manipulation and aura, Cloud solidification, Cloud aura


  • A long time ago, two clouds joined together almost seamlessly next to the Sun, when the weather was hitting a peak in temperature. Both of them stayed close, unbothered and completely intact during the entire time it was up, and as soon as dusk came, the next morning... A small cloud appeared inside of the nearby woods during that fateful dawn, one that was alive! With non toughts on her mind besides for a short name, "Khushi" was left on her own amongst the animals and possible dangers in the forest, but she managed to survive for a few years even with her weak appearance. Slowly adapting to the environment, Khushi started developing into a more human-like figure, with noticeable orange tinted skin and a very faint "warm" across her body, which she didn't question much. During these times she didn't have anyone around to take care of her or even just teach her about the forest, so she pretty much had to rely on bare instincts, or at least that was until she clumsily stumbled one day into a really tall, robust figure all alone in the woods like her surprisingly, it seemed to be a knight!...something she didn't recognize but likewise did'nt question. Their interaction was admittedly a bit awkward, none of them exchanging even a single word in their confusion at first, but they eventually managed to understand each other, at least just a little bit, earning Khushi her first real friend! The little cloud girl spent most of her childhood close to that solitary armored fellow, both of them learning many things across the way: Khushi, how to be more aware of her surroundings and survive with more ease, and the knight, on how lowering his own guard wasn't so bad of a choice sometimes. Eventually, a town nearby ended up finding about her one day, and after seeing how she always lived in the woods alone, she was eventually picked up as a part of their community, where she was taught how to read, speak, and basic mannerisms. Khushi was growing up to be a cheerful, energetic woman, with an overall pretty normal life until then despite her unnatural weather-related characteristics, but upon reaching the age of 18 these begun to show up stronger:  An unexpected growth spurt made her reach a height of 1.80m, bigger than most of the girls where she lived, alongside a considerable increase on her temperature. Leaving the townsfolk at odds, she decided it was better to go out into the woods again, at least until she knew better about her own conditions.  
    Khushi took shelter in a somewhat lonely chunk in the middld of the forest, this time with more preparation and a tree big enough to slowly carve out and set up a few rooms to call a home. She stayed in there for around a few months without running into anyone of note, at least, until she found a box left in front ot the big tree trunk she was living in... A box with a young child! Khushi tried to look for her parents or even where the little kid was from, but nothing was found that day. So, with a bit of nervous consideration, she decided to make an attempt at being a "caretaker" for her until she could find them. After all, she could take care of herself, how hard would it be to do the same for an infant? Of course, she couldn't really teach much about anything outside the forest, but Khushi still made sure to let her know what seemed most important(Basic care, cooking, social skills), while she also made sure to give her much needed nutrition...which, reluctantly at first, also included helping with breastfeeding herself.
    As the years went by, Kushi managed to further expand and remodel the house, as well as trying out a bit of training and exercise to test out her little "quirks". She managed to learn a small form of control over her own heat, expelling it from her body and hair without issue, but her physical growth didn't seem to ever fully stop, giving her more of a motherly build. Said traits didn't seem to stop with her however... The kid she was taking care of, newly named 'Sherry' by her, seemed to adopt some of her traits after being raised on her own breastmilk, giving her a similar physique at her teenage years and slowly tainting her hair with a bright, pink shade as she grew up. While their relationship could seem a bit one sided due to Sherry's more closed and quiet behavior,
    Khushi grew attached to her like a bit of a an adoptive daughter. Khushi usually spent her free time now trying to find stuff for Sherry and herself, food and resources basically, given she was already familiar with a big chunk of the forest. The one thing that came as a surprise to her was when trying to pickup flowers one day, a small small bee child crying alone sitting on the grass. Given how Khushi didn't seem like someone mean, she explained herself a bit: Clara, a bee that was treated badly by most of her close partners because of a mishaped hornet and her more 'nerdy' attitudes. Khushi offered her to stay on her treetop house for a little bit before returning to her own house. Clara felt overjoyed with how tall and diverse the tree was, and upon seeing how friendly Khushi was that day, she started visiting on and off during the following weeks. Now she pretty much treats the treetop as a bit of a second home, something that both of the cloudy girls didn't mind at all!
    On the present day, those 3 girls stay at the forest as a bit of a varied, almost family. Khushi takes care of both of them now almost like a proper mom, focusing her efforts on making sure they have a very good and comfortable life growing up, while she was still "growing up" herself, in terms of her height and her weather related quirks that she tried not to let out too often.