Morrisonite Jasper



2 years, 19 days ago

Basic Info

Eyes of Iris: Member of Jet Black's Court


Gem I.D. Cut-2XK Facet-8568
Gem Type Jasper
Gem Area Neck
Role Personal Guard
Alignment Loyalist
Pronouns She/Her
Era Made Mid-Era 3
Height 9'7"
˗ˏˋ Morrisonite Jasper ˊˎ˗

A rough and tough Jasper who was created within a Blue Quartz kindergarten by accident, leading to her form becoming saturated with a sharp blue hue. Nevertheless, she was a fantastic soldier who rivaled many of her fellow Jaspers. She was sent off to guard different facilities, however none of them ever really brought her joy to protect. She sought for a challenge or something unique, she wanted to do something a normal gem wouldn’t.

She’d get her wish after one day when she was guarding a Reef and a little blue Ruby walked in claiming to be a promoted General. After a chuckle, but then that being proved when the Ruby was approved to get not just one pearl, but two, Morrisonite had found her calling. Protecting the Ruby, a gem who had defied expectations of their type was what she had been looking for. Today, she is the furious guard of General 4NP, protecting both 4NP’s honor and gem.

An adopt purchased for $20