Shi Carlton



1 year, 9 months ago


name: shi carlton
nicknames: toaster, snapping turtle
age: 107
birthday: November 19
gender: male, self-identified
pronouns: he/him
species: automaton
height: 6'3"
build: Lanky and lean, looks almost skeletal in silhouette
location: Shi's Garage
occupation: mchanic
status: alive

Built by a man in the grips of paranoia, Shi was originally intended to be his maker's apprentice. His sentience was not fully expected, but once online the bot proved himsef to be a true individual, and was brought up as a son to his inventor, Paul Carlton.

But, though paranoid, Paul wasn't wrong about having enemies, and when push came to shove, he sacrificed himself for Shi's freedom. Alone in a world that treated automatons as second-class citizens at best, Shi soon became bitter, prioritizing survival over empathy and charity. He has a soft spot for

Bitter, cynical, paranoid... Shi trusts little and likes less in the modern world. Having lived through multiple civil rights movements and witnessed how humans fight and kill among themselves, Shi is of the staunch opinion that automatons, robots, and sentient machines of all calibers will never know peace in a world run by humans, who seem to always need someone to punch down on.

Darrel "Dowel" Withall: A young spy bot, Dowel is the most recent lost soul to find himself under Shi's protection. Whiny, pessimistic, and fearful, Dowel may be built to look like a young adult, but mentally he's quite young, and still getting used to the concept of being alive.
Gage Greive: One of Shi's many strays taken in, but the first to become family to him, Gage lives in the Garage with Shi, serving as an appraiser and book keeper. Gage knows most of Shi's plans and has helped him with a number of jobs, but he's not particularly mechanically apt. Gage is a childform robot, but looks mustn't fool anyone: he's only a few years younger than Shi, and almost as cynical.
Punchy: Shi's girlfriend, a human scrapper with a long history of business with the Garage. Despite the stigma against human/bot relationships, Punchy is unafraid of being known publically as Shi's partner. She helps Shi manage his temper and take care of his 'kids'. Punchy's full name is Prudence Chello.

Tall and lithe, Shi has rebuilt and redesigned himself many times over the years, thought some of Paul's aesthetic choices linger on. Shi's current build uses a special carbon nano-fiber for his substructures and copper-plated titanium for his dermal plating. His teeth are sharp and misalligned from brawls, and his hands are long and sensitive to help with his mechanical work. His 'eyes' are mostly for show, and change colours to help translate his emotions on a face that can't emote. Typically they are green, and he does his best to keep them that way.

 #ce7e00   #92a3a8   #6ff00f   #f4f3db   #750c0c 

Likes: Punchy, Gage, Dowel, fixing things that are broken

Dislikes: Most people, beign emotionally available, himself