Mokkec Zruldrezok



1 year, 7 months ago


Mokkec Zruldrezok

Name Mokkec Zruldrezok
Nickname Mokki
Species Hobgoblin
Gender N-B
Pronoun He/They
Orientation Pansexual

Age 25
Birthday Unknown
Height 6'5"
Weight 200lbs

Place of Birth Info
Residence Unknown
Occupation Wandering

Status Lost
Worth Info

Colour Palette

Reference Sheet


  • Order
  • Planning
  • Quiet
  • Reading
  • Sparring


  • Disorder
  • Needless Violence
  • Messy People
  • Loud
  • Monotony


Mokkec grew up a member of a proud, successful military family with a long lineage. The Zruldrezok line is a wealthy one, that any would be proud to be part of. This was not so for Mokkec, who found his upbringing to be suffocating and soul-sucking.

He was not allowed the common niceties of childhood, hobbies and play were not meant for him according to his family. His focus was to be studying and training to continue the time-honored tradition of joining the military once he was old enough.

There was never a time that his relationship with his parents was light and friendly. He could not remember ever seeing his father, Freng, smile. As for his mother, Johi... though not as strict as her husband, she was very much like him. They pressured Mokkec to live up to their expectations perfectly, anything short of perfection was a stark disappointment.

It became too much for Mokkec, he dropped out of military academy and returned home to gather his things. Upon arrival, he was disowned by his parents, only given enough time in his ancestral home to pack what he could carry and leave.

Mokkec's relationship with his father is incredibly strained due to the man's strict method of child rearing. He can't remember ever seeing the man smile or laugh, and he never had any words of pride to say for his son. He disowned Mokkec when the young hobgoblin returned home from abandoning the academy.

Though Johi was not as cold as her husband, she was not much better. She did not have the normal sort of motherly affection for her son that you would see in other families, and she didn't try to stand up for him when her husband was disowning him. To Mokkec, she is just as bad as her husband, and he has no feelings either way in regards to her as a person.


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