Jin Chisuke



1 year, 9 months ago


Curse technique: Cursed Blood.

With his blood Jin is able to draw protective symbols and runes, along with “spells” also known as rituals to attack. His curse technique is very complex with over 50 runes he has memorized over the years. His technique may be strong but with how much blood he loses during a fight it makes him prone to illness.

Wards: these are the most simple, Jin can block almost any attack given enough time. Jin would draw a protective sigil with his blood in front of him, which makes a shield. 

Rituals: all ritual symbols have to be written on the curse/Adversary. They range from simple burning attacks to draining raw energy out of the opponent.  These are his most powerful attacks but they take the longest to cast, and require him to write the rune on the creature with his own blood.

smites: in desperate times Jin can perform a smite. A smite requires at least 6 ounces of blood. No sigil is required and this attack produces a bright light and deadly burns in a small range 

Domain expansion- Sacrificial altar

His domain expansion requires a full circle to be drawn around the target. Once the circle is made it is practically inescapable, but any curse or sorcerer can enter the circle. He draws out a full cup of blood, and completely drains the curse trapped within the circle. Though this expansion leaves him quite weak.


Jin is 5’2. Is small gremlin 

Jin has been practicing Jujutsu sorcery ever since his parents passing. His parents were also jujutsu sorcerers (at least on his mother side), his mother passed down her cursed blood down to Jin.
His parents died to a special grade curse which he feels guilt for not saving them… even though he was 7 at the time. During his parents death, while trying to escape from the curse Jin lost his eye.

He is now in his 2nd year at jujutsu high and is still looking for the special grade that killed his parents… seeking revenge.

He likes to keep a cute persona up and prefers the more adorable things in life. His parents always spoiled him with all the stuff animals and other softer toys he wanted. The stickers bring him comfort in his line of work.

His family works for the yakuza and is tied up in some dirty business. He was adopted by his aunt, his mom's older sisyer.

Yurei- Yurei is a curse tied to what seems to be a glass eye. This eye was gifted to Jin after his parents died, he assumed it was a replacement for his missing eye and he placed it in his eye socket. Yurei is now a spirit who lives inside him, it is rumored that she was originally his great great aunt. When she was alive she wanted to be the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer, she cut herself apart replacing pieces of herself with cursed artifacts… eventually becoming a curse herself.

Yurei’s curse technique: Yurei has the ability to use cursed “spells” mixing both verbal components and exact touches she has the ability to control others cursed energy. Feeding off it and empowering herself. As well as super strength

Yurei’s Domain expansion: Abyssal Home

Her domain resembles a traditional style Japanese mansion, the rooms are endless, and strange specters slowly hunt down whatever creature is trapped within. Drawing off their energy till they are a husk

Romantic partner: Tsushima Koto

his blood curse abilities rely on ofuda and the creation of origami fighting papers

Caretakers name: Ose Yuri , aka Ose-san