DeadWeight Mercenary Corps



2 years, 27 days ago


??? y/o ???
Amethyst Golem
Resident of Minuera
Within the freezing recesses of Icen Mountains crevasses, a lone golem awakens after decades of slumber, knowing nothing of its past. Having newfound feelings and powers beyond its original autonomous body, it's able to control the radiating crystals it harnesses like beams of light.
18 y/o Male
Spotted Ice Wolf
Resident of Tempural
A dropout of Kaplar's finest institutions and ex-apprentice of Liquorice for unknown reasons, Granola holds onto powerful light magic within his rings. A loner, quiet type, always willing to help others when needed but tends to avoid being a part of the pack.
28 y/o Male
Frosted Mantis Shrimp
Resident of Fonden
An expert card and gambling mechanic, Marshmallow is well-versed in the lottery, able to rig any game in his or a client's favor. His slight-of-hand skills are so incredible that he can even weaponize his assets in battle. He also doubles as a clown and magician on his free time.
24 y/o Female
Porcelain Rabbit
Resident of Tempural
A spoiled rich daughter who sought for more intense pleasures outside of fencing practice and shopping sprees. Rebelling outside her family's knowledge, she takes great pride in the pain she can inflict to targets with her extensive ice magic and combat training.
25 y/o Male
Skye Terrier
Resident of Voctalsa
Somewhat a daredevil, Scotch is always willing to put himself in the line of danger for an adrenaline rush or to save his close friends. He's adaptable and intelligent, well-experience in the world of survival even against some of the deadliest creatures in Essentia, using his dirk like an expression of art.
24 y/o Female
Desert Lynx
Resident of Bruléev
A dancer and entertainer, roaming all around the desert to perform her exquisite dances to crowds. Outgoing, flirtatious, and very confident. Paprika can be devious and sly, getting a rise out of putting her dexterous moves towards prey - not above putting on a "final show" for her targets.
26 y/o Male
Coconut Genet
Resident of Lamda
A city slicker and experienced thief, Cronut is the ultimate conman and pickpocket artist. A swindler of the highest pedigree; he is confident, witty, and an excellent liar, able to talk his way through any of life's gambles. If the odds are stacked against him, his knife can do the job instead.
25 y/o Female
Moss Dweller
Resident of Voctalsa
Descending from a family of assassins, Daifuku continued the bloodline through her masterful use of hidden and deadly toxic magic and curses ever since she was a young teen. Her diverse demeanor between cold killer and loyal friend comes from her own warped morality and the kindness her family imbued in her.
22 y/o Male
Noxious Mauve Rat
Resident of Homus
Somewhere undisclosed in demon country, a labrat was experimented on with an infusion of chemicals and amputations, leaving him possessed by a poisonous darkness and amalgamated with questionable machinery. Cheddar's disposition has been left bitter, broken, and searching for bloody revenge in return, willing to kill all who cross him.
??? y/o Male
Shadow Vulpine
Resident of Homus
When shadows on the floor separate and take form, new life is born outside the original host. Pear is extremely skilled in the theatrical art of wooden katanas and paper umbrellas. He doesn't know where he came from, but he does know his purpose: "kill."