Spirit God: Nascita Verme



1 year, 9 months ago


The birth of the flame. The beauty of creation. The fire that rages inside the hearts of every Essentian. Nascita Verme is the life, the death, the soul and the ghost of all those fires combined. None have witnessed their glory, only citing that you may see their shadow within the clouds of a great storm, their mane glowing with the essence of one-thousand spirits. Their depiction is up to much debate between many scholars and artists alike, only going off the details of vague old archives within the inner Homus and Tempural libraries, ancient scriptures that only the most astute can decipher. Who worshipped this creature? What have they done for Essentia and what's their influence today? Where have they gone to within the new millenia? Nobody truly knows, but rumors continue to spread and captivate archivists with incredible tales and legends of this powerful ghastly figure.