Trygg's Comments

May I do a pixel of him? :D

Oh gosh, that would be awesome <3 <3

YAY! :D Umm, witch wing style should I use? :)

Whichever is easier for you I guess~ I'll be using both styles like you suggested. (:

Oks~ :D I'll be done tomorrow then! You ok with me posting it on da?

Yeah of course! I'm excited to see it! <3

5 Replies I hope you like how I did it, let me know if you need anything changed~~~:)

It's really perfect, thank you so so much!!! <3

So happy you like it~~~~~💙💙

Of course! It's totally gorgeous <3 It's perfect for his little icon! Thank you so much again, I feel like I can never express how much I am amazed that this pixel of him exists <3

1 Replies

Ahhh, so COOL! I adore the wings~ :D

I know right! I can't decide if I prefer the blended or unblended coloring better~

Yeah, that would be hard to pick~:) Maybe you could use both! :D

Yeah! I guess I can hehe (: