


1 year, 9 months ago


Name Nutmegchirp

Former Names  Nutmegkit

Gender Male (He/Him)

Orientation Unclear

Former mentor Spidersnarl

Rank Warrior

Residence Shadowclan


A brown colored tabby with darker stripes fading along his limbs. When well taken care of, his fur has a very feathery texture on which droplets seem to bounce for the most part. That doesn't stop him from getting wet though, but water seems to have a little more trouble getting through. However, he rarely remembers to groom himself and often finds twigs and leaves stuck between strands of dirt covered fur.

An average sized warrior with long legs and a thin body. His eyes are pale green.

Design notes
  • Usually covered in leaves or dirt
  • Darker colored stub tail.

Nutmeg always only wanted to help. He has a huge heart ready to give so much to others but he was forced to grow spikes in order to protect himself. He enjoys spending time around others, collecting every little attention he can receive but often doesn’t know how to request it in a correct manner. Once very loud and easily excitable, the apprentice couldn't always decode whether he was being entertaining or annoying. He now doesn’t take the risk anymore, and upon noticing he’s acting as such, Nutmeg will often try to calm down and hide before causing more problems. He realizes and is very aware his life is easy compared to many and it puts a lot of weight on his shoulders. Thinking back, Nutmeg feels guilty for his happiness during the time he was away. Doubts never cease to torment him and he wishes for a day where he’ll finally be free of them. He desperately wants to make things right and it causes him to forget about his own health and the trauma he needs to heal first.

Around the few cats he knows, Nuts doesn’t have to work hard for his good old personality to shine back. He’s loud, happy to be content, and very grateful for the good moments he gets to have. Friends of his gain a loyal and outgoing companion who’s ready to follow them everywhere. He is quite observant and can surprisingly be very empathetic towards the emotions of his peers.

  • Observing amphibians/bugs
  • Being physically close to others
  • Receiving attention and being praised
  • Killing/Hunting
  • His deep fear of blood.
  • Being made fun of











Herb Knowledge






Faith in StarClan


Nutmeg was born during a surprisingly warm day of winter, hidden under a small shed of the woodcutting place. His mother found shelter under there after quite a violent storm and spent some days building a small nest of hay and feathers for her soon-to-be-born kittens. Rue gave birth to six healthy kits, both a miracle and a curse for a single mother out in the wild and without the security of a clan. She tried her very best to care for all of them but soon enough, the first one died of starvation and cold. It was simply too hard to feed so many mouths when she wasn’t nearly catching enough for herself. What would it be when they’d grow older? Fortunately that day, an old friend of hers came to visit after searching for many moons. He found her crying underneath the small construction, holding on for dear life on her fifth kit, who was visibly following the same path as the last one. He had rolled away from the others and found himself stuck under debris when she was still out hunting. His tail had also been crushed under the weight of a rock and it now had an very odd angle. Hardly capable of finding the courage to ask him this favor, she pleaded for him to take the tiny kitten and bring him to his new clan where he’d get the care he deserved and needed. Mole’Tuft was a strong warrior quickly growing in popularity within his new clan. After his hard experience as a rogue, he decided to settle in Shadowclan, with his mate MossyLog.though he had a very solid loyalty to his clan, the tom couldn’t help but feel worried for his friend Rue, who he had met long ago as a rogue. His disappearances to meet her were starting to get noticed and he didn't know how long he could keep doing it. He quickly accepted, reaching over to gently pull the little one with him, warming him up with strong licks. Rue then forced him to leave and never look for her again. If his clan found out about him meeting with a rogue, both his and her kit’s life could be in danger. With tears, they said their goodbyes. “Please take good care of my little Nutmeg…”

Nutmeg spent a lot of his time as a kit hidden in bushes, somewhere along the borders of Shadowclan territories. His parents were very caring to him and he never lacked anything, yet they were often very busy trying to get used to the new Clan lifestyle. It was for protection they kept him away, since afterall, Shadowclan was only a group of strangers, rogues even, at the beginning. Because of that, he spent a lot of time alone although it never seemed to bother him much. He made friends with dragonflies and frogs, following them in their own little adventures. His loneliness didnt bother him, or at least, he never seemed to see it at first. When thrown into this new environment that was a clan, Nutmeg suffered a big emotional trauma. Not only were his dads missing for these first few days, but he found himself more alone than ever, even when he was surrounded with others of his species, more than he's ever seen before. His way of surviving with all of the new aspects of his life appeared in the form of a small odd kitten. There appeared his first imaginary not so imaginary friend which brought him a feeling of safety. Afterall, talking with Bones wasn't really any different than the conversations he had with the frogs. Though this time, It was as if he could actually perceive a weak voice responding...

He was deeply affected by his apprentice years where he was pushed into the life of a warrior even when he showed much greater interest into medicinal herbs. Unfortunately, his interest to follow the path of a medicine cat was never recognized in time and another apprentice was choosen instead of him. He still feels deeply conflicted about this past event.


  • Nutmegchip
  • Nutmeg — A forest related name for the wild kit
  • Chirp — Referencing the weird chirping noises he makes when embarassed
  • Nutmeg doesn't feel he deserves the name of a warrior and for a long time believed he would only go by Nutmegpaw for the rest of his life.
  • He is also nicknamed : Hazelnut, Shoom, Megmeg

Former mentor

"I really wish I could bring myself to like Spider. She has sacrificed a lot for me and I've hurt her again and again. Yet, the way she speaks to me, how she brings me down at times and her agressivity make me deeply uneasy. I don't know what to think... and I feel guilty of it."

Best friend

"Although he never really speaks, I've found one of the best companion in Bones. He can never judge or laugh at my mistakes and he might be one of the only cat I can be myself around. I know the feelings are likely not shared, but I promise him my undying loyalty and love.


"I appreciate his presence during hard times. He has protected me from the horrors of this world as much as he could and although we've been drifting apart lately, he will always remain in my heart."

Negative aquaintance

"He was the one who succeded where I failed. I wish I was strong enough to wish him luck in his journey but the jealous that lays in the darkness of my mind will never let me."

code by jiko